Saturday, October 15, 2011

Making peace in Jackson Heights

From the Queens Chronicle:

The shareholders who own apartments in Sheila Terrace, located at 37-30 73 St. in Jackson Heights, and the owners of various businesses on the block have been engaged in an escalating feud over everything from traffic issues and overcrowded sidewalks to noise levels and the improper handling of meat products sold at some of the establishments, leading to rat infestation.

But on Sunday evening, in an effort to tear down the fences that separate them, the various factions, which also include shareholders from other nearby residential buildings, came to break bread together — literally — at a pot luck dinner sponsored by Sheila Terrace and held in the courtyard adjoining the co-op.

Residents brought dishes representing their multitude of nationalities. Much of the food was donated by the merchants themselves.

As the gathering entered its third hour, and more and more area denizens arrived, it seemed the event was starting to have an impact. Representatives of all sides were shaking hands and engaging in one-on-one dialogues, promising to resolve their problems, but not without traces of lingering animosity.

It is believed that the abundance of sidewalk vendors, many of them illegal, along with the malodorous environment and other negative conditions on the block, have caused not only a drop in the value of residential properties but a loss of commercial activity.


Anonymous said...

Once again it appear there is no enforcement on street vendors that cause misunderstandings and declining values in certain areas. Manhattan gets all the enforcement and Queens gets the shaft.

Titus Flavius Josephus said...

the various factions, which also include shareholders from other nearby residential buildings, came to break bread together — literally — at a pot luck dinner

That must have been quite a sight!

The Moslems, of course, insisted upon eating Halal food, and won't touch anything prepared by a Hindu.

The Hindus refused to eat any of the meat or chicken prepared by the Moslems, since Hindus are vegetarians.

The Latinos were grossed out by the food prepared by both the Moslems and the Hindus.

The Moslems kept their daughters away from the eyes of the Latinos' teenage sons. Yet the Moslem men were constantly gazing at the Latin women wearing short skirts.

But other than that, everyone got along!

Anonymous said...

Manhattan gets all the enforcement and Queens gets the shaft.


We get over-development and the morons we elect who don't go to bat for us or waste time on zany shit.

Anonymous said...

"Manhattan gets all the enforcement and Queens gets the shaft."

Wrong. Taco truck got pushed out of the posh upper east side because they saw the truck as uncouth for their neighborhood though obviously the taco truck developed demand. The police constantly ticketed the taco truck owner.

Anonymous said...

Just shoot them all ! fucking waste of skin. The new Third world is much better than the old european work force but why do I care I left this shithole city, now all I do is Laugh

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of International Night at church.

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