Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mets, economy and commerce all suck lately

Citi Field isn't nestled among bars, restaurants and retail outposts to the extent found immediately around Yankee Stadium. But there are numerous eateries in the areas nearby and the Mets faithful continue to stop at long-time favorites like Parkside restaurant in Corona, Donovan's and Sri Pra Phai in Woodside, Joe's Shanghai in Flushing and Taqueria Coatzingo in Jackson Heights, among others.

"We're still doing business but it's not how it used to be," said Jack Donovan, manager at Donovan's, which opened in 1966. "We still have old-timers stop by for burgers and beers before they run down to the game, but the new restaurants in Citi Field are definitely taking away some of our business."

The lackluster performance of the Mets since moving into the new stadium, coupled with the economic downturn, further eroded their bottom line.

"Last year was a disaster—some of our regulars came and told me they weren't going to continue paying for season tickets because of the product on the field," said Chuck Rose, owner of the Pine Restaurant of Queens.

Donovan's business is also off because DOH shut it down...


Anonymous said...

I find it amusing that a bunch of restaurants that, for the most part, aren't exactly walking distance to the ballpark are complaining here.

Last time I checked, none of them have any advertising in the ballpark that isn't being seen by the attendance or lack thereof.

How are fans who aren't locals supposed to know about a place 8 subway stops away?

While the team has been mediocre (to put it lightly), these pot shots are off base.

These people really need to watch the news instead of Sportcenter and maybe they'll know that the economy isn't what it used to be.

Anonymous said...

""We still have old-timers stop by for burgers and beers before they run down to the game, but the new restaurants in Citi Field are definitely taking away some of our business.""

It's the same situation at Yankee -expensive chains in-house and the locals largely shut out.

These stadiums are simply a wealth consolidation game paid for in-part by taxpayers.

The wealthy get richer -the little guys get..S---.

Very republican.

Anonymous said...

"How are fans who aren't locals supposed to know about a place 8 subway stops away?"

The point is that fans who used to go to the ballpark and patronize these businesses stopped going because of the economy. Pine Restaurant was always packed before the games, and as for the ones in Woodside, its not 8 subway stops away, it's one LIRR stop away. That was the crowd they were attracting.

Anonymous said...

Anyone been to Donovan's in the last few days? It was closed by Board of Health pending a permit.

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry Crapper, I just saw that you mentioned Donovan's at the end of the article.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I have been spending MORE money at Donovan's in the last few years, since I have been going to LESS Met's games, and watching most of the games from my barstool on the southeast corner of Roosevelt Avenue and 58 Street. You can keep your Shitty field, your shitty Los Metos players and your shitty overpriced new "restaurants".

Anonymous said...

Shitty Field looks like a visual nightmare with all those cluttered advertising signs on the outside - Shea looked so sleek and professional.

Never been there yet, but someone said it was a food court with a ball park attached, not unlike the new Yankee Stadium.

Anonymous said...

"The wealthy get richer -the little guys get..S---.
Very republican."

Don't kid yourself, the dems are ver in the pockets of the rich. Obambi got more money from Wall St then the repubs. He was Goldman Sachs man. Don't even go into the NBC and GE connection.

Do yourself a favor, google opensecrets. You'll see the FACTS.

Anonymous said...

how can a new yorker pay the M.L.B. prices at Citi field & and Yankee Stadium ,when they have to pay 20.8 % increase in property tax ,voted by 47 democrat Cm, since 2002 ?

can the 9.! to 17 % unemployed & underemployed, because of democrat policies, in n.y.c. afford these outrageous prices ?

make a change with the Tea Party Patriot candidate.

Fawn Ickate said...

Obambi got more money from Wall St then the repubs.


Oh deer!

Anonymous said...

How did this turn into a political debate? When will you morons wake up and realize that neither Republicans or Democrats care about the best interests of the common people?

A. Dolt said...

When will you morons wake up and realize that neither Republicans or Democrats care about the best interests of the common people?


When will get our bread and circuses?

Anonymous said...

"can the 9.! to 17 % unemployed & underemployed, because of democrat policies, in n.y.c. afford these outrageous prices ?"

