Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is Rockaway really undergoing a revitalization?

From CBS 2:

Rockaway Beach’s comeback began with the influx of surfers after the city allowed surfing in two areas. Soon, others followed.

“As surfers, we’re hoping that the city sees that the surfing community can develop a community,” said Steve Stathis. “We hope that they recognize us and they give us more beaches to surf on.”

Developers took notice and new oceanfront condos are selling briskly.

“They come down here, their blood pressure drops by 20 points and they can breathe a little easier and they say this is really what life is supposed to be about,” said developer Michael Kerris.

Some old timers like what they see.

“Very good changes, new buildings and the situation is much safer, much better,” said Vladimir Rosenstein.


Emir said...

I'm sure that a community already existed there - long before the surfer dudes and developers arrived.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Williamsburg and Bushwick have the hipsters and the Rockaways have the surfer dudes.

RC said...

A revitalized Rockaway won't truly be realized until its public housing is downsized or privatized. Else, we're just dreamin'.

Anonymous said...

Stupid motherfuckers in NY and the northeast want to cater to 13% of Sub-Human America

Anonymous said...

You mean guys like you?

Anonymous said...

@ gary the agnostic... have you taken a stroll down Bushwick lately and seen the few hundred hipsters in comparison with the other 120,000 of the population that has been completely disregarded in Bushwick... I'll give you Williamsburg but Bushwick is not hipster haven no more than Mott Haven or Ocean Hill is...

Gary the Agnostic said...

I've seen it. It's not Williamsburg yet, to be sure, but the spillover is coming.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Whether or not this is good is something else, of course.

Anonymous said...

Rockaway is still a dump no matter what the spin.

Anonymous said...

Williamsburg. The most pretentious place on Earth.

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