Friday, July 8, 2011

Barron under scrutiny for developer deal

From the Daily News:

Brooklyn City Councilman Charles Barron steered $3 million from a big developer to a community group run by a longtime political aide, the Daily News has learned.

Barron threw his support behind the Related Companies' plan for the massive Gateway II shopping complex in East New York after the firm signed a secret benefits agreement pledging the cash to a coalition run by Andre (A.T.) Mitchell, Barron's former aide.

The Daily News reported Wednesday that Barron and his wife, Assemblywoman Inez Barron, also pumped $350,000 in taxpayer money to Mitchell's nonprofit Man Up! Inc., which helps inmates reenter society.


Anonymous said...

blame all your problems on the white man, slavery etc..(but don't look at me) just stay happy and listen to what i say! it's about time this bum gets kicked out of office and his constituents can have a real representative!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree....he needs to go!

Anonymous said...

isn't this guy the former Black Panther member ,who Tony Avella joined in voting for a Bklyn street to be named for SONNY Carson ? was not Carson a racist /rioter ?

Anonymous said...

At least he threw it to a local guy and not some big time mayoral connected carpet-bagger developer!

Anonymous said...

Do as i say not as i do!No wonder he's been so silent lately..........Scumbag racist!

Anonymous said...

And how much did Toby Stavisky pump into her "non profit" North Flushing Senior Center?

The Jews can get away with what African Americans get crucified for.

It's all just a matter of color.

Anonymous said...

This is actually a good thing. I don't understand the negativity.

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