Thursday, July 7, 2011

Developers really love Quinn

From the Gotham Gazette:

Using Gotham Gazette’s Councilpedia, we examined Quinn’s major contributors for the 2013 race (many of who actually gave in 2007 and 2008, before the extension of term limits sunk Quinn’s 2009 run for Gracie Mansion). And we discovered a large number of $4,950 contributions — the maximum allowed for citywide candidates — from people involved in real estate.

In a number of cases, several people associated with a company anted up. At least six people with links to Rudin Management, one of the city’s largest building developers and owners, gave $4,950, as did five members of the Gural family of the global real estate firm Newmark Knight Frank and the president of Newmark, James Kuhn. Three members of the Walentas family of Two Trees Management, which has developed much of DUMBO, gave $4,950 each, as did two executives with the company, Amish Patel and Richard Shill.

Three people associated with Rose Associates opened their wallets for the maximum, as did two Roses with the Georgetown Co. At least five people with ties to The Benjamin Companies on Long Island gave Quinn $4,950, and so did at least four people with ties to Related. And so on.


Anonymous said...

So do the ladies!

Anonymous said...

Lord knows she's blown enough of them despite having a lick-her license!

Rosie O'Donnell said...

I really love Quinn too!

Every Player in the WNBA said...

Count us in also!

Anonymous said...

She's make a great ladies prison guard.

Anonymous said...

Our government system is failing. Greed and power have made those elected to serve, dance with the devil.

Karma...karma....karma. It will come back at will.

Anonymous said...

Our government system is failing. Greed and power have made those elected to serve, dance with the devil.

And we have Quimm!

Anonymous said...

Vote for Quinn - Bloomberg's 4th term.

Go ahead! You know you want to! You know you just LOVE this cesspool of an ex-city.

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