Monday, July 4, 2011

What a country we've become

From the NY Post:

For most of our history, it was a given that success and failure were two sides of the same coin -- and that both were necessary. The world was a nasty place, and for generations of newcomers, liberty was blessing enough.

No more. Our culture now demands not just the chance for happiness, but also the result. Millions of Americans believe that are entitled to get what they want because they want it.

They are not pursuing happiness. They are demanding it.

Meanwhile, failure gets a bad rap. And why not? If happiness is available on demand, failure is for suckers.

This cultural switch is ruinous, and a betrayal of the spirit of 1776. The idea that their countrymen would demand bailouts for their businesses and homes, handouts for not working and a life without duty to family and community would shock the founders. They would find it hard to comprehend the popularity of notions like "spreading the wealth around" and the desire to punish earned success by seizing its fruits.

Never mind that you lived with the old values, that you sacrificed and worked and saved for what you have. Now you must pay and pay again for those who didn't. Oh, and shut up about it, too.

That is the fault line of America's culture war in 2011. Pray that the spirit and wisdom of the founders prevails. Otherwise, our nation won't.


Anonymous said...

God bless for Tea Party Patriots, Taxes Enough Already.....

Anonymous said...

Believeme,most of the country is not like uber lib nyc.

Anonymous said...

Think it's time to rethink who gets to vote. The founding fathers who were much better educated then the average joe today, recognized the danger of a pure democracy. It had been tried in ancient Greece and was an dismal failure. In essence the the poorer 51% of the population kept voting for the richer 49% to pay their way.
Today 47% of all households pay no income tax. Since they are not financially impacted by their votes, they tend to vote for people that promise them things which will cost the remaining 53% of the population. When you add in the public sector unions who enrich themselves by voting "properly" and you have a recipe for the disaster which we find ourselves in.

Anonymous said...

Rightwing crap.
Typical Post.

Queens Crapper said...

What makes it crap? It's exactly what has happened.

Anonymous said...

Rightwing crap.
Typical Post

In what part of the world do you live?

Anonymous said...

God Bless America. Even with all the corrpution in government, it's still the best country in the world. The bible verse says it best -- "The love of money is the root of all evil."

Anonymous said...

"In what part of the world do you live?"

The real world.

Without those programs disparaged as "punish earned success by seizing its fruits." we'd still have rank poverty among most citizens and an overlording oligarchy of super-rich.

Children as "mudlarks" old people on catfood. Get sick? Can't afford to pay? Suffer to death.

Those gains in social conscience which are ridiculed in the crap article were fought for against major industrial interests and their goons, the Pinkertons and police -all of whom were on-the-take.

My very WASP grandparents were old enough to remember the days of brutal capitalism -and how it led to the brink of socialist revolution in the early 1930's. Roosevelt saved capitalism from itself and the oligarchs -hated- him just the same.

Like it or not, a civilized society offers more than just an endless existence of asslicking a boss for fear of poverty.

America has -lost- ground over the last thirty year, take a look at world standards of living:

Those who have traveled and seen something of the world sort-of suspected this erosion...But here it is in black and white.

The product of thirty years of conservative demagoguery.

Anonymous said...

Get his azz off of here. I'm tired of reading this bilge written by liberal scum. You deserve what the country has become, and namely this city.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we would be much better off if Queens was a collection of "company towns"

Anonymous said...

sirbeef -

If you don't like it, don't read it. The whole point of a certain document being signed on this date was giving people the right to say what they want. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

President Ronald Reagan said thirty years ago, "MR. GORBACHEYV ,Tear Down This Wall !!

Ask any E. German who was enslaved by Marxists in Europe if they are now free ?

Reagan also said,"We don't celebrate dependence ( on the government ) day July 4th, we celebrate Independence Day !"

" I have always believed that America is strongest and freest and happiest when it is truest to the wisdom of it's founders. "

"Individual liberty depends on keeping government under control ."

Anonymous said...

tho homo practices( of all political constituents )have been accepted but not condoned by many in our society.

A referendum is demanded by the citizens of nys Bribery of a senate house for a homo marriage law is not the "PEOPLES WILL".

hopefully it can be overturned and the politicians voting yes will be replaced at the next election.

as far as i know there are NO ANTI-HOMO POLICE !!!

Anonymous said...

