Thursday, July 7, 2011

Party bosses choose David Weprin for Weiner's seat

From Capital Tonight:

A Democratic source has confirmed that Assemblyman David Weprin is going to be the Democrats candidate in the special election for NY-9, the seat that is vacant following Anthony Weiner’s resignation.

Weprin is going to be meeting with Democrats in the district tonight and the paperwork certifying him as the candidate will be filed tomorrow.

The source tells CapTon that Weprin was picked because he is the “most loyal” to the Queens Democratic party – which basically picks the candidate for the special election because close to 70% of the weighted vote is in Queens.

And as predicted, they picked Goldfeder for Pheffer's assembly seat.


Anonymous said...

Good, no Claire Shulman as some had suggested. They likely realized that the unregistered lobbying by Shulman's LDC, and the associated fines and investigations, would leave her open to too many questions.

Anonymous said...

Good, no Claire Shulman as some had suggested. They likely realized that the unregistered lobbying by Shulman's LDC, and the associated fines and investigations, would leave her open to too many questions.


But it doesn't mean an investigation shouldn't STILL take place!

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Turner.

Anonymous said...

Good, no Claire Shulman as some had suggested

and you think they are not the ones controlling everything anyway?




Anonymous said...

The thing to watch now will be if the state or national Republicans put up money for Weprin's opponent.

Anonymous said...

of course he the most loyal

he never had to be an insurgent

he was born into a government dynasty

Anonymous said...

As if the only political dynasties are Democratic ones!

What qualified Susan Molinari before she ran for office on Staten Island? And let's not even start with the Bushes.

Anonymous said...

Another ringer! And the beat goes on.

Anonymous said...

Another leftist democrat in a conservative district.

Anonymous said...

Another machine dynasty asshole...the dumber of the two brothers!

Glad I'm not in his district!

Time for another American revolution or give up our republic in favor of an intelligent, beneficent monarchy!

As it is,
the creme de la crap is running Queens and its ignorant peasant/voters keep granting them the divine right of kings to ride roughshod over them!

Anonymous said...

Shulman....that old piece of corrupt crap taking Weiner's spot?


By the time she forces her oversize dentures into her mouth and attends to her ancient daily ablutions....she doesn't have the wits or energy left to run an ice cream wagon.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9:

The district may not be as conservative as you think. When was the last time a conservative won there?

Anonymous said...

Some parts of Queens have never elected a Republican to Congress, and the Republican party started in 1855.

Anonymous said...

The "SON OF SAUL", one of the FORCED BUSING democrat voters in Albany ,for FORCED BUSING NYS REGENTS MEMBER'S in 1975.

Like father ,like son ?

Anonymous said...

I hope this gives an opportunity for Jerry Iannecce to finally take the assembly seat!!! by the way romor had it shelly was gonna retire and dave weprin was suppose to be annointed as speaker? what's going to happen to that deal now that he will be in congress?

Anonymous said...

what's with the mustach? and the tupe"? i be tony lema is rolling right now, can't wait to go to D.C. to sell furniture!

Anonymous said...

This Fucking asshole will be chosen?? he is dumb as fuck and lacks compassion. i can't believe this.

Anonymous said...

Anon. No. 13:

Welcome to summer rerun season. Guaranteed busing will not come up in Congress regardless of who gets elected. Get on with your life, such as it is.

Deke DaSilva said...

Weprin looks familiar to me.

I think he was trying to sell me a used car on Northern Blvd a couple weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

No more dynasties! Enough already!

Anonymous said...

Even if Weprin's soon-to-be Congressional seat disappears by 2013, the Dem Party will easily hand him another Assembly or Council seat. It's so easy to be a Weprin.

Anonymous said...

are you trying to change history ?The proper word is "FORCED" BUSING.

It is bad for the younger citizens to forget history of forty years ago. The PROGRESSIVES ,LIKE YOU, want the youth to forget their failures .

Anonymous said...

That's your word for it. My term is busing.

I don't want anyone to forget anything. He who forgets history is doomed to relive it, you know.

