Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Developers salivate over owning deBlasio

From the NY Post:

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio is making improbable friends in an industry that's far removed from his progressive politics: real estate.

"Bill's going to be on the other side of almost every issue, but he'll listen to you," said an official with one of the city's most prominent developers.

Even de Blasio's close ties to municipal unions and the Working Families Party haven't dissuaded developers who tend to be wary of both.

Many developers are up for grabs in the 2013 mayoral race because of the demise of Rep. Anthony Weiner, considered the front-runner until he was done in by a sloppy Twitter tap that exposed more of his briefs than beliefs.

"Weiner was getting a lot of real-estate money," said one insider. "They're now trying to figure out where to go."

Hooking up with well-heeled donors in the real-estate world would help de Blasio stake out fresh political ground while collecting some large campaign checks.

How can you trust a guy who doesn't even use his own real name? Warren Wilhelm, Jr. apparently wasn't ethnic-sounding enough...


Anonymous said...

Seifman's article is mostly anonymous sources. Not exactly the best example of journalism.

Anonymous said...

Talk about pandering..."De Blasio is married to Chirlane McCray. Their couple's, held in Prospect Park, was conducted by two gay, interracial, interdenominational ministers."

Anonymous said...

Thats not his name? Why? would anyone use an Italian name to get into politics in New York, the Mafia stigma alone could kill the career. Wierd.

Anonymous said...

The article's headline could have been written about Liu or about Quinn. Developers would salivate over owning them, too.

Anonymous said...

they should eliminate the public advocate position

what a waste of tax dollars that office is

Erik Baard said...

My grandfather took his mother's name (dropping the "Van den" to sound more American) after he arrived in America as a 12-year old runaway stowed on ship. Illegal immigrant bearing his maternal name!

We don't know why the Public Advocate took his mother's name in youth and we really don't need to.

Anonymous said...

"In youth" means after he graduated high school. I think we know why he would do that. It's pretty damn obvious. His entire adult life has been calculated to produce a mayor.

Cav said...

I agree with Eirk about the name change. I had a friend who changed his name to his mother's last name because he had a very bad relationship with his father. So there might be a good (but rather unfortunate) reason for it.

But every time I hear the name Bill deBlasio, I think of a fashon designer. He even looks the part with the Don Johnson beard and hairstyle.

Anonymous said...

he will try to appeal to conservative white ethnics

but like tony avella he is a liberal freak with extreme views out of touch with bay ridge, howard beach, morris park and whitestone

however if the machine pushes him he will scam the public just like tony avella

Anonymous said...

I've known Bill for 30 years but haven't been in touch for most of the last 20. I know none of the details, but Bill was much closer to his mother - who I met - than to his father, and I believe those relationships explain his decision to drop Wilhelm in favor of DeBlasio.

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