Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weiner leaving Forest Hills?

Reader sent in this tip:

Here Mr. Weiner is posing with his "pussys". Take a look at the brown one.

Now take a look at this photo from MLSLI.com. That same cat is in this bedroom photo, which also contains pillows with the initials "H" (Huma) and "A" (Anthony). Together, they spell "HA" which is exactly what a lot of people said yesterday during his press conference.

Try to look past the disturbing naked torso in the foreground and notice the background.

Here is the same room sans photos.

Yep, the pad in Forest Hills is on the block.


Joe said...

LOL Great job crappy !

$449,000 + $930 a month maintenance for that?
The Mattituck barn I live in during summer looks better then that !!

Anonymous said...

The arrogant jerk is good for a few guffaws from the peanut gallery, BUT -there are only three areas of jeopardy he faces:

1) Were any of these messages sent via a government supplied machine.

2) Were any of these babes under-age. From what admittedly few pics of them i've seen, they all look like they've "been around".

3) The voters in his district. He can probably forget the Mayoralty, but from the TV news interviews it looks like his constituents will forgive.

Nothing else matters.

Anonymous said...

The average person would be jailed right now.
Falsely (even un-officially) reporting cybercrime has been a federal crime along with digital identity theft for the last couple years.

His wife's "friends" must be pulling some strings.
The news editors appear to be throwing anything related to the words felony and cybercrime on the cutting room floor.

Anonymous said...

"Falsely (even un-officially) reporting cybercrime has been a federal crime along with digital identity theft for the last couple years. "

Wrong. Un-official is just that -nothing.

The fact that he never went to the FBI or other agency was telling.

He faces an ethics investigation as to his use, or non use of Government issued comps/Blackberries in this matter. But lying to the press is noting (new).

The three points I mentioned are all that matter in this case.

Anonymous said...

The second word out of his mouth was "i will not Resign". I think he's done Even my uber-liberal 24 yr old daughter said she'd vote for a republican opponent! Thanks for my early fathers day gift,Anthony.

Anonymous said...

The second word out of his mouth was "i will not Resign". I think he's done Even my uber-liberal 24 yr old daughter said she'd vote for a republican opponent! Thanks for my early fathers day gift,Anthony.

Come one guys, this is Queens. Do we all watch TV last night and see the interviews?

A Clair Shulman type came on and basically called him a 'nice boy.'

Take a look at your typical Queens pol. Look how many have been tossed into hot water.

And you give them a Roman triumph (in the words of Boss Tweed) every time they stand for election.

The only way this 'nice boy' will leave office is if his fellow hacks decide his 'od' is too much even for their delicate nostrils.

Anonymous said...

We hold them to a higher standard. If that was me my wife would've simply thrown me out of her life or maybe taken me back. I'll never know because I didn't get caught.I can assure you of one thing, I also would not have quit my job because then I couldn't afford the child support or the rent on my new digs. Such is life. At least he didn't attack his housekeeper. By the way he was addicted to something, "cyber sex"

Anonymous said...

The arrogant jerk is good for a few guffaws from the peanut gallery, BUT -there are only three areas of jeopardy he faces:

There are more: #4 It's called Character and this boy has none. I can only imagine what he focuses on to represent us - I highly doubt this stupid wimp spends too much time worrying about representing us. He certainly is a demeaning character with women, especially very young ones.

Twitter is a powerful tool and he used it to show off his own small tool - he is obviously a bold-faced liar and that my friends is reason # 5 - probably the main reason why he will not survive this behavior. Pols don't rank high in the minds of voters as to a Pols honesty - Weiner obviously is not and already defiantly stated this is no reason for him to resign.

#6 Efforts on your behalf are channeled into taking the best possible photo's of his dick to send to people (we havn't heard from the men he sent these too)instead of working on your behalf to improve your district. In effect he is a lazy, porn producer on your dime.

Force this creep out of office, NOW!

Anonymous said...

Never underestimate the stupidity of a liberal constituency, they just LOVE to forgive, it makes them feel so good about themselves

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Never underestimate the stupidity of a liberal constituency, they just LOVE to forgive, it makes them feel so good about themselves'

Be glad of that. Otherwise the prisons would be full of businessmen and their republican henchmen.

Anonymous said...

It's the street thugs I'm most concerned about. And that demographic definitely ain't Republican.

Anonymous said...

A man on the street idiot was just interviewed on the radio about this.

He told the reporter that "politicians have done worse" and this "isn't such a big thing".

Really now?

