Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sadik-Kahn changes mind about Brooklyn traffic islands

From CBS:

The Borough Park traffic islands that CBS 2 first told you about six months ago, the ones that caused such chaos, are apparently going to be removed, Marcia Kramer reports exclusively.

When CBS 2 first aired this story last November you saw Ladder 114 having trouble rushing to a fire in Borough Park. It ran smack dab into cement traffic islands installed by the DOT.

A back-up caused by the traffic island forced an ambulance to pull into oncoming traffic to swerve around the barricade and the problems of ambulances trying to reach the Maimonides Hospital emergency room down the block continue to this very day.

But apparently not for very much longer.

In a rare change of heart, Commissioner Jeanette Sadik-Khan has, sources say, agreed to remove the offending barricades. The move will head off a threatened suit by Assemblyman Hikind, who had gathered petitions from more than 1,000 constituents.


Kevin Walsh said...

I wonder if that thing on Little Neck Parkway Queens is next.

Anonymous said...

Hikind is a dangerous fool.

Anonymous said...

Take note Queens - rolling over and playing dead is NOT they way to get things done, except to fulfill your prediction that you will get walked all over.

Anonymous said...

For more facts relating to this issue than the hysterical Marcia Kramer can offer, see this:

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