In NYS republicans have controlled the State Senate for decades -it's almost over now...The Mayoralty has been in gop hands since 1-1-94

Nap time gramps.

"make a change with the Tea Party Patriot candidate."

Right. Like that pathetic little gathering of happy-Hour geezers out there in n.eastern Queens last year.

Queens Crapper said...

The governor has been a Dem since Spitzer was elected and the City Council has been Dem since the year of the flood.

Joe said...

Don't even go into the NBC and GE connection.

OH YEA BIG TIME Tell me about it !
General Electric and Universal have HUGE power
Jimmy Brewer and I got totally shit on and "put in thumb screws" at NBC for refusing to bow & clap for Al Gore in the Hallway of studio 8H on the SNL set. They also blacklisted and ruined Jimmy's career.
The writers producers and "most" the talent think Al Gore and Lady Ga Ga are gods.
Note: Most the NBC Universal staff writers are flaming liberal gay activists looking to stir stuff up.
What you see on TV is no longer about entertainment but stealth political propaganda from the loony left.

Anonymous said...

""We still have old-timers stop by for burgers and beers before they run down to the game, but the new restaurants in Citi Field are definitely taking away some of our business.""

It's the same situation at Yankee -expensive chains in-house and the locals largely shut out.

These stadiums are simply a wealth consolidation game paid for in-part by taxpayers.

The wealthy get richer -the little guys get..S---.

Very republican

Reoublican or democrat in ny/mj/ma/pa/ct, the northeast except new hammpshire(where common sense still thrives like in the south.
The north east leans socialist comunist liberal and that is what you have third world shithole where you cant buy fire works, have salt or smoke in the park put you can take it up the ass from another man.

Anonymous said...

What kind of Idiot spends $100+ to sit in a lousy little chair packed like mixed nuts in sign obstructed stadium to watch the Mets lose ?
Lets not forget the traffic mess, hardcore drunks, $20 parking, $14 pints of beer and hotdog.
Screw the Mets and corporate dirtbags support you local business and watch it on TV.

Anonymous said...

Anon. No. 16:

Do you deliberately misspell things to get people to pay attention to you?

Anonymous said...

If that's the case, it works.

Anonymous said...

RINO'S who vote with Pro-Homo Marriage Cuomo are not conservative/republicans .

Anonymous said...

Queens Crapper said...

The governor has been a Dem since Spitzer was elected and the City Council has been Dem since the year of the flood."

Yeah, and the Assembly has been "Dem" since 1975 -BUT with the Senate in gop hands...well, we have the current state of NYS.

Another election cycle, or two will fix that, then we'll see what dem Dems can do.

Anyway, happy Independence Day!

Cav said...

"Another election cycle, or two will fix that, then we'll see what dem Dems can do."

Why do you hate the people of New York so much! WHY!!!
What did we ever do to you to deserve that!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 20:

What about the RepubCons who are Gay?

Anonymous said...

Don't go to Donovan's anymore, unless, of course, I'm in the mood for a "roachburger" Grew up in Woodside and always loved that place, but the last time I was there I saw way too many cockroaches and haven't been back.

Anonymous said...

news alert: the Dodgers are bankrupt in California and 13 Southern Cal. Counties are thinking of seceding from the state.

The taxpayers are fed up with the Progressive/Democrat policies of tax and spend which have become UNSUSTAINABLE ...

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 25:

Nice try, but here's a newsflash for you: the Dodgers are in big trouble, true, but this is because of a lousy owner going through a horrendous divorce (the marital equivalent of the Wilpons and Madoff). The other Southern California teams are doing well and, as you'll recall, a Northern California team won the World Series last year and they are doing very well.

A further news flash as well: people in New York City have been talking about seceeding from New York State for years. Big deal. It's not going to happen in either case.

Anonymous said...

news flash: two congressional districts in ny will be eliminated soon. that means hundreds of thousands of nyc populace are LEAVING TOWN ,fast.

9.1 to 17 % unemployment and the highest tax burden in the nation, because of democratic dictatorship policies.

They are "Seceding "with their feet. Could they be going to Texas ? A RIGHT TO WORK state, with no taxes, and low unemployment ?

Anonymous said...

Or they could be moving to California or Florida or a lot of places. Do some research.

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