Wednesday, July 6, 2011

City's Declaration signers are largely forgotten

From the Daily News:

With the American Revolution raging in the fall of 1776, a British battleship sailed to Whitestone to punish a patriot.

Mortar shells crashed into the home of Francis Lewis, who had recently signed the Declaration of Independence. He wasn't there, but soldiers destroyed his estate and imprisoned his frail wife.

He lost nearly everything for the fledgling nation.

Nearly two and a half centuries later, Lewis' descendants fear his sacrifice is largely forgotten in Queens, and they want to honor their ancestor with a tribute near the site of his home.

New York City was home to three signers of the Declaration of Independence, but not a single abode of theirs remains.

Like Francis Lewis' estate, the South Bronx home of signer Lewis Morris was trashed by the British. Housing projects and boarded-up buildings mark the site today.

The British also seized the Brooklyn Heights mansion of signer Philip Livingston and turned it into a hospital.

Among New York State’s four signers, the only home that still exists belonged to William Floyd, a wealthy land speculator who resided in Mastic Beach, L.I.


Anonymous said...

P.S.130 Q is named the Francis Lewis School @ 42 nd Avenue / Francis Lewis Blvd. in Bayside Queens.

C.S.D. 25 buses 300 K-3 pupils from Flushing ,main street daily into the F.L.B. entrance. another 50 special education pupils from out of area utilize the 201 street entrance and first floor.

the local ( residing across the street ) K-5 pupils are bused to schools 1 mile away in C.S.D. 26. The building is located in C.S.D.26.

it seems that the local pupils are also "largely forgotten."

P.S.130 pupils score the highest in math and english language arts in the NYS @ third grade level !!!

Thank you for your patriotism to the United States of America ,Francis Lewis .

Helen Marshill said...

We're trying to revise Queens history until it no longer exists!!!

Ms. Tsouris said...

We also have the once-great Francis Lewis High School; currently, the DOE is busy trying to destroy it. In the fall the incoming freshman class will have 18% IEP kids and most of those kids are from south Queens, far out of the zone. The DOE of course sees a lot of senior teachers who are being harrassed into retiring, and the possibility of breaking Francis Lewis up into smaller schools with more administrators and less kids. Watch for the "Francis Lewis Campus". So much for democracy, which starts with education.

Anonymous said...

P.S.130 Q is named the Francis Lewis School @ 42 nd Avenue / Francis Lewis Blvd. in Bayside Queens.


PS 79 in Whitestone is Francis Lewis Elementary School as well...

Anonymous said...

did you know : that the 1975 Francis Lewis elementary school (P.S.130) P.T.A. is responsible for organizing the first protest in Queens against the racist Progressives and racist N.A.A.C.P. ,who tried to court order forced busing ,from N.E.Queens to Andrew Jackson H.S., (now Campus Magnet H.S. (,in Cambria Hgts?

All 8 to 12th grade white pupils would have been FORCED to ride government buses,paid by our taxes, to S.Queens to Force Integrate the Jackson H.S.

Our Tea Party style groups sent the message across Queens . The NYS Appellate Court ruled against the N.A,A,C,P. racists.

Voluntary busing continued to the present from the South to North Queens.

Francis Lewis's patriotism and strength was infused into the P.T.A. parents, against this gigantic social experiment.

Forced busing pupils because of their skin color was ruled Unconstitutional in 2007 ,by the U.S.Supreme Court.

Insane progressive experiments can be stopped ,but it takes BALLS . I hope your generation has them.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that you're fighting a dead issue again. Too bad that you're not expending the same effort to improve the condition of our schoold so that any kind of busing isn't needed.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that you're fighting a dead issue again. Too bad that you're not expending the same effort to improve the condition of our schoold so that any kind of busing isn't needed.

Anonymous said...

the racist forced busing experiment was initiated by progressives in 1970 . At that time my generation worked to stop this failed socialist farce. The National Assoc. for Neighborhood Schools, (NANS).

many parents moved or enrolled their child in religious schools.we prevailed eventually,but a fortune in taxes was wasted nationwide, by progressive governments.

the phony progressives hid their kids in private schools.they would not sacrifice their kids for their ideology.
Will other commenters state their names ?

the N.Y.C. D.O.E. budget for 2011-12 is $22 billion .

My yearly property tax is in this budget, but much of it is being wasted on social engineering.

if you are strong enough now ,it is your challenge .....

Anonymous said...

I'm progressive and my kids go to public school. What about yours?

Anonymous said...

i hope your children comprehend what they read, BETTER THAN YOU DO .

Beware of the fake scores reported by the social engineers. It may have a negative effect on your child's progress in higher education .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (old man) said...
i hope your children comprehend what they read, BETTER THAN YOU DO ."

I hope his kids use punctuation and grammar "more better" than you, Gramps.

Might we be a H.S. dropout?

Anonymous said...

My kids do, and their grades are legit. I'm sure Gramps' kids benefit from his skills with writing in English.

Anonymous said...

This is a re post, apparently the first one didn't make it on (Not Verbatum)

"Vote for some erratic weirdo Republican like Dan "hollerin" Halloran?"

Thats why I agree with the posters that keep throwing out Al Centola name as a write in candidate. Now understand it does not need to be Al but anyone like him. I use him as an example because I have seen him in action and the man does not flip flop. He has stated his mission from day one and has stuck to it over ten years now. In the interim he has helped with several issues in the community with positive result, yet he never takes credit. He is not in the pockets of anyone but his family and what is best for them.

Again it does not have to be Al Centola, but an Al Centola is what we need in every district, in every community. The posters that keep asking for a write in campaign have the right idea, write his name in if he doesn't want to run, and then if he wins, let him decide at that point in time.

If you have someone in your community like Al, not the same tired old criminals that put on a good public face with "Democratic Clubs" (with or without Cigars (Cuban?)), "Lions Clubs" filled with Developers salivating at the chance to ruin for a buck, Community Park Clean up organizers that do it once during an election they are running for and are never to be heard from again, others that try to parlay their connections with the Parkside group in order to land a Council Seat and or a plum $100,000 plus job with whomever gets elected. I can go on and on.

So I say My write in vote will go to Al Centola, give yours to whomever you like, just let the Criminal Power base know that enough is enough and we can and will be heard!

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