If Weiner would even "playfully" entertain cheating on his wife, he wouldn't hesitate to f--k his constituency in a heartbeat.

That's what CORRUPTION is all about.

That makes Weiner a definitely a CORRUPT individual who is unworthy of the public's trust.

And why do high school mentality jerks like Weiner remain in office for so long?

Because jerk wad voters keep on electing them!

Anonymous said...

Typical conversation at a Queens senior center...

"Oy! He got caught for sex, but so what? He's still a nice Jewish boy."

Anonymous said...

I live in the 9th AD - I won't vote for him

(then again, I never have)

KG2V said...

actually a BIG #5
NY State has to lose, what, 3 seats in the house for next election. Most likely, it's gonna be 2 Ds, one R - and one of the two Ds will have to be downstate, and the NY Senate has to choose who gets redistricted out

Was nice for Tony to Volunteer, eh?

Anonymous said...

here's anoher link to the listing :


check out photo #2 - isn't that his wife?


These guys are suppose to be intelligent!!!!!
You're a US Congressman and you CANT figure out that the conversation with these WOMEN (I refrained here) wont get out?
They WILL get out, THEY WANT it to get out, the Porn star will get some $$$ out of this whole thing.
Life politicians are FAKES!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Weiner's wife is his "beard".

That "puss" shaved his chest for that torso shot.

He's a faygella!

Anonymous said...

He'll get re-elected; over the years, he's been giving taxpayer $$ to the senior centers, churches and temples in his district. They'll gratefully vote for him again.

Anonymous said...

He dragged this out for 9 days!!!!!!!!!! Then he makes a half-assed confession and Chuckie Sunday Schumer says he did the right thing?!

georgetheatheist said...

Any run-of-the-mill idiot can give $$ to senior centers, churches and temples.

georgetheatheist said...

If you look at the MLSLI listing, the woman in the first photo on the right is probably Huma. The 4th photo from the right shows the white couch and shelving that appears in Weiner's "pussys" photo.

Tubby Stashitsky said...

georgetheatheist said...
Any run-of-the-mill idiot can give $$ to senior centers, churches and temples.


So true, George!

Anonymous said...

If you look at the MLSLI listing, the woman in the first photo on the right is probably Huma.

I wonder what Huma's boss, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, thinks about all of this? It's not as if Bill is a womanizer. Uh oh! On second thought...

ew-3 said...

Add a #6 - According to Politico which is normally a Demo organ -

"Rep. Anthony Weiner encouraged a porn star to lie about their on-line relationship and offered her the help of his public relations team, according to a report on Tuesday.

Weiner sent emails to former X-rated performer Ginger Lee – to whom he’d previously acknowledged sending innocuous messages via Twitter – coaching her to deny that they had been communicating, reported TMZ, which obtained the messages and says the two had exchanged “scores of sexual emails over a long period of time.” "

It's the cover-up that gets them every time.

Queens Crapper said...

When we were learning about government in college, I remember our professor telling us, "If you ever run for office, don't ever lie about anything. The press will find out and you'll be finished. They always get to the bottom of it."

Seems like such a simple rule to follow.

ew-3 said...

QC - you know by know that rules are for the "little people". Wiener is a part of the elite. A protege of Up-Chuck connected to the Clinton's by marriage. He is a prince of the Democrats. Rules, even behavioral norms, do not apply.
Part of the elite is the media, it's all one big happy family. When it comes to dems, the media is there to help them. Consider that FDR was in a wheelchair and most of the US public were not aware of it due to the conspicuous absence of reporting by the media. And the same with Kennedy, the press was well aware of his trysts. When it came to Clinton, it was Drudge and not ABC/NBC/CBS that got the story.
And our current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, who refuses to show his college transcripts and medical records, even though it has been common practice for a long time.
But then norms are for the "little people".

Anonymous said...

bubba clinton performed the marriage ceremony between A.Weiner and Huma.

was it not bubba clinton, Gov. of Arkansas, who ordered the state trooper to bring clerk PAULA JONES to his hotel room and dropped his pants and ordered her to perform oral sex on him ?

her law suit led to the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal in the Oval Office, with a cigar. read the Grand Jury testimony. it's all there.

Anonymous said...

ew-3 said..."When it came to Clinton, it was Drudge and not ABC/NBC/CBS that got the story"

Right, and that "revelation" paralyzed Government at a time when India and Pakistan went nuclear, OBL vowed war on the U.S.

There were concurrent plots being carried to bomb. our embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania -and all those shit republicans could think of was some sort of sick vengeance for chasing that criminal Nixon out of office.

