Friday, December 9, 2011

Not the last we've heard of Eric Gioia

From Sunnyside Post:

As investigations cloud John Liu’s political future, some insiders have suggested Eric Gioia—once a rising star in city politics—could be a formidable comptroller candidate in 2013.

Since finishing behind Bill de Blasio and Mark Green in the 2009 public advocate’s race, the former Queens councilman has not hidden his interest in a political comeback.


Gary the Agnostic said...

Did Gioia's unemployment benefits run out?

Anonymous said...

another scum sucking pig!

Oh, I suppose we should be content to see mega criminal Liu gone!

God save NYC from political lifers!

Anonymous said...

There's a rumor that Councilman Domenic Recchia is also eyeing the NYC Comptroller position.
Well if that's the case Recchia is in for the political fight of his life.
Let's rally behind Eric Gioia. At least he's an intelligent well spoken person.
Recchia is bought & paid or by Developers such as Joe Sitt of Thor Equities etc.Rechia's record on Human Rights is dismal. Recchia can't even put a whole sentence together without showing how stupid he is.
Let the games begin Domenic.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please GO AWAY. Why do these Has Beens keep trying to come back into the political circle? Could it be that government is very lucrative and they miss the cash? Could it be because they can't function or work in the real world? Could it be that they have zero management skills and can't work in the private sector? Please don't vote for these recycled has beens. Try someone new with fresh ideas.

Anonymous said...

would you subject yourself and family to persistent demonizing that the democrat machine in Queens hurls at any "OUTSIDER", who would dare challenge their "RIGHT" to the public taxpayer's money ?

the billionaire's public union network will destroy any potential threat ,to it's power.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 3:

If being well-spoken alone qualifies someone to be elected, I can think of a few actors who should run for office. What else qualifies Eric Gioia?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 5:

As opposed to the RepubCon Billionaires Network?

Anonymous said...

Well! he does have a firm handshake too...

Anonymous said...

Eric Gioia is no has been. He is an incredibly dedicated person who has always fought for the underdog. He was not " grandfathered" into politics nor did his money or name buy him a seat. If you are going to attack him or criticize him for something, at least put some facts or rational reasons behind your statements. It's no wonder why decent people don't go into politics or get out.

Anonymous said...

Eric Gioia is not your "typical" politician. He's not slimy, he's not " grandfathered" into an elected seat, he's not a pervert or cheater, or scam artist. He is a hard working regular guy. He's intelligent, and he has a deep love for his family and morals and family values. I know him personally beyond his public persona and what media reports so I know this and can say this with absolute certainty. I don't blame him for not wanting to reenter the political ring if he chooses not to

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