Saturday, July 2, 2011

Richmond Hill house landmarked

From HDC:

Even in a neighborhood as architecturally rich as Richmond Hill, the Daniel Eldridge House is a true stand-out. The striking Italianate style free-standing house topped with a cupola has long been considered by many here a landmark, whether officially designated or not. The cupola has the added history of being the spot from which Mr. Eldridge, a Tweed Ring member, is said to have watched for the arrival of policemen to arrest him on embezzlement charges. The incident is an interesting reminder of the connection between this then-rural area and Manhattan even in pre-consolidation days.


Gary the Agnostic said...

I've gone past this house any number of times and never paid attention to it. Shame on me.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Thanks for the posting!

Anonymous said...

You folks are too accepting - one house?

This place needs an entire district landmarked.

While our friends in Manhattan are going for expanding districts that have scores of buildings to hundreds in A SINGLE DISTRICT you morons are hi-fiving each other over one house!

Queens Crapper said...

This is what the entire post says:

"Richmond Hill has quite a stash of 19th-century and early-20th-century architecture. While it has been depleted some over recent years, there are still more buildings deserving of designation and protection. HDC is buoyed by the LPC’s consideration of this property despite the installation of replacement siding, and hope that this broader view of non-obtrusive architectural alterations is indicative of the possibility of considering other, similar landmarks in the future. HDC is thrilled to support the designation of the Daniel Eldridge House and we hope it is not the last of Richmond Hill we will see here at LPC."

Anonymous said...

'Hope' doesn't cut it.

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