Former state Sen. Frank Padavan and City Councilman Mark Weprin (D-Oakland Gardens), both supported the Indian Cultural and Community Center when it purchased two parcels of land at the site, approximately 4.5 acres, in 2008, which the group said it would use to build a community center, athletic field and parking lot.
But now the group’s plans have changed and it has lost the political backing of Weprin and Padavan that it once had.
Padavan said that representatives of the ICCC told him they planned to build a community and youth center. When asked if he supported the new plan, Padavan replied, “The area is not zoned for it,” adding “I am not in office anymore. I have nothing to do with this.”
When asked if he favors the apartment towers, a plan he said he only learned of recently, Weprin said he does not. He believes affordable housing for seniors is needed in the area, but not on the large scale that the ICCC is proposing.
The lawmaker also denied an accusation by state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside), who replaced Padavan, that he pushed him to back legislation supporting the second deal.
The whole thing is now under investigation and Tony Avella is introducing legislation to make sure this doesn't happen again in the future.
Is not E. Schneidermaan the guy who "hit and run " with Supreme Court Judge Kagan's neice driving in Manhattan recently?
Very few criminals ever admit guilt..........
Steve behar will clean this up! Thank god he is on cb11 steve behar for queens borough president!!!
Once again I say Padavan was a good man 30 years ago and then he became infected with the Politician Bug.
Aside from lying about being a "Veteran" and then back up just a little calling himself a "Veteran" of the military.
This last Creedmoor story is Criminal and not only needs to be "investigated" it needs to be Investigated and followed thru, and then they need to investigate Padavans Protege and his lying to the people, judge, court, and papers. As well as his connections to Franco, the Vallones, and all the Back Room deals this guy is involved in. Better we stop him now.
Why doesnt Tony Avella call for an investigation of the parkside group
he is in for a surprise in 2012
expect tont to lose in a big upset
ha ha obama at the top of the ticket
go ahead matt silverstein and deborah markell. spend your sumer walking around whitestone and bay terrace handing out flyers for that one. not only is tonny gonna lose but no plum patronage positions for neither of you
You're the one who is going to be in for a surprise. "Tont" is going to win and win easily.
I actually hace respect for tony avella.
of the dem machine hacks he is one of the least evil ones
however, an obama year with a riseing republican conservative base in north queens he is the most vulnerable
with the economy in the tubes and the anti obama wave he is the one that is gonna get hit the most
remember padavan on the nixon coatails and maltese on the reagan coattails
The only coattails Padavan will ever see again is as the gents in Rikers do a train on him. Can't you just hear Frank oink like a pig.
Padavan is retired. A lot of young wanna bes in north queens are popping up. Stavisky has lost control of north queens. Expect primaries in every race and a two party system how rare in other parts of queens.
"Nanoo, nanoo",
....too late to deny it Mork Weprin.
Now if Dork Weprin gets indicted....who will he rat on?
This is becoming a great soap opera!
Steve Behar can't clean his own ---
without help from mamma.
He's a well meaning light weight.
Very true...a lot of wannabees will be popping up.
Expect Kevin Kim to take a second try.
The old voting habits Northeast Queens is changing and it's for grabs....politically speaking.
You'll never see a Republican here win office here again.
Forget Behar....he got trounced last time and will be brutalized if he decides to run again.
Uh....and his "power" on the community board is strictly ceremonial....since their votes are purely advisory.
S Teve behar is the one to watch in north queens.s
Steve is a nice guy and I think he means well. Problem is he has no presence, and can't hold a conversation without stumbling.
I think he needs to work that out and get his name out there, not just on the Community Board, which many from North East Queens see as a filter for the Counlmembers.
Whereas, Al Centola is a genuine guy with the communities best interest at heart. He is not beholden to any Special Interest, especially not to any Developers like Mattone, Muss, or Ratner, just to mention a few.
Al is a stand up guy who listens, and will listen. I think Al Centola should run and if he doesn't then I agree with the poster on QC that says he should be a write in.
Al Centola For North East Queens.
I have the best interest of my community at heart too...and have quite a big mouth just like Al Centola.
Does that make Al or me electable?
Not without $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
in campaign funds and machine backing.
So fughettabout it!
Not without $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
in campaign funds and machine backing
I might be in agreement about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ part, and that is a sad thing. Espcecially in a Country like ours that was not meant to be like that. It was never meant to be about the $.
With regards to the backing of the Machine, Machines are built and improved on every day. Why not show the current "machine" that with QC, and other sites that rely on NEW MEDIA, we step to the plate and excercise our right , even if with a write in candidate.
This is 2011, their are hundreds of sites like QC, why not take advantage. Heck , even Twitter (minus the Wiener, sorry could't resist), Facebook, and other social medias that utilize Modern Age Technology, and stick it to these Bastards that have sold us out.
