Sunday, July 3, 2011

Developer opens hydrant....legally?

Hello Crapper

"I took this picture to question the powers that be. This is from that new construction site on Prince St and Roosevelt Ave. The construction site uses city water WE pay for. My water bill is high enough. Why are they NOT being charged for use and waste of water?

Have a Crappy Fourth Crapper..."

Pope of College Point



What should I do if I see an open fire hydrant?

Open Hydrants should be reported to 311. In addition to the location of the hydrant, please report the time of day and the type of activity at the hydrant (recreation, car washing, etc.)

Can anyone use fire hydrants legally?

(RCNY §21-03 (f)) Hydrant use requires a DEP permit which is issued at DEP's discretion.

How do I get a permit to use a fire hydrant?

Permits are issued through BCS Borough Offices. If the use is approved, they cost $55.00 every 30 days, plus $13.50 per day it is actually used.

Was this opening legal? Don't know. How does one find out? Is a permit supposed to be posted somewhere?


Anonymous said...

"Was this opening legal?"

Come on now is that a serious question???

When was the last time a developer did something that was actually leagal? The problem is that since it is a developer doing that the city will look the other way like they do with all the problems and illegal actions developers create.

Developers know they are free to do anyting because the city lets them get away with murder so they pull crap like this.

Anonymous said...

Call 311. The pd will issue an environmental pprotection board (ECB) summons for not having a permit.

Anonymous said...

Notorious criminal "developer" Tommy Huang has done that too in the past.

He's also stolen electricity from a street lamp post when conveniently available with an unsafe hook-up.

I've got a photo buried somewhere, picturing the N/W corner of Union & Northern back in the 1980s when Huang built that ugly strip of stores.

Heh, like they've said in China for centuries, "The mountains are high and the emperor is far away".

If nobody sees, then you won't get caught.

Anonymous said...

Yep, pretty common. I have photos from months back last winter of a hose attached to a hydrant on Cooper Ave. running to that ice skating rink on the Atco/Hemmerdinger properties. That took a lot of water--all free for them! Arrogance. The danger is if there is a fire and the first responders hook up and find not enough pressure. So, this IS serious.

Anonymous said...

Let me try and illuminate this conversation. If the developer was illegally using the hydrant it is unlikely he would use the backflow preventer you see in the picture. This is a DEP requirement when applying for a permit to ensure that no contaminants 'back' in to the system. If a permit has been issued it will be amongst the posted permits onsite. If no permit has been issued a quick call to DEP will resolve it quickly. The consequences of a contractor not having a permit are disproportionately greater than the relatively low cost of a permit.

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, we sound like angry amateurs if we spend our time making silly assumptions rather than making simple enquiries. Our water is sold at a high price to those who comply with regulations. It is not correct to assume that the city would sell this water to a contractor creating a condition where "danger is if there is a fire and the first responders hook up and find not enough pressure" otherwise we would never be able to manage fight two fires at the same time. Let us be methodical, not hysterical.

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