Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bloomberg a Walmart fan

From the NY Times:

He called Wal-Mart “one of the great corporate citizens in this country.” He praised its efforts to conduct background checks before selling guns. He flatly rebuffed suggestions that the company was killing jobs.

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg took on the role of ardent defender of big-box America on Tuesday at a news conference announcing a $4 million donation by Wal-Mart to a city program that offers summer jobs to young people.

With Wal-Mart in the midst of an aggressive campaign to open its first store in New York City, was the donation simply a coincidence?

Wal-Mart has encountered opposition from some City Council members and labor advocates, who have criticized its hiring practices and expressed concern that its presence in New York would hurt small businesses.

But the company’s donation, which will help finance some 3,400 jobs, seemed to help win over some skeptics.


Anonymous said...

former board member of Walmart is H.R.C. !!!!

Anonymous said...

NYC has many big box stores, and the world has not ended; there's no reason Wal-Mart shouldn't have been here 20 years ago. Time to move on.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 1:

Yawn. They also donate to a lot of RepubCon causes.

Anonymous said...

"its presence in New York would hurt small businesses."


Free market mother fucker. Move to Ukraine if you don't like it.

Anonymous said...

"Free market mother fucker. Move to Ukraine if you don't like it."

Shortsighted stupid shithead

read Wal-marts history of destroying neighborhoods throughout the country

Anonymous said...

Gee, Bloomberg wasn't a fan in the beginning. He sided with Christine Quinn to keep Walmart out of NYC. Bloomberg supported Quinn on gay marriage and it became law. Now that he has paid her back for her support for a third term, he's a fan of Walmart and is ready to get paid off by allowing Walmart in Brooklyn. Folks, it's all about the money and all about the payback.

Anonymous said...

For those who wish to be enlightened..

Unknown said...

Walmart is very different from other big box stores in its buying practices. If you really care, you need to read this report. Yes it has a lot of legal-ese in it but its a study done by financial experts and reports on what Walmart has done to communities such as Chicago once Walmart moved in. Its not just a press release, its an educational document with foot-notes showing where the information came from. Unlike other reports I've seen that just have a lot to say but have no way of backing it up.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg would have been equally loquacious in his praise of Adolf Hitler if he thought it might be financially gainful to either himself personally or to his corporate interests. Evrything's(Everybody's) Negotiable (for sale) That's the Bloomberg mantra.Well,I,m not, nor should anyone of conscience be

Mayor Mike said...

I got a fan at Walmart. Big deal!

Sonia said...

Ah yes, this is exactly what we need:

Queens Crapper said...

As if those people don't also shop elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I say we build a nice big Walmart on 5th ave and 79 street. Then Mayor Mike can like it all he wants.

Anonymous said...

This blog has become nauseating. Shows how this fucking city has become a bastion of Republican transplants from FUCKING Connecticut and FUCKING Jersey who have nothing better to do than spend their FUCKING parents money they STOLE from all of our 401K, pensions and tax revenue so their BASTARD Republican trust fund SPAWN can spend MORE OF OUR MONEY Buying Chinese FUCKING CRAP in stores like WALMART that have DESTROYED the middle class in this FUCKING country and outsourced our children's futures to FUCKING India, China and the Phillipines - all so these bastards can steal our Social Security.

Fuck Republicans. Fuck Bloomberg. Fuck you all.

Anonymous said...

Great article on Wal Mart shoppers who are staunch Republicans.

And another article to check out from the Randian free market chain that doesnt pay overtime or care for OSHA standards.

Anonymous said...

Just where is this Walmart store in Queens ,where the Unemploment is 9.2 % and the Underemployment is 16 % ?

Queens is represented by a democrat dictatorship which, the dem. 5 to 1 conservative/gop, ratio has elected.



Anonymous said...

Bring Walmart to NYC - we need their huge variety at low price, in one location. I want to shop here in Queens, not in Nassau or in NJ! It could replace Sears and K-Mart stores which are long dead stores.

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