Monday, July 11, 2011

Oversaturated with 'for sale' signs?

From NY1:

Councilman James Van Bramer is trying to limit the number of ads for retail or commercial space for rent to no more than one on each side of a vacant building.

"It's a real quality of life concern for my constituents," said Van Bramer. “This kind of over-signage is unnecessary. It's cluttered and part of the littering of the landscape of our neighborhoods and our cities."

Indeed, some city residents are complaining about the amount of signage in commercial windows across the city.

Others complained about the amount of signs used to solicit sales or leases.

"You don't need so many, you just need, like, one," said Charles Cudd, a Queens resident.


Anonymous said...

Burying or limiting signs of bad economic times ain't gonna work Jimmy!

Businesses close and stores, etc. become vacant. Homes get foreclosed....very sad.

Eroding quality of life can even hit a landmark Sunnyside.

And lots of luck violating an individual's constitutional rights to free speech....and posting signs.

There's no legal precedent for this kind of regulation.

Got anything better to do?

Anonymous said...

Van Bramer. “This kind of over-signage is unnecessary.

Yeah Van Bramer, if you were doing a good job, you would be enacting legislation to create new business incentives to fill those stores, thus the signs are an non-issue. So instead you are criticizing a real estate firm for advertising vacancies that until filled will not be tax payers or employers!

Anonymous said...

The city more then anyone is guilty of over-signage.

Anonymous said...

Is he an idiot? The commercial life of the city is fading away and he wants to limit advertising that will hopefully help bring it back? How come we don't know about their mental deficiencies before we vote them in?

Anonymous said...

"How come we don't know about their mental deficiencies before we vote them in?"

The questions is, why, after discovering this, do you keep voting them in?

Jeremy Rosen said...

The things City Councilcritters concern themselves with. No matter how big this city is, its politicians always sound small-town.

Anonymous said...

Now that we know that Congressman Joe Crowley lives in Arlington, Virginia rather than Woodside, can we advertise to fill his job? As for Jimmy V., he must be very bored these days. He needs something to do.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy should go over to his friends in Dutch Kills where they are building hotels - excuse me - apartment buildings - and see what they do - how many $10,000 went into a marketing effort to ATTRACT business.

Odd. I thought those people were getting the business.

Anonymous said...

Van Brammer....queen for a day...or at least for a term.

Now that gay marriage has passed, he should be happy and find himself a good wife....or husband....move to the burbs and raise a family....LOL!

Anonymous said...

If only there were as many "help wanted" signs as there are "for sale."

Anonymous said...

Jimmy should go over to his friends in Dutch Kills where they are building hotels - excuse me - apartment buildings - and see what they do - how many $10,000 went into a marketing effort to ATTRACT business.

Odd. I thought those people were getting the business.


Naw, its Jimmy getting the votes.

Anonymous said...

We need a law against too many for sale signs as they create too much confusion and make you feel like an alien in your own community. I mean if people don't want to stay here, they should not be allowed to advertise it because we only want people here who appreciate us!

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