Wednesday, July 6, 2011

St. Saviour's work resumes in spite of multiple SWOs

"Well, today they are working full force at the St. Saviour's site despite still having active stop work orders. By the time I went out to look at what's going on they already had installed molds for new foundations. They are reinforcing a new trench with rebar wires." - anonymous

So much for DOB's SWO enforcement. Click on any BIN listed and see the SWOs are still very much in effect.

(I think I am going to use "Thumbs-up Mike" a lot on future posts.)


Anonymous said...

I hate to say this but is anyone surprised?

Anonymous said...

They know people are watching, and they don't care. Seems like they have greased the right palms and are therefore not concerned.

Anonymous said...

How much is a violation for multiple SWOs? I would think you could slap them for violating every SWO. Would be tens of thousands of dollars, but ECB would probably dismiss them all. Yet they relentlessly hit people who get back to their cars a minute after the meter expires...

Anonymous said...

Where are the elected officials? Scurrying around trying to gain the favor of Clueless Joe for appointment to Weiner's seat. The community loses, let again.

Anonymous said...

So call the cops, right?

Anonymous said...

This is the 104th Pct. You could be lying there dead and they'll tell your relatives that they are busy in Ridgewood.

Mayor Mike said...

Up yours!

Anonymous said...

unil you get rid of Community Boards, elected officials will use them for cover.

Anonymous said...

This is like a ratchet wrench -- as long as they are not required to return the site to its original condition, cement pour by cement pour, drip by drip, you don't have a viable site for a park, and you wind up with a completed foundation and floor slab.

Anonymous said...

Um... just curious ... where is the preservation community of NYC - or Queens for that matter.

This is what happens when we accept everything - and worst, when someone does stand up to the bullshit, instead of giving them support, the rest of you use that as an opportunity to undercut them for a little ice cream - which of course disappears when you have driven a stake through the heart of the activist for the 'bhoys.'

People, it ain't gonna ever change until you get backbone and work together.

Anonymous said...

People, it ain't gonna ever change until you get backbone and work together.

how about the backgone to actualy work? i dont mean getting up in the morning and going to a job, i mean work for the community you live in, take a stand, not just laying there quiet.

Anonymous said...

has anyone had this experience?

a complaint was called in to the d.o.b. on a 1 fam./construction violation.

the D.O.B. was seen at the site. two weeks later the inspection result is still not on the d.o.b. website ?

What has happened ?

Archie said...

Its no question who the 'special" orders came from.
The Mayor's really out to F_ those Maspeth people hard.
What could they possible have done in this lifetime to be hated by one person (animal)so much ?
Whats next ?
Will the Mayor Hitler walk down the street with spatula & bucket of shit and throw it at those people ?

Anonymous said...

Cunts have thumbs? Who knew?

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion as to where he can stick his thumb.

Mike the bike said...

I will get you Dinosaurs who refuse to go away out of my Queens one way or another.
This lands intended for the city's new labor pool.

Anonymous said...

Hopes for a park are gone once the foundations are poured!

This is all with Mayor Mike's blessing...the runt bastard!

Anonymous said...

If the commander of the 104th PCT knows that somebody's going to raise hell with internal affairs if their cops aren't on the job they'll move their crooked asses quick enough!

Just try it and see what happens.

What's to lose for trying?

Anonymous said...

Just remember this when they fix the Terra Cotta Building and praise to high heaven Manhattan's Susan Tunick on being 'fiesty' and blah blah blah.

Then think of St Saviours and all the things that our answer to Susan, Christina, did for this property.

You see, in Queens you can do anything and everything and still get nowhere.

All of this could have been avoided if the place was landmarked while the buildings were still on the property.

I will say it once. I will say it again. The Landmarks Law is biased agaist communties of color, of ethnicity, of lower ecnonomic scale.

It should be abolished.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg should be in jail. YESTERDAY.

Anonymous said...


Every level of local government, down to the Community Board is responsible for this.

Do you think he could do shit if they didn't allow it?

Remember, he would be out of office if City Council did not piss on your wishes.

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