Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Holtzman wants Weiner's seat

From the NY Times:

When it comes to New York’s suddenly vacant Ninth Congressional seat, Elizabeth Holtzman is not exactly playing it coy.

She wants the job.

“I could hit the ground running,” she said of the post, now up for grabs since Representative Anthony D. Weiner resigned. “I know I could fight effectively for the people of this district. I was in Congress.”

Ms. Holtzman, the youngest woman to be elected to Congress, represented Brooklyn in the House from 1973 to 1981, later becoming the district attorney in Brooklyn and comptroller for New York City.

In a telephone interview the other day, Ms. Holtzman said she had already expressed her interest in the job to Representative Joseph Crowley, the head of the Democratic Party in Queens, who will play an influential role in selecting the party’s nominee. A special election is scheduled for Sept. 13, and there will be no primaries — instead, party leaders will select the candidates, and at this point there is no indication whom they have in mind.


Anonymous said...

How old is she? Shouldn't she be retired? Guess she figures there's lot of money to make.

Anonymous said...

The district must have a left /leaning progressive like her to help destroy the Constitution even more .

Anonymous said...

go away,

it is dej vu all over again

Anonymous said...

The only thing Holtzman accomplished during her term in congress was sit on the Watergate Hearings. She was ineffective and a snot to boot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Holtzman will swallow the Weiner!

Anonymous said...

A wiener in a dress, Great!

Anonymous said...

doesn't she lead the Gay /Homo Parade yearly ?

Anonymous said...

She doesn't, but if she did, so what?

Gary the Agnostic said...

It seems to me that the only people who are going to wind up running for this seat are those who don't really care about being re-elected. Why make any effort for a seat that won't exist in a year? That's why Holtzman is running and why Eric Ulrich isn't running now. He's too smart to give up a safe seat.

Anonymous said...

Is it true that many female democrat politicians do not like weiner ?

Anonymous said...

Nice try, Gramps. No sale.

Deke DaSilva said...

"Holtzman wants Weiner's seat"

Too much information!

Anonymous said...

Holtzman wants to sit on the weiner...

Anonymous said...

She is the worst liberal around. If she wants this job why did she leave as congresswoman originally to run for city offices?

Anonymous said...

She originally left to run for United States Senator. She lost. Then she ran for city office.

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