Behar can't hold a conversation without stumbling? He may be the most knowledgeable and articulate politician in Queens. That guy knows the ins and outs of every issue you can throw at him from local stuff to federal stuff.
steve behar came out of no where in 2009
with very little money and total grass roots campaign he put on good showing
forcina came out of no where less the a year ago and put on a good grasss roots showing
if these guys team up against the district leaders in the 26 ad
what a show that would be
Poor Tony....he's introducing yet another bill that will never pass.
At least his heart is in the right place.
Can anyone name a bill he's ever gotten into law when he was a councilman?
But he's raising the consciousness of Albany.
Too bad they won't listen.
Those upstate fat cat pols will take every opportunity to screw him so as to maintain their stranglehold and continue to line their pockets.
Good luck....sincerely....Senator Avella and sweep that dirty stable clean!
Plump cheeked Behar should join Alvin and the other "Chipmmunks" and cut a new retro X-mas album....LOL!
It looks like Al's fan club is pursuing multiple posts here (ad nauseum)in lieu of running political ads.
And too bad they don't have 2 cents in matching funds to buy ad space in the Tribune....LOL!
So Padavan is hiding behind his retirement for his past law breaking....
pretty much like a mobster taking the 5th ammendment in the jury box?
Sorry Frank there's no statute of limitations to exempt you.
You are a great disappointment.
But PLEASE let's all focus on convicting Weprin, because that crooked dynasty must be smashed!
Wet Gramps said"..however, an obama year with a riseing republican conservative base in north queens he is the most vulnerable"
Do you have ANY idea of what is happening to the demographics of that neighborhood?
I have business interest there since the mid-nineties and have tracked the changing demos carefully.
N.E. Queens is still the whitest -but also the oldest section of the entire borough.
That area is where people who have traded up houses over the decades end up before going into a retirement community or nursing home...Or worse.
The trend is toward young, Asian families who pool their resources to buy houses that they would otherwise have needed to save and trade up for.
Take a good look at how your boy Halloran beat an Asian Democrat by a measly five points.
That is the future of the area.
Democrats outnumber Republicans there like 5-1, that's how Halloran beat him out by only 5 points.
yeah steve behar and elio forcina running for district leaders. yeah good luck. geez get a life already. usually losers like you last 4 to 8 years.
yeah they had a great showing. forcina came in 4th out of 4 and steve behar came 5th out of 5. hilarious.
in 2010, the ackerman/nussbaum progressive machine found out that an asian named ,American left /lawyer, can not win in N.E. Queens.
they demonized the conservative candidate in their tribune rag,owned by ackerman,. they got enormous amounts of campaign money from the Nation, Korea, and China. and still they could not win.
the lefties lawyers wasted their money here.
no outsiders need apply.....
we do not elect "SPREAD THE WEALTH" candidates here,in N.E.Queens.
"if you do not work,you do not eat "Capt. John Smith, Jamestown, Va.
There comes a time in a man's life, and I've had plenty of them."
Al centola for city council
"if you do not work,you do not eat "Capt. John Smith, Jamestown, Va."
So, explain that logic along with your retirement pension...Which you owe to Liberals ans Socialists.
Otherwise gramps, you too would have to work till you drop dead.
stevie stevie come upstairs mommy wants to give you a bath stevie stevie !!!!!
many retirees have private pensions that they VOLUNTARILY contributed to jointly with the employers.They also collect after age 65 the social security,from which they INVOLUNTARILY contributed to, from their payroll check.Medicare is part of the S.S.I contribution.
Socialists GIVE them nothing. The retiree's labor paid for S.S.I and Medicare.
Many retiree's saved during their labor years and
invested wisely, so they can enjoy their senior years.
Because of excellent geneology,and health many retirees still earn a paycheck,pay taxes, and contribute to S.S.I.
By thrifty spending,which liberal/progressives in government should learn, they can survive with comfort.
Most retirees do not need liberal handouts,food stamps,heating bailouts,subprime housing loans, etc.etc.
The above is accomplished by living in a "CAPITALIST,FREE MARKET SOCIETY".
Go to COMMUNIST CUBA and drive a 1950 chevy.And escape on your raft.
"Socialists GIVE them nothing. The retiree's labor paid for S.S.I and Medicare."
Right...That is IF you croak with 5 years of your first SS check.
After that It's on my back to pay for your ignorant, ungrateful ass.
"Because of excellent geneology,and health many retirees still earn a paycheck,pay taxes, and contribute to S.S.I."
So you consider yourself to be an "ubermenchen" That really IS funny. Old folks live longer because fewer of them smoke and do other self-destructive things that they long defended'
--Oh and that commie plot: Medicare.