Instead of sex, ;et's look at real criminality that went on in the White House:

Nixon: Watergate, the Huston Plan, using the FBI (and that fag Hoover) along with the IRS against his "enemies".

Reagan. Here's a list:

Bush II: Lying us into a pointless war in Iraq, 4454 dead -33051 wounded/crippled to-date. And of course that great job he did on out economy and the criminal weakening of environmental regulations...at the behest of his corporate bosses.

To a reasonable, intelligent person that all kinda makes a hummer pale in comparison.

Anonymous said...

is it true that when the dem's dump him , he will form the rock& roll group "LIL ANTHONY & THE WEINERS". the hit song will be "TEXT & TWITTER ME ".

Anonymous said...

it seems that the local socialist/progressives just can not accept the truth about the immoral sex perverts that they vote into ny state representation year after year.


Anonymous said...

Forest Hills leaving Anthony Weiner ?

Anonymous said...

"Right, and that "revelation" paralyzed Government at a time when India and Pakistan went nuclear, OBL vowed war on the U.S.
There were concurrent plots being carried to bomb. our embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania -and all those shit republicans could think of was some sort of sick vengeance for chasing that criminal Nixon out of office."

And 9/11 had nothing to do with Clinton's appeasement policy. And why call Hoover a "fag"? Such nasty name calling from a liberal? Figures...

Gary HAckerman said...

WHEW! I'm glad I didn't show anyone MY weewee. All I did was have a "possibly" illegal meeting at my Washington office between Iraeli officials and my friend Zises' company Xenonics. So what if I made a killing on the Xenonics stock I purchased with a loan from Zises. No one cares and therefore no ethics violation investigation. So there!

I dare you to make my flower wilt!!!

Anonymous said...

Good point. All this attention to Weiner's weiner and corrupt elected officials keep on draining our pockets dry! Thank you media. The fourth estate lives...very well in the pockets of our elected oaficials! I guess Weiner couldn't pay the bills.

Anonymous said...

Where is Lorena Bobbitt?????????????

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 31:

So is repeating Repubcon talking points like a robot, Gramps.

Anonymous said...

Keep defending your democRAT.......

Anonymous said...

I'm not defending any one person, bub. Weiner can continue to do things to himself for all I care. Never voted for him, never will.

Anonymous said...

He is SO HOT!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the money shot was just released today by Opie and Anthony.

Anonymous said...

the, recently revealed, U.B.L. first bombing of the World Trade Center occurred in 1993. during Bubba Clinton's first term in the White house.

his impeachment and loss of law license took place in his second term after 1996,for committing perjury.
the Oval Office where he was "LEWINSKYED" many times,and she was "CIGAR SCREWED", was in the legal testimony that is available to the young public for scrutiny.
see the STARR REPORT. AND THESE ARE NOT GOP TALKING POINTS. they came from the "mouth "of the female intern.

Anonymous said...

Yawn. You're repeating yourself, Gramps. Watch Fox News and get some new material.

Anonymous said...

the" weiner of Weiner "is now on the internet,thanks to your liberal /progressive /democrat Congressman formerly from Forest Hills, Queens/Bklyn, attempting to use his politics to seduce young women.


He was subject to extortion and bribery, with our governments secrets. DUMP HIM NOW!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that his constituents do that, Gramps. He's no hero of mine.

Queens Crapper said...

Problem is it's an awfully long time before we'll have the opportunity to do that. He'll be a totally ineffectual representative until that time. This is a no-win situation unless he resigns and allows a special election.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Going by what's in today's papers, Crapper, his district could be reapportioned to pieces. He might not have anyplace to run.

ew-3 said...

I doubt he'll get bumped off by reapportionment he's too well connected to Shumer and Clinton. The only way that would happen is if he were in line for another position of equal or greater stature. He's too good an attach dog for the party to let him disappear.
If Obama loses in '12 all of the above is off the table.

Gary the Agnostic said...


He doesn't have too many friends left at this point. Someone downstate has to lose a seat. Who else will it be?

georgetheatheist said...

And now Ladies and Germs:


Congressman Eric (The Doorman)Gioia.

[From today's NY Times]

georgetheatheist said...

And wouldn't you like to be a fly on Joe Crowley's wall as he's making those phone calls now?

ew-3 said...

Gary the Agnostic said...

"Who else will it be?"

Don't know, but if he does get written out this way, it will likely cause a big schism between NY democrats, with some implications at the federal level.

How can someone get rid of Bill and Hillary's son-in-law ? If they do it will mark a strong downturn in the Clinton wing of the party.

