The city’s Department of Education paid markups as high as 890 percent last year for school food items like parsley, scallions, radishes and green cabbage, a new audit says.
City Comptroller John Liu found that the city’s failure to renegotiate the cost of products under contract with four vendors when prices fluctuate led it to pay $2.32 for parsley that costs 26 cents and $1.03 for scallions that run 12 cents.
The price markups last April topped 100 percent for 3 out of every 10 items that were checked in the audit.
Auditors also found $410,000 that the DOE should recoup from vendors because of overpayments — but expressed the greatest concern over the fact that the city often relied on vendors to self-certify that products were delivered.
Maybe they buy their food where Toby Stavisky shops for vegetables used in the lunches at the North Flushing Senior Center?
when is he going to audit the D.O.B and E.C.B. for "resolving by certificate" the hundreds of millions dollars of building violations fines levied on builders, especially by Asian developers in Queens?
he can start with a known donor of his ,who has gotten $60,000.00 in fines at 196-29 42nd Avenue ,in Auburndale. the almost completed ,300 child Kon Yee nursery school,squeezed into two lots with out parking or drop off/pick up capabilities. it also has two sub-basements for the children to" relax "in.
This is one of the reasons they are looking so hard to dig up dirt on Liu- because if he's got the goods on petty bs like this, what might he be able to scare up regarding the true thievery going on in this town- the as yet unrevealed kickbacks Bloomberg is getting from the publishers, contractors and developers who will have us in hock for the foreseeable future with products and projects we neither want nor need, sold under no-bid contracts he let with the same crony capitalists who nearly completely destroyed this country. I live for the day when he takes his perp walk!
Does the Comptroller office really need 700 employees? why so many?
Schools should farm out the cafeteria to Aramaack etc like at the Universities.
Who needs real fruits & vegetables when you have garnishes like parsley and scallions to fill up kids' gobs?
Pay normal prices for foods that cost lets say 50 cents, write on paper it costs 2.50 and 400% profit on it.
Politics baby aka CRIME TIME.
When is Liu going to look into the Queens Library capital budget?
When is Liu going to look into DOTs outsourcing of street repairs??????
Anonymous said...
When is Liu going to look into the Queens Library capital budget?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Anonymous said...
When is Liu going to look into DOTs outsourcing of street repairs??????
He's a little distracted covering up his dirty little secrets!
I think the garnishes are for the food stylists to use at the photo shoots for the OSFNS' website, where the food shots lack any resemblance to the glop plopped down on kids' styrofoam trays daily.
I dont know what vegtables they are taking about in public school...my kid gets mozzarella sticks and french fries. or chicken nuggets....no vegtables available...
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