Saturday, December 10, 2011

Liu's fundraiser a tax deadbeat

From the NY Post:

City Comptroller John Liu’s top political adviser is an accused tax deadbeat.

Chung Seto, Liu’s longtime campaign manager, owes the federal government up to $175,000 in back taxes, The Post has learned.

The IRS slapped Seto with two separate tax liens, for $100,871 for the 2007 tax year and $74,206 for 2008.

The liens — issued in August and June of this year — claim that Seto’s liability centers on underpaying personal income taxes.

“This is a personal tax matter that is being worked out with the IRS,” said Liu’s campaign spokesman, George Arzt.

Liu has paid Seto a total of $304,000 through his campaign accounts since 2006, records show.

The IRS scrutiny is just the latest concern for Liu’s political operation.


Anonymous said...

Gee what a surprise.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the rules don't apply to these criminals. They are only concerned about your tax monies and how they can make money off their useless projects that the taxpayers fund.

Anonymous said...

The Liu family history:

"Daddy" Joseph Liu; convicted on federal bank fraud charges..Great Eastern Bank.

"Sonny boy John Liu;
pathological liar; political campaign abuser; receiver of illegal donations; accomplice to possible overseas Asian money laundering.

Hey Guv Andy Cuomo....
why hasn't this arrogant upstart not yet removed from office?

Could it be that YOUR OWN campaign contributions originated in Taiwan....with the same bundlers that Liu benefited from....and that you have no great desire to open up this particular can of worms, lest Liu out you?

Something stinks up in Albany ....worse than the downstate Flushing Creek at low tide1

Anonymous said...

how much donor money came to Liu via The Bllionaires Network of community organizing groups and public unions ?

Anonymous said...

"Hey Guv Andy Cuomo....
why hasn't this arrogant upstart not yet removed from office?"

God, these republicans are stupid.

Liu is New York City's Comptroller'

The one under Cuomo's direction is Dinapoli.

"Something stinks up in Albany ....worse than the downstate Flushing Creek at low tide1"

Agree, It's the Senate with all that landlord money flowing into the gop.

Anonymous said...

All but a bunch of scumbags.

Anonymous said...

"Liu has paid Seto a total of $304,000 through his campaign accounts since 2006, records show."
- - - - - -
They traveled together. Did he shack up with her?

Anonymous said...

Tax deadbeats associated with John Liu are nothing new. His cousin-in-law, Thomas Huang, once owed the city over a quarter million in taxes on the famed RKO Keith's Theatre.

Anonymous said...

Liu's a "queen"...
with his wife and child serving as his "beard".

The "Wedding Banquet" film probably mirrors his life.

At least now his financial chicanery has come out of the closet!

Anonymous said...

His cousin-in-law, Thomas Huang, once owed the city over a quarter million in taxes on the famed RKO Keith's Theatre.
Are you suggesting the back taxes of $250,000 were paid?

Anonymous said...

His cousin-in-law, Thomas Huang, once owed the city over a quarter million in taxes on the famed RKO Keith's Theatre.
Are you suggesting the back taxes of $250,000 were paid?


Eventually they would have to have been paid, otherwise the title to the property would not be transferred. Only way to get a deadbeat to pay up!

Anonymous said...

Liu is a common, (rather inept) clumsy crook...a sort of "big foot"
among the more crafty ones.

He's just the tip of the iceberg!

Begin looking below the water line you smart FBI boys!

How come you aren't investigating the far more elusive and facile Wellington Z. Chen?

Our guess is that this guy is at the center of all the "action"...
a possible middleman for Asiatic overseas money transport.

Who exactly is this diminutive phantom?

He's a low flying, low profile behind the scenes "manager" except on the rare occasions when he comes out to pose for photo ops with "granny" Shulman.

This slippery eel goes way back to the days of Donald Manes.

He happens to be on the board of CUNY and the prestigious Metropolitan Museum of Art among other things. he worth scoping?

We think he certainly is!
He could bring down the whole house of cards!

Anonymous said...

for your viewing pleasure...
"The Yellow Peril"...
a classic "cliff hanger", funded in part, through the "generosity" of Shulman-Manes & Partners off shore equities.

This is some mini series!

Anonymous said...

Notice how all of Liu's and his associates' "transgressions" are FINANCIAL ones!

isn't Mr. Comptroller, supposed to have a handle on FINANCIAL matters?

Let's cut to the chase.
It's way past the time to dump Liu.

He's either incompetent at his job or a full fledged crook.

Either way NYC gets f----d!

Anonymous said...


I was tuned to CBS this morning.

It seems some labor union is running regular radio spots banging Liu for his latest pension scheme!

Labor doesn't think that putting their city pension funds in the hands of Wall Street is such a good idea.


Crush Liu before his Chi-com
cronies steal your pensions right out from under you!

Thank goodness that Liu's mayoral aspirations have been cooked like a Peking duck!

We won't be seeing his rubber cheeked smile much longer.

Maybe he can get a job with Tommy Huang's son Henry's construction company when it's all over.

After all,
what is family for?

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