Friday, July 1, 2011

LIRR lied to Forest Hills community

From Forest Hills Patch:

Roughly a dozen Forest Hills Gardens residents gathered on Burns Street Wednesday morning, including representatives of the Forest Hills Gardens Corporation, for a meeting with Long Island Railroad representatives that was not to be.

A representative of the LIRR cancelled an appearance at the meeting, residents said, when he was told that members of the local press would be present.

Frank Gulluscio, district manager of Community Board 6, said the biggest issue right now is that the LIRR has not filled in the previously cut trees with more “track friendly” species, like evergreens, which are safer along tracks because of the lack of falling leaves.

“I think the most important thing is that they never came back to give us ‘track-friendly’ trees,” Gulluscio said. “They knew that the quality of life here was disturbed, very much so.”

In a 2007 release, the transit authority pledged to work with the community, saying “LIRR representatives will be available to discuss replace trees at the Railroads expense with track-friendly trees such as evergreens.”

An LIRR spokesman said last week that currently there are no plans to do any replanting in the area.


Anonymous said...

No planting,but 80% of the workers get a tax free disability pension and all spouses,children and parents ride for free!!Who is the president of LIRR and why does he still have a job?!

Anonymous said...

So where were their elected reps and community board?

Anonymous said...

They also lie about the necessity to blow their horns when they pass under cross bridge at 67 Avenue. The real necessity? Children and even my dog (or perhaps me).

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk....poor spoiled FHG "their quality of life has been disturbed".

Tough shit folks....
your sequestered private kingdom now has a few holes in it.

Move to western Queens where our former peace and quiet has been obliterated!

Anonymous said...

At least the people of FHG are actively trying to NOT let their peace and quiet be obliterated.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #4 - are you always so jealous of people who live in high-end neighborhoods? Guess your're buying into the Obama administrations tactic of class warfare.

Queens Crapper said...

The people of all communities should be as concerned. Make the govt keep its promises instead of shrugging your shoulders and packing it in when the going gets too tough for you. How do you think nice communities stay that way?

A Better NYC said...

The LIRR is a government run agency.

Why would anyone expect it to stay true to its word?


Anonymous #4, you sound like a real idiot.

Anonymous said...

The FHG folks never want to work with other communities on preservation issues - just like every other community in Queens.

The places that have a shred of protection, simply have an attitude that everyone else can go f*k themselves - yet they are the ones with a shred of resources to make things happen.

Instead, communities fall like dominoes one by one.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you class warfare. Obama calls out corporate jets and it's class warfare. Republicans gut unions, medicade and medicare and it's not class warfare? Too much FauxNews for you me thinks. If you voted your paycheck instead of your TV fake news channel we wouldn't be in this mess.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and as to the President of the LIRR. A perfectly mediocre lawyer from Long Island that never ran a business before. For some reason this makes her competent to run a railroad? If it's any consolation she is screwing her customers as much as she is screwing you. LIRR service is at an all time low and ridership is fading with it. If they cut service anymore you won't need trees as there will be no trains.

Anonymous said...

So she has the position only because she is a woman? political correctness before competency? We're fucked.........

Anonymous said...

Let's always call it for what it is: the MTA-LIRR.

Anonymous said...

No....actually I live in a prime high end residential nabe in northeast Queens, with far superior housing and more efficient LIRR transportation than FHG.

I have nothing to be jealous of.

In fact...our civc association has been far more effective than those sleepy FHG "acticvists" in preventing our nabe from going down the crapper.

We got the LIRR to stop tree cutting IMMEDIATELY and replant within 2 months what they destroyed.

Now you spoiled FHG folks can PAY to replant your own trees....pussies!

Is that ditzy snotty "Roz" (I don't remember her last name) do-nothing lady with the oversize eyeglasses from the Gardens association still around?


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