From the NY Post:
After a year filled with ridicule and scandal, disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner finally has something he can feel proud about — a new baby boy.
Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, gave birth to the wee Democrat yesterday, 10 days before the New Year’s Eve due date, The Post has learned. Jordan Zain Weiner checked in at 7 lbs. 5.8 oz, a source said.
Weiner emailed friends yesterday announcing the arrival of their "sparkling wonder."
Now he'll have another little Weiner to play with!
I'm happy for them and hope Weiner turns a new page in his life. What happened to him was disgraceful, but many men watch pornography in their bedrooms and that's just as bad. Men need to know the damages pornography does to themselves, their wives and relationships. Sadly pornography is plaguing this nation and the minds of our youngest boys. It's a disease and addiction that will bring down the finest man.
Hopefully the sensational stories are over for this couple and hope / wish them well for their first born.
Good luck to the new parents.
A fresh start and a new life...congratulations!!!!
Baby's mom is not jewish, so I guess no Bris.
Poor kid, he's barely into this world, and already everyone is making fun of him : (
Baby's mom is not jewish, so I guess no Bris.
Under the circumcizes...
"Little Weiner"....cocktail frank....LOL!
I wonder if dad will bequeath his porn to his son.
What a crass comment....the baby is the innocent one in this situation. Grow up & get a real life!
He's a Jew. She's Muslim, Pakistani parents, American-born, but raised in Saudi Arabia. Bill Clinton officiated at the wedding. Let's hope that Weiner's campaign chest can compenstate for all that for Jordan Zain's sake. By the way, is that a Jewish name?
who gives a crap?
Anonymous said...
who gives a crap?
Thank you!
Oscar Liar Weiner sounds more appropriate for the brat.
is ZAIN a short form for ZAINIE ? is Zany Gingrich the godfather to be ?
"is ZAIN a short form for ZAINIE?"
- - - - - - - - - - -
Zain is an Arabic name, meaning "beauty" or "pretty"
(reference: http://www.mybirthcare.com/favorites/M/Muslim/meaning.asp?name=Zain)
The guy is too selfish to be a father..............
God helps the baby to right and blissful path (Ameen!)...just to let you know Zain is name of baby' grand-dad (maternal side)... So, a cross-cultural name...
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