"By thrifty spending,which liberal/progressives in government should learn, they can survive with comfort."
Well, I am a Liberal/Progressive. And that's how I live. I am frugal and not taken-in by the siren of Madison Avenue and their republican exhortation to spend.
Look at that...We actually agree on something.
"Most retirees do not need liberal handouts,food stamps,heating bailouts,subprime housing loans, etc.etc."
The ONLY reason SOME old people aren't in dire need is Social Programs.
Don't kid yourself here, your 'hard work" wouldn't have meant shit to the wealthy employers without collective bargaining...NONE of the comforts you enjoy would have been possible.
many retirees ,when representing their corporate employers did individual business contracts (incentive sales programs). We did not "strike as a collective and extort the employer.
Most of us were successful marketing the corporate products,(which they took the risk to produce).
Both of us got wealthier.
"Socialists GIVE them nothing. The retiree's labor paid for S.S.I and Medicare."
Right...That is IF you croak with 5 years of your first SS check. And with Our Glorious Leader's new healthcare plan, our death panels will make damn sure you do croak within 5 years or when a bureaucrat decides you aren't worth saving anymore whichever comes first. Really I hope The One institutes concentra...I mean re-education camps...hehehe...so we can have a final solution for people like you who won't accept our rule and take orders from their betters. I'm getting my brown shirt ready, gramps!!!!
After that It's on my back to pay for your ignorant, ungrateful ass. OK so I was mindlessly praising social security in my last post and just contradicted myself. Gimme a minute so I can pull my head out of my ass.
"Because of excellent geneology,and health many retirees still earn a paycheck,pay taxes, and contribute to S.S.I."
So you consider yourself to be an "ubermenchen" That really IS funny. Old folks live longer because fewer of them smoke and do other self-destructive things that they long defended' I hate it when people think they can think and live the way they want in a free country. I need to feel I got smarts real good by telling you what to do. I've got some issues.
--Oh and that commie plot: Medicare. Hey it won't go completely broke for a few years yet.
"By thrifty spending,which liberal/progressives in government should learn, they can survive with comfort."
Well, I am a Liberal/Progressive. And that's how I live. I am frugal BECAUSE AS A SOCIALIST I SPEND OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY and not taken-in by the siren of Madison Avenue and their republican exhortation to spend.
Well I can't find anything to link the republicans to this. I'm just repeating stuff I hear from my masters.
Look at that...We actually agree on something. Hey even a broken clock can be right 2x a day.
"Most retirees do not need liberal handouts,food stamps,heating bailouts,subprime housing loans, etc.etc."
The ONLY reason SOME old people aren't in dire need is Social Programs. Like they have in Greece. Duh, ooops, bad example. No I mean like the rest of europe...but the euro is about to collapse...god I'm such an imbecile.
Don't kid yourself here, your 'hard work" (which I don't believe cause HARD WORK DOESN'T EXIST) wouldn't have meant shit to the wealthy employers without collective bargaining...NONE of the comforts you enjoy would have been possible TAKE MY WORD FOR THIS BECAUSE I'M A GEENY-YUS EVERYBODY WHO ACCEPTS THE ONE TRUE BELIEF SYSTEM OF SOCIALISM IS AUTOMATICALLY A GEENY-YUS EVEN IF I DO ROCK A ROOM TEMPERATURE IQ.
Like you know what the UAW did for GM. Uh, yeah, the benefits packages drove GM ito bankruptcy. Wait, I mean like the other manufacturing jobs...oh they went overseas because labor became too expensive.....WAIT, the GUBBERMINT will save the day with superduper EPA regualtions cause you stupid capitalists need adult supervision....ummm....they made it too expensive to operate in the US so they moved to SE Asia and took their jobs with them.DAMN CAPITALISTS TRYING TO SURVIVE!!
Green jobs! That's the ticket, yeah. Uh-oh they need massive gov't subsidies and still can't make it. Hold on while I pull my foot from my mouth.
A vintage ode to a brain dead socialist/democrat/ progressive.
thank you.Patriot.
As opposed to a right-wing robot who repeats everything and doesn't think for himself.
Here ya go old fella, get a whiff of the contempt those "patriots" have for you:
Quoting: "Tipping The Scales Against America’s Seniors: Republican Balanced Budget Amendment Would Force Deep Cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, While Protecting Tax Breaks for Millionaires, Big Oil and Job-Outsourcing Corporations"
So much for your "tea party". Children.
as i have stated previously i do not read your left wing propaganda sites ever.
no present senior entitlement is going to be changed by the Ryan Plan.
but the citizens under 50 must have change in order for the entire s.s.i. and medicare system to survive . it is common sense . democrat obama's scare tactics are sick socialist methods ,as always.
Racist attack on an indian building project:
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