Friday, December 9, 2011

Illegal signs in Woodhaven


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but if this gets your attention, you are missing the bigger picture.
Explains what is going on in NYC.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous #1: ?

Anonymous said...

"Sorry, but if this gets your attention, you are missing the bigger picture.
Explains what is going on in NYC."

Please explain what it meant by this comment.

I don't understand.

Woodhaven Residents Block Association said...

These are examples of signs we would not encourage our residents to take down. They are on an island in the middle of a very busy intersection -- strapped high on a pole. These would be reported to DSNY.

Ed Wendell
Woodhaven Residents' Block Association

Anonymous said...

Sure, and the DSNY will gladly do a few hours of overtime taking them down. Wheee! Let's all make some money!

Anonymous said...

Encourage people who live in these neighborhoods to tear these signs down. After all, residents pay high taxes to live there. The sign people don't live there and don't care what happens to these neighborhoods. Take them down when you see them and hopefully, the owners of these signs will give up. I thought the Sanitation Dept had the power to fine people for putting up these signs.

Anonymous said...

I reported several illegal plastic signs mounted high on light poles and utility poles in my neighborhood via 311.

I was very specific about locations and what was written on each of the signs (including phone numbers).

That was in September. It's now December. The signs are still there.

How about raising the fines to $3,000 per illegal sign? Maybe then taking them down would pay for itself - and deter future posters.

Anonymous said...

i recently saw a D.O.S. agent ,in a sedan ,removing paper signs from poles on F.L.Blvd at 42 Avenue.

it appeared that he was putting them in his car. i hope the violators were summoned.

The D.O.S. should make public the violators names in the local press.

Anonymous said...

When I report these signs sometimes they are removed by sanitation, but I would like to know why on many occcasions (after giving an exact location)they are left up and the complaint number from 311 states that they have taken them down, I even call a second time and they are still left up, and they are not in a hard place to reach either.

The city wouldn't have this problem if sanitation took the complaints of this seriously and removed them.

Anonymous said...

Why weren't the phone numbers of the signs blurred? All they just did was give these idiots free advertising to millions of people watching.

Anonymous said...

The Queens. Blvd sign rovers are volunteers that take down signs and document the info and advise DSNY directly
To dat, nearly 500 signs have been removed
They still post, but at a sporadic rate.

Woodhaven Residents Block Association said...

Why weren't the phone numbers of the signs blurred? All they just did was give these idiots free advertising to millions of people watching.

Heh... good point.

Anonymous said...

"Why weren't the phone numbers of the signs blurred?"

Good question. Although I wonder if they've received any crank phone calls as a result. Hmm...

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