What people need to remember is WE THE PEOPLE are the government. We need to evaluate our lives and prevent elected officials who are supposed to represent us, from stripping away our liberties -- especially in NYC. We have become a NANNY state and this will continue if the voters continue to vote in the same old crap every election day. Let's start fresh and elect new people with fresh ideas into government. Unless we do, we will lose more freedoms and have more dependency on these criminals who are supposed to represent us. God Bless America and Happy Independence Day.

Anonymous said...

We need program that give people a hand up, not a hand out.

Queens Crapper said...

And here's the reason why the rich have gotten richer while the poor have gotten poorer.

Protecting the rich is not just a Republican priority. In fact there are more wealthy Dems in the Senate than GOP.

ew-3 said...


Wonder if it's possible that if someone choses to post anonymously,
you could display the IP address of that poster ?

We're getting less people willing to post with any kind of name due to the trashing our "anonymous" friend has been doing. I'd like to see if it's just the same ignorant punk doing the trash talk.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if it's possible that if someone choses to post anonymously,
you could display the IP address of that poster ?

We're getting less people willing to post with any kind of name due to the trashing our "anonymous" friend has been doing. I'd like to see if it's just the same ignorant punk doing the trash talk.

That isn't the answer my friend. As you see, I too, prefer to post anonymously, and yet you and I are quite possibly on the same side in regards to our political leanings. It is just a personal preference of mine to post anonymously, as it seems to be with our obnoxious liberal guest. Let him post his opinion, that is one of the secured blessings we celebrate today. However, let us also exercise our right to rebuttal, to respectful and intellegent debate. More than anything else, that is what today TRULY is about.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 14:

Obviously, you weren't paying attention to the public opinion polls. The voice of the people were heard. Nothing is going to be repealed and no referendum will be passed. Moreover, you know that.

There is no anti-gay police; there is no pro-gay police. There is just the Police and that is a factr for which we should be grateful.

Anonymous said...

I like you crappy, but hopefully one of these days you'll wake up and realize that Libertarianism is a sucker's game - a booby trap set up by oligarchs meant to lead credulous sheep off a cliff.

Anonymous said...

If this country is so bad, why are so many people sneaking in and coming here? Oh, I forgot -- It's the handouts from our government that makes them come here. Why aren't Americans afforded any entitlements? Lived on this earth 60 years and never had free food stamps, free medical at city hospitals, free education for my kids, free housing. Hell, this is a great country for everybody --except its citizens.

Anonymous said...

can you name any law that was voted in "BY PUBLIC OPINION POLLS"?

A recent California homo/marriage referendum was voted down by the electorate .

Yet a homo judge reversed the will of the people.

is that the type of law making this Nation has become subject too ? This outrage must be stopped quickly.

Court (judge) ordered forced busing was deemed unconstitutional in 2008, after billions of wasted dollars and uprooted families affected the U.S.,from 1965 to 2000. Forced integration did not work. Forced laws will not work either.

The bridges will always be "the Triboro and "Queensboro" ,no matter what "The Progressives" try to Force on the public.

Anonymous said...

There was no public vote for or against it.

Show me a law in this state that calls for public referendums on matters such as this, Gramps,

And no one is forcing anyone to do anything. You don't have to marry someone in your gender if you don't want to. You can do whatever you want. This is America, after all. I married a woman and there's no complaint on my part.

But if other people want to, that's their business, not yours or mine.

Anonymous said...

In April 2002, the New York Senate passed the initiative amendment with only three dissenting votes. However, as of 2011, the State Assembly had not acted on the Governor’s proposal.

Dems again.

Anonymous said...

Hey EW-3:

That's a good idea if Crapper also puts in the names of people who post Anti-Semitic, racist and vile right-wing stuff. Why should you have all the fun?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 24:

Even if it passed the legislature, for an amendment to the State Constitution to be enacted, it would have to be passed by the legislature in two straight years, be signed by the Governor twice and then be put on the ballot for the election in November and be passed before it becomes law. You think that's going to happen at any point in the future?

Anonymous said...


Is that the name on your mailbox?

Anonymous said...

I guess we'll never know since the Dems in the Assembly don't want the people to have a direct vote on anything.

Anonymous said...

I agree, and the same can be said for the Repubs in the Senate. Look at their dillying on the Ethics legislation

ew-3 said...

