Saturday, July 9, 2011

Quinn cuts Vallone funding over bridge flap

From the NY Post:

Don't mess with Ed Koch's legacy.

City Councilman Peter Vallone (D-Queens) got that message when Council Speaker Christine Quinn slashed his annual discretionary funding -- a move widely seen as punishment for his vehement opposition to renaming the Queensboro Bridge in honor of the former mayor.

Vallone saw a 42 percent drop in district earmarks -- from more than $1.4 million last year to $838,321 in the budget that took effect last week.

By comparison, the overall discretionary budget dipped by only 2.3 percent --from $395 million to $386 million.

"I would hope that children were not punished because I represented the will of the people of Queens, and I don't believe that happened," Vallone said.

Several sources said Quinn was furious at Vallone for stealing her State of the City speech thunder in February by holding a nearly simultaneous impromptu press conference opposing the bridge renaming.


georgetheatheist said...

In both Manhattan and Queens there are still prominent signs reading "Triborough Bridge" and "Queensboro Bridge". Someone in the DOT sign department engaging in slow-down or political sabotage?

Anonymous said...

these two bridges will always be known as triboro and queensboro.

no new progressive /democrat sign forced on us will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Christine is such a little baby.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that nasty vindictive dyke c--t never gets to be mayor.

Anonymous said...

And that woman wants to be mayor? It's an outrage.

Anonymous said...

Vallone got $900k the year before and $800k before that.

I guess all those tweeder programs for organizations that already have big outside sources of funding , as HANAC (used to get a 1/3 or the like of his money to put in 14 story buildings on 3 story blocks) , might actually have to make an effort to raise money, and those $5000 programs to help literacy of the 12 or so Albanians might get cut.

Anonymous said...

Wait until Queen Slushfund is mayor. No one better piss her off. She's a nasty bitch.

Snake Plissskin said...

Wait until Queen Slushfund is mayor. No one better piss her off. She's a nasty bitch.

Don't worry - people let assholes like Tammany Hall (hey lets start using this term again boys and girls) shit all over them again and again and there is a line - no one knows - that bursts the damn - like that poor fellow in Tunisia last spring - where the sleeping giant awakes.

Don't worry people - the times acomin'.

Anonymous said...

with the news that weprin is getting nod by queens for weiner seat it means two things

1. ackerman is retireing and they setting up weprin for seat


2. weprin runnning for comptroller and john liu is being backed by queens machine for mayor

if that is the case expect christine quinn to romp for mayor over liu

terrible just terrible

Anonymous said...

"Imagine a world without discretionary funds."


Anonymous said...

Both Vallone and Quinn are assholes. Glad to see Vallone slapped down. I'm sure his daddy's lobbying firm is still raking in millions from developers and little bro Paulie is ready to destroy Northeast Queens with all his developer friends. Those Vallones know how to make money!

Anonymous said...

Weprin will run for controller with Queens County blessing.

Anonymous said...

Chris Quinn just lost the Queens vote. Say goodbye to your mayoral dreams, you wannabe queen.

Anonymous said...

Where the fuck did she come from?

Anonymous said...

Koch bridge renaming is political wastefulness. Quinn should be investigated and tax $$ to change signs for renaming purposes be private $$ instead.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

I slam Quinn along with Mike Bloomberg over CityTime the biggest white collar crime ever in NYC gov history so far and guess what? Christine Quinn went on NY1 and lied and said she was on top of CityTime. Oh yeah?
How was that, aiding and abetting SAIC and sub-contractors to steal and fraud the People kind of like selling the lie we needed Mike for a 3rd term. I will be speaking at Local 375 DC37 Rally Thursday and giving Mike and his pals a message you will love!

Anonymous said...

Vallone and Pistilli are destroying Astoria.

Anonymous said...

There should be an end to discretionary funding!

All funding should be passed through a full city council vote!

Discretionary funding equals bribery!

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