And I'll say this again: your posts look like you were more concerned with who tou went to school with than the quality of the education that you got.

In any case, you will not see busing addressed again in any legislative body. There are more important issues to deal with than your paranoia.

Anonymous said...

The less personable of the Weprin brothers but definitely the smarter. BTW, the Republican bosses are picking their candidate using the same process as the Dems. With the country in the mess it is in I look forward to sending to Congress someone who actually understands economics and the ramifications of the decisions made down there on those of us living here in NY.

Anonymous said...


al centola on the republican line


Anonymous said...

as you continue with your mis information on who of the progressive /democrats in the past voted for forced busing ( of WHITE PUPILS ), here is some detail from a rollcall vote in Albany, in 1975 :

Queens democrats voting YES....Saul Weprin, Leonard Stavisky, Allan Hevesi, Charles Schumer,Ivan Lafayette, Vincent Nicolosi .

Queens G.O.P. voting NO...Frank Padavan, Esposito.

the challenge has been made . will you justify your democrat/liberal parties failure ? or lie as usual ?

Anonymous said...

This is a re post, apparently the first one didn't make it on (Not Verbatum)

"Vote for some erratic weirdo Republican like Dan "hollerin" Halloran?"

Thats why I agree with the posters that keep throwing out Al Centola name as a write in candidate. Now understand it does not need to be Al but anyone like him. I use him as an example because I have seen him in action and the man does not flip flop. He has stated his mission from day one and has stuck to it over ten years now. In the interim he has helped with several issues in the community with positive result, yet he never takes credit. He is not in the pockets of anyone but his family and what is best for them.

Again it does not have to be Al Centola, but an Al Centola is what we need in every district, in every community. The posters that keep asking for a write in campaign have the right idea, write his name in if he doesn't want to run, and then if he wins, let him decide at that point in time.

If you have someone in your community like Al, not the same tired old criminals that put on a good public face with "Democratic Clubs" (with or without Cigars (Cuban?)), "Lions Clubs" filled with Developers salivating at the chance to ruin for a buck, Community Park Clean up organizers that do it once during an election they are running for and are never to be heard from again, others that try to parlay their connections with the Parkside group in order to land a Council Seat and or a plum $100,000 plus job with whomever gets elected. I can go on and on.

So I say My write in vote will go to Al Centola, give yours to whomever you like, just let the Criminal Power base know that enough is enough and we can and will be heard!

Anonymous said...

now who would clean a park ony during election year

that never happens

Anonymous said...

RE: the 3/11/1975 NYS Senate/Assembly joint vote for Forced busing NYS Regents members add :

Landes,Cooperman and Lisa, all democrats.

delete Lafayette(he replaced Lisa).i had previously voted for democrats ,stupidly. But never, ever did they get my vote again.

One could only guess who was getting the BIG donations from the Public School Busing Companies ?

Anonymous said...

Who is this Centola person? I've been around a LONG time and I NEVER heard of him before. What has he done? I heard of Iannece. He's done a lot and I like him. I heard of Vallone. He's done nothing and I don't like him. But I never heard of Centola. Really I want to know.

I hope Iannece runs for the Weprin seat. He would have won the council seat if was not for Vallone.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Centola person? I've been around a LONG time and I NEVER heard of him before. What has he done? I heard of Iannece. He's done a lot and I like him. I heard of Vallone. He's done nothing and I don't like him. But I never heard of Centola. Really I want to know.

I hope Iannece runs for the Weprin seat. He would have won the council seat if was not for Vallone.


Anonymous said...

Elio Forcina should run for district leader against Rockland County resident Evan Stavisky.

Elio actually lives in the district.

Anonymous said...

Elio Forcina should run for district leader against Rockland County resident Evan Stavisky.

Elio actually lives in the district.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to " For the people,by the people"?

Anonymous said...

Hey voters,recycle paper and bottles,not politicians!

Anonymous said...

Weprin another Weiner? Why is he qualified for this office - vote him out.

Anonymous said...

Ack, Why Weprin? Another media-opportunist. Now I'm going to vote for Turner.

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