Guess a mental midget like you might miss the point of using a handle. There is only one ew-3 (my rank in the military). There are multiple "anonymous" posters. Using handles permits direct responses to an individual poster.
It's harder to hide when you have a handle.

Anonymous said...

As posted here previously, the ethics legislation is a joke.

Anonymous said...

"There is only one ew-3 (my rank in the military)."

ew-3 -Not said: you really are a dumb joke. thinking that suggesting publishing one's IP would intimidate them, then claiming that "there is only one ew-3"

HA! Idiot. Ever heard of "dynamic IPs" Look it up. Unless you pay for a "static IP" that is what you have.

BTW: I see you aren't even in NYC. I would need a Court Order to find who you really are via IP.

Then there is the ridiculous assertion that some handle you use is somehow inherently unique.
It just shows how childish you are.

PS: You are responding to atleast four different people here. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

It's harder to hide when you have a handle.

Right, because we can somehow figure out who ew-3 is or even queens crapper for that matter.

ew-3 said...

"PS: You are responding to atleast four different people here. Enjoy."

I doubt it, I suspect only one turd in this barrel. If we had IP addresses posted we'd know. And your IP address is not as dynamic as you think.

Anonymous said...

If you were forced to put names on here, QC would lose all its readership. The blog has gone from thoughtful information and debate on the ills of modern day Queens (BORING!) to a must-read in the comments for the absolute tip top in anti-Semitic, homo-phobic, xenophobic patter.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the blogger who wants everyone to have a handle instead of posting anonymously wants to squash the crapper. Maybe he/she is a politician and can't handle all the negative comments about the tweeding and criminal activities of local politicians. Crappy, keep the blog just as it is. It's very informative and gives the average guy a chance to vent. The Crapper is a wonderful blog. Keep up the good work and keep fighting the good fight.

Anonymous said...


As usual with some of the posters here, when confronted with a challenge, you reply with insults.

Cav said...

Why are you all arguing with this anonymous troll? He posts these things just to rile everyone up, hijack the thread off topic and pay attention to him.
The more you feed trolls, the more they come back.

Anonymous said...

Find a blog like this where people's IP addresses are posted.

Anonymous said...

EW-3 boasts:
If we had IP addresses posted we'd know. And your IP address is not as dynamic as you think.

I can release/renew IPs at-will -most users can if they know how.

You need to learn more about the medium you use for your reactionary dogma.

Anonymous said...

RE: anon #19, are you a hetero-phobe ?

the sanctity of marriage becomes undermined when Adam and Steve force themselves into this traditional union between a man and woman.

when will the homo trilogy or man + man + pet become a forced law on society ?

Anonymous said...

"when will the homo trilogy or man + man + pet become a forced law on society ?"

-When will you finally quit the sauce and take a nap.

No NWO!!!! said...

The reality for most people these days, Wages down, Rent up, electric bill up, gas bill up, health insurance way up, food up, gasoline up, education up. The list goes on and. Only the silver spooned population continues to make gains off the backs of American citizens. Almost forgot, 4,000,000,000,000 for corporate wars. Hows that foreclosure going.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the class warfare trash does not work anymore.

Progressives no longer have anyone to blame but Socialist/Obama/policies.

the U.S. debt is growing past $14 trillion and obama still wants to spend and tax the citizens.

taxing the middle class and wealthier citizens will not solve very much. releasing 30 million gallons of strategic oil reserve added 8 hours of gasoline onto the market ? this is pre-election public relations only.

Obama does not know how to Govern.


Anonymous said...

"Get his azz off of here. I'm tired of reading this bilge written by liberal scum. You deserve what the country has become, and namely this city."

you don't like America jackazz leave it -

Anonymous said...

We in the Tea party talk a lot of shit but why don't we run against dumb sell-out politicians like Toby Stavisky and Ed Braunstein. They need to be exposed.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Go right ahead. The fact that they have token opposition is the big reason why things are why they are.

Anonymous said...

in 2010, the "token opposition", Tax Enough Party was credited for voting out of federal office, 50 plus liberal/democrat/rino pretenders.

in NYS ,at Hicksville,and NYC (Penn. Station area), thousands protested the tax and spend Obama government.

two congressional districts in NYS will be eliminated soon. that is because hundreds of thousands are leaving the state for lower tax and higher employment states.

9.1 to 17 % unemployment for three years gets the democrats FIRED IN 2012 ....

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