Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Faulty chains won't be replaced

From the NY Post:

Despite proof that faulty tire chains were a key factor in the city’s botched blizzard response last year, Sanitation Department officials see no reason to buy better equipment for the coming winter, The Post has learned.

The agency “conducted a series of tests with the snow chains we use and is highlighting the proper mounting of snow chains on truck tires during the training of our sanitation workers,” as opposed to buying any new chains, said Sanit spokesman Vito Turso.

Still, Turso said, officials are still “weighing [the] options.”

The chains were a huge part of Sanitation’s screw-up last year as the Big Apple battled through the 20-inch Christmastime storm that crippled much of the city for days.

Although there were other problems -- such as reduced staffing because of the holiday weekend, the fast rate at which the snow fell and regular foul-ups in the field -- the city Department of Investigation found that the trash agency’s new chains failed a remarkable 44 percent of the time.


Anonymous said...

There you go the key-term - reduced staffing was the issue - nothing else as Bloomberg tried to pawn off on everyone as if we are imbeciles.

Anonymous said...

The chains were the issue? I thought it was Bloomturd not paying attention to the severity of the situation. Silly public blaming Bloomie when it was just some faulty chains. *eyeroll*

Snake Plissskin said...

Despite proof that faulty morons in government were a key factor in the city’s botched blizzard response last year, the public sees no reason to elect better politicians for the coming winter, ...

Anonymous said...

was not SADIE KHAN of D.O.T. left in town to solve the snow storm problem ?

i did not see doomsberg driving the plow with shovel up on my snow covered block in Bayside,IT WAS A D.O.S."WORKER".

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope so. The DOS worker would know what he's doing.

Smelling fishy said...

So why did they ruin the career of a DOT supervisor, when it was alleged that a deliberate DOS slowdown occurred? How would a DOT sup be able to verify that? Why has the elected official who lied about that and then claimed client attorney privilege, been allowed to get away with that? Why did that officials chief quietly leave, and go into private practice on the QT?

Just asking!

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