Former Mayor Ed Koch thinks Chris Quinn is the best person to take his old job in 2013 now that he’s given up his dream of seeing NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly in City Hall.
“I believe that she is the best one for New York because I think she’ll be in the tradition of being in the center–a center candidate like I was center left,” Mayor Koch said. “I think she’ll follow in the tradition of Mike Bloomberg, and of all the candidates, I think she has the most experience and the best philosophy to lead New York in these difficult times.”
And why not?
Eddie's a queer and Chrissy's a dyke!
What could be more natural...
or unnatural...depending on your point of view
Ed's a likable fella but was a poor mayor. The City was shambles when he left office and it took The Great Rudy Giuliani to staighten it out. Now Bloomberg has just about got us back to Koch time and Ed wants to Christine Quinn us. I hope he gets a nose bleed next time he crosses his bridge to Queens!
oh, from reading the title, I thought he chose to name his old balls after Queens.
Koch needs to be put in a nursing home. Sounds like senility is taking over. The gays stick together, so of course he'd pick Queen/Quinn. He probably thinks she's a man.
for the truth of the Ed. Koch leadership of N.Y.C ,as Mayor, read "City for Sale" by Wayne Barrett.
more city commissioners ,officials,politicians, B.P.'s, (near 50) were indicted and were jailed, in the City's history.
Manes, Freidman,Leffler,etc . names like Bess Meyerson,Michael Dowd,Jimmy Breslin,Alan Hevesi appear in the book.
will "CITY for Sale -Two" be published soon ?
When it comes down to it as much as I can't stand her I'd take Rosie O'Donnell... Whoops I meant Christine Quinn over John Liu. You know Liu is going to run no matter how the press exposes him, and he will get the majority vote (remember, minority groups are now the majority in NYC)
Eddie's a queer and Chrissy's a dyke!
What could be more natural...
or unnatural...depending on your point of view
I like Ed on Bloomberg except his skewed views about Isreal, but that's understandable as it his ancestry at stake. But regarding his governing NYC as Mayor? He was horrific with Queens - he only knew Manhattan as his constituents - whom ever he endorses doesn't mean much to his following - they are all dead, I guess!
Ed Koch and his then D.O.E. Chancellor Macchiarolla,were responsible for closing P.S.130 Q. & P.S.177 Q. ,in Auburndale in 1982.
many parents from the community and civics disagreed with the closing of P.S.130 and after eight years of protests, it was reopened as a C.S.D.25 K-3 and district 98 special ed. facility.
local pupils were bused away and were never allowed to enroll, by C.S.D.25.300 pupils were bused in from Main street ,Flushing.
Dementia is getting worse........
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