Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vito charity gets lots of state cash

From the Daily News:

The Assemblyman Lopez-founded Ridgewood-Bushwick Senior Citizens Council -- which has been the subject of several recent investigations -- received three grants totaling $845,806 to build or renovate housing in Brooklyn, according to documents released by the administration today.

“There was a search for projects that if funded right now could create jobs very quickly - that really had built in infrastructure and support,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of the Empire State Economic Development Corporation.

New York City received only $66.2 million for a total of 50 projects, which ranked fourth from the bottom among the 10 regions awarded funds at Thursday morning's lavish ceremony.

Adams and other administration officials defended the awards, saying they were chosen based on merit by a “Strategic Plan Review Committee.” The Committee scored presentations made by each of the Regional Economic Development Committees.

“The goal was to identify the best projects, not spend $1 billion,” Adams said.


Anonymous said...

Can't someone lock him up already?

Anonymous said...

Toby Ann Stavisky's "charity" The North Flushing Senior Center gets an awful lot of cash too!

What is that (we hear) $30,000 a year they get really used for?

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