Sunday, July 3, 2011

WTC assignment taking cops out of high crime areas

From the Daily News:

The NYPD'S vaunted Operation Impact is losing about 600 cops so police can staff the new World Trade Center command and add cops to other precincts, the Daily News has learned.

The personnel shuffling was panned in neighborhoods most likely to be affected.

The move comes amid concerns that the decreasing size of the force - compounded by a drop in response times - could lead to a summer crime surge.

Sources said the number of cops assigned to Operation Impact is being trimmed to 1,200 - with almost 300 heading to the WTC command. The rest are being reassigned to other precincts desperate for a manpower boost.


Anonymous said...

Operation impact is smoke &mirrors.They flood an area with rookies and have them write summonse.These rookies come out of it with virtually no training.They learn to despise the lowlifes they've been forced to babysit from 9pm -6am. They then come to your local pct bringing with them an innate talent. they dislike the public but can write a ticket in 30 seconds.

Anonymous said...

The NYPD is the most incompetent civil service organization on the face of the earth. Not only that, but they carry guns. I'd feel more safe in prison with murderers and drug dealers than in the presence of NYPD "officers".

Anonymous said...

and many Queens precincts will remain understaffed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As bad as the NYPD is nowdays, it is FAR from the most incompetent civil service agency. Off the top of my head, I could roll off a few dozen agencies that are far worse.

Archie said...

Why are city taxpayer cops being sent to protect billionaire developer Larry Silverstiens sh*t ? Let that cheap greedy bastard pay for his own tower (all 7 of them) security

Anon 2 if it weren't for guns this land would be under British rule sipping tea & carrying faggy umbrellas.
Evey law abiding citizen should be allowed to exercise his 2nd amendment right if the cops aren't gonna be around.
Right now the criminals, gang-bangers, pinko politicians, judges and cops have all the hand guns.
The mayor doesn't give a shit about the people in Queens. The people are just census figures to get him government money to spend in Manhattan. Part of his plan is to pack it like Bangladesh and drive the pesty middle class out.
To the Mayor only Manhattan is New York City. The rest is just a dump to get money and cheap labor.

Anonymous said...

Why are city taxpayer cops being sent to protect billionaire developer Larry Silverstiens sh*t ?
To boost the power and egos of Bloomberg and Kelly. That is what this is really all about. They want to give the illusion that they can do it all, and what they really want is to control it all.

Anonymous said...

Anon#2: you're quite the A$$hole...........

Anonymous said...

I'd feel more safe in prison with murderers and drug dealers than in the presence of NYPD "officers".

Tell that to the residents of the Pomonok Houses.

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