Saturday, February 4, 2012

High schools to close and reopen

From the Daily News:

The future of eight large Queens high schools — and the hundreds of educators who work there — are in jeopardy as the city plans to overhaul the struggling institutions.

The schools could lose up to half of their staff and receive a new principal and name this fall after the city and teachers union failed to reach an agreement on teacher evaluations.

The move could help the city get up to $60 million in federal funds.

Kathy Carlson, president of the Parents Association at Grover Cleveland High School, in Ridgewood, blames the school’s poor graduation rate on its large number of students who aren’t fluent in English — and therefore take longer to finish high school.

Other Queens schools facing a turn-around include Flushing High School; Long Island City High School; William Cullen Bryant High School, in Long Island City; John Adams High School, in Ozone Park; Newtown High School, in Elmhurst; and Richmond Hill High School.

Queens: Vibrant, diverse and full of dropouts!


EW-3 said...

"The move could help the city get up to $60 million in federal funds."

This is the root of the problem.

If people in DC who no nothing of the neighborhood control the purse strings based on arbitrary scores, the system will fail.

Return control (spelled funding) to the local neighborhood. They have a real stake in the success of schools.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of great teachers and terrific students in Queens. they just don't sell papers...

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

It is not the teachers fault that NYC is a santuary city and that thousands of non-speaking English kids are enrolled here. Drop the santuary city status and see graduations increase. It is sooo obvious that illegal immigrants are draining this city, in more ways than I can count. In comparision they add very little to the grand scheme of DIVERSITY.
Why do these politicians think Diverse is better?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Newtown is still open, even when I went there in the
late 80's it was a mess.

Anonymous said...

Of course. Unless the buildings themselves are structurally deficient (i.e. rotten roof, damaged foundation, etc.) the building are reused as schools. And the students are still going to be there until the demographic winter arrives. "Not reopening" is not an option.

Anonymous said...

If they close them, where will all the Illegals go to school? There's too many of them. I agree with Maspeth Mom. Change our sanctuary city status and graduation rates will go up. Why do American citizens have to pay for people that don't belong here in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Its a numbers game just like cop stat . Bloomberg is a numbers person, this way he can hide whats going on with 4 or 5"smaller" schools in each building. It will be the same amount of kids with the same clientle. One school will be a "specialized" school and the others, who knows. ONCE AGAIN THE PEOPLE OF QUEENS ARE BEING DUPED AND SCREWED.

Anonymous said...

RE #2....the majority of these great students are graduating from local parochial schools. these parent's taxes are being wasted on the social engineering public school failure.

but their union leaders do get richer and richer.

Anonymous said...

"Why do these politicians think Diverse is better?"

Because most of the "Diversity"communities are illegals and most illegals vote democrat.

Queens Dad said...

I'm glad that NYC is a sanctuary city. The "deport them all" mentality, and it's buck-toothed cousin "self-deport", should probably get with it and head out to the woods of Virginia, where that mentality more common and appropriate. I'm glad that NYC (and the rest of the USA) has laws to protect children from the meanspirited and short-sighted refusal to acknowledge the reality of our current world. They're not going anywhere and pretending they are not here will simply make things worse. If they weren't in school, you'd have a lot more problems to address down the road. But really, people, wake up. I'm shocked that people who pass as parents could be so heartless when it comes to the less fortunate of God's children. Can't turn back the clock, can't put the genie back in the bottle, can't undo the movement of global capital and its human residuals, which follow like the infinitely long tail of a massive comet.

Anonymous said...

If you stopped illegal aliens from being in school, the state funds which are calculated per day per student will go down.
Follow the money. The Bored of Ed and the teachers unions couldn't get by on less money. They need these students that a sanctuary city creates.

Anonymous said...

Nice try "Queens Dad", I'm sure that you and many like you would just love for us to give up everything we built here and worked hard all our lives for. But the fact is that we AREN'T giving up, WE are staying right where we are, and you and the thieves you gush over are in for one hell of a battle if you continue your lame attempt to push us out of our high schools and our neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Diversity, as long as these students are here legally and learn English!

Anonymous said...

Turnaround management. Hire Giuliani Associates.

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