Saturday, February 4, 2012

Addabbo and Avella introduce quality-of-life bills

From Forest Hills Patch:

One bill that recently passed the Senate is designed to curb graffiti by making those who are convicted of graffiti-related crimes to clean up the unsightly street art in their communities.

State Sen. Tony Avella, D-Bayside, co-sponsored a bill that would require penalties for graffiti convictions to include graffiti removal.

State Sen. Joe Addabbo, who represents Forest Hills, is also pushing legislation that would force the city to give residents within a half mile of construction zones a heads-up three days in advance.

The bill would also apply to infrastructure projects that would disrupt gas and electric service. Construction that would be complete in under 48 is not subject to the restrictions.


Anonymous said...

Nice suggestion, although aren't there move important issues for State Senator's to deal with in Albany.
This is more of a city council issue and for other local governments in the state to deal with .

Anonymous said...

they already did vote for the most important issue in nys, THE HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE BILL........

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 2: Shocking news. How terribly, terribly shocking.

The sun has risen in the east and set in the west every day since they cast those votes.

Anonymous said...

Why should the nyc council concern themselves with local issues, in Avella's own neighborhood City Coucilmember Dan Halloran will clean the grafitti himself. That is if you happen to be a rich absentee landlord who resides in Manhattan and your property is across the street from his friends new restaurant!

Anonymous said...

i recall the first photo op that i saw of T.Avella,( pre-public payroll). the weaklies had him painting over graffiti on the Clearview Expressway walls at northern blvd.

it finally got him to Albany, which he seems to dislike now.

Anonymous said...

Why should the nyc council concern themselves with local issues, in Avella's own neighborhood City Coucilmember Dan Halloran will clean the grafitti himself. That is if you happen to be a rich absentee landlord who resides in Manhattan and your property is across the street from his friends new restaurant.


Anonymous said...

It would make sence if someone blocks a sidewalk due to construction to make it cheaper for someone to block the same side of the street and more expensive to block the opposite side so folks don't have to jaywalk back and forth crisscrossing.

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