Anonymous said...

Dumb, old man said"
the, recently revealed, U.B.L. first bombing of the World Trade Center occurred in 1993. during Bubba Clinton's first term in the White house."

Clinton had been in office for -one month- at that point. If anyone was to blame it was his predecessor Bush I.

See how lying trips you up?

Then another deceitful comment: "his impeachment and loss of law license took place in his second term after 1996,for committing perjury."

Why not just read what really happened:

Back to Bingo pops.

ew-3 said...

Anonymous said..

"Clinton had been in office for -one month- at that point. If anyone was to blame it was his predecessor Bush I."

Nobody said it was Clinton's fault for the first bombing of the WTC. It was a very early, if not first act, of this particular terrorist group.

The problem is that the response was to create a legal case and not a military case against foreigners that attached the US.

And he also did the same response to several other incidents (USS Cole, US embassy bombings.

Clinton did not respond in any real way which made it seam "reasonable" that the US would not respond to the 2nd bombing of the WTC (9/11).

The dems STILL want to deal with terrorists in a "legal" way.

Odd you keep characterizing people that do not agree with you as old and over the hill. Says a lot about you.

The fact you hide behind the anonymous handle says even more.

Gary the Agnostic said...


Given who Mrs. Weiner (Geez. Even that sounds like a bad joke) works for, I'd say the Clintons aren't too pleased with old Tony right now. My guess is that they stay out of it and there's no split at all.

Anonymous said...

he was LINO,THE LIBERAL LIAR, before the TEA PARTY/GOP were voted into the majority of the U.S.House of Representatives, by the many America Patriots in 2010.

he then went into the ANON mode on the Q/C site.

is he really a "MASTER OF DECEIT" ?

Anonymous said...

ew-3 said..."Nobody said it was Clinton's fault for the first bombing of the WTC."

You didn't even bother to read through the thread to see who I was responding to and what they said.


"The fact you hide behind the anonymous handle says even more."

Says some idiot with the handle "ew-3"


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...


"lino" -is not and has never been MY name.

Whoever that was must have really singed your ass. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 56:

You're complaining about someone else being anonymous? Use your own name, Gramps!

Anonymous said...

re:anon #29 :to all GOP bashers of nixon,reagan,bush 1 & bush2.

read: "The First Frogman", by Elizabeth Kaufman Bush, the story of American hero Draper Kaufman ,who was founder of the Underwater Demolition Teams at Fort Pierce, Fla.during WWll. Evolved into U.S.Navy Seals.
he was married to President G.H.Bush (1). who was the youngest U.S Navy pilot to fly off of Air Craft Carriers. he flew 51 combat missions and was shot down twice.

He left Yale U. to enlist and returned after the war to play first base on their team."Pappy" Bush, and he was excellent.

Nixon was a officer on a ship in the Pacific,during the war. he was never impeached by the liberal slanted Judiciary Committee,although the left media insinuated much.

Reagan outfoxed the U.S.S.R and got the Berlin Wall removed ,so the E.German citizens were no longer slaves to the Russian Communists. He also was president of S.A.G union, a heavy communist member enrollment in the late 1940's. He testified against the marxists at U.S.Gov. hearings and was bashed by the C.P. U.S.A. ,for years after.

read :the venona transcripts. the truth is in them, in the communists own words.

Anonymous said...

re:anon #29 :to all GOP bashers of nixon,reagan,bush 1 & bush2.

read: "The First Frogman", by Elizabeth Kaufman Bush, the story of American hero Draper Kaufman ,who was founder of the Underwater Demolition Teams at Fort Pierce, Fla.during WWll. Evolved into U.S.Navy Seals.
She was sister to President G.H.Bush (1). who was the youngest U.S Navy pilot to fly off of Air Craft Carriers. he flew 51 combat missions and was shot down twice.

He left Yale U. to enlist and returned after the war to play first base on their team."Pappy" Bush, and he was excellent.

Nixon was a officer on a ship in the Pacific,during the war. he was never impeached by the liberal slanted Judiciary Committee,although the left media insinuated much.

Reagan outfoxed the U.S.S.R and got the Berlin Wall removed ,so the E.German citizens were no longer slaves to the Russian Communists. He also was president of S.A.G union, a heavy communist member enrollment in the late 1940's. He testified against the marxists at U.S.Gov. hearings and was bashed by the C.P. U.S.A. ,for years after.

read :the venona transcripts. the truth is in them, in the communists own words.

Anonymous said...

You can say that again, Gramps!

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