Sunday, June 5, 2011

New mall opens at Flushing Caldor site

From the Times Ledger:

A stunning new Asian mall has opened at the long-vacant Caldor site at the intersection of Main Street and Roosevelt Avenue in downtown Flushing.

New World Mall, at 136-30 Roosevelt Ave., is a four-floor emporium replete with the 45,000-square-foot J Mart Chinese grocery store, a 150-table Cantonese restaurant, a massive basement food court and dozens of Asian stores.

The 167,000-square-foot space, which is centered around a bank of new escalators, is decadently decorated with chandeliers, soaring ceilings and a dazzling array of shopping and eating options.

The top-floor restaurant’s tables were almost all filled with diners eager to try its dim sum even on a weekday morning last week, and the food court was bustling with hungry patrons.

“It’s a brand-new, mixed-use shopping mall,” Sharon Shi, a broker for Perfect Group Realty, which represents the project, said in September. “The majority of people are Chinese, so the purpose is to pick up a Chinese supermarket, but of course there will be American food, too.”

Of course.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Finally. Live octopus!

Anonymous said...

It's not called New World mall.

It's actually New World ORDER Mall. Look closely, you might have to read between the lines to see it.

Anonymous said...

American food too? royal arse!

Rat & cat cheeseburgers.

Street catch 'n fries!

Anonymous said...

Another Sam Chang special!

NYC is littered with his substandard mini hotels.

Anonymous said...

"Forget it's Chinatown".

(And a low class one at that)!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Wellington Z. Chen the architect behind this all?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the racism here is unnecessary

you're all free to open up your own "American" food joint. problem is, it probably won't do so well. that's how supply & demand tends to work.

ironically, its the American way, like it or not.

Anonymous said...

you're all free to open up your own "American" food joint. problem is, it probably won't do so well. that's how supply & demand tends to work.

ironically, its the American way, like it or not.


Agreed! Now pass the live octopus.

Deke DaSilva said...

the racism here is unnecessary

This commenter is probably a pastey, nerdy white guy who can't even bench press 50 pounds. He probably couldn't date a white woman if he paid her $1000, so he dates ugly Chinese girls that even Chinese guys would never touch.

you're all free to open up your own "American" food joint.

Really? Thank you so much!

First you tell the commenters that they are "racists" and they shouldn't post what they they see with their own lying eyes.

Next you tell them that they are free to open their own restaurant?

So you're opposed to free speech, but you're in favor of freedom to open a restaurant?

problem is, it probably won't do so well. that's how supply & demand tends to work.

Really? So why has Peter Luger's been in business for so long?

You obviously need to study economics in addition to reading up on the First Amendment.

ironically, its the American way, like it or not

No, free speech is the American way, ass munch!

Anonymous said...

I walked all over the new mall, looking for a falafel sandwich. Couldn't find any.

Anonymous said...

Why all the negativity?

This huge mall will generate significant tax revenue for the City.

Anonymous said...


Snake Plissskin said...

This huge mall will generate significant tax revenue for the City.
This huge mall will anchor a tweeded community. Vote Democatic!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited..just passed by the New World Order Mall & guess what…a HAAGEN DAZS IS OPENING!!! just mad confused i thought all those people were lactose intolerant… cream!!!

Anonymous said...

i thought all those people were lactose intolerant… cream!!!


Try the octopus fudge chip! Guess what the fudge is made from!!??!!??!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Fallon has an ice cream with chocolate-covered potato chips. What will white people think of next - french fry salads?! Wait...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I really thought NYers were more accommodating than most other regions. But from reading these comments I see that the white robes and pointy hats exist here, just as much.
Free speech true, but spouting hate is a crime

Anonymous said...

Another Asian market.
Just what the downtown hub needs.
Any live octopus for sale?

And the BS spin doctors keep on touting Flushing for its "diversity".

Cut the crap!

Flushing IS NOT multicultural.
It's a mono-cultural Asian colony.

I think CB#7 members, its chair and staff should be replaced by Chinese to reflect the area.

Well at least Pauline (Pau Lin) Chu
is a start as a new CB#7 member.

When she ran against Julia Harrison, didn't she lie about her educational (whatever) credentials or was that Ethyl Chen?

Nevertheless....aren't she and Julia friendlier now despite being former political opponents?

Politics seems to
make strange bed sisters too.

Anonymous said...

I think that the Disney Corp. should be employed to build a replica of the great Wall of China around the downtown area.

Make it an Oriental theme park with new pagoda roofs on all of its buildings.

Now that might truly encourage tourism to Queens.

Velly nice prace to vist!

Anonymous said...

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I really thought NYers were more accommodating than most other regions. But from reading these comments I see that the white robes and pointy hats exist here, just as much.
Free speech true, but spouting hate is a crime


As if the "racism" isn't mutual. Only we "round eyes" can't read the Asian language papers or understand Asian language media. And God knows what's being said right in front of our faces. Nah! I ain't buying your bullshit, troll!

Anonymous said...

I used to find this site really helpful because I couldn't really deal with all the changes going around in Flushing. But after a while I've learned that change happens and have accepted it. The way everyone here complains is just vicious, and racist. If you don't like it here no one is forcing you to be here. Quite frankly, many people here sound like babies and bullies.

Anonymous said...

The last poster is absolutely right, 110%!!! That's why I moved to Florida...woohoo!!! So long Queens, next stop 3rd world dump!!

Cav said...

"Wow, I really thought NYers were more accommodating than most other regions. But from reading these comments I see that the white robes and pointy hats exist here, just as much.
Free speech true, but spouting hate is a crime"


Funny troll! People who live in glass condo towers shouldn't throw stones.

Oh, so how many minorities live in the luxury condo towers of LIC or haven't been completely forced out of the "cool", "hip" areas of Brooklyn through transplanted white gentrification?

Suburban white transplants really like people of color only if they live in other neighborhoods miles away.

Anonymous said...

On the one hand, Asian merchants and customers should be open to all people who go to their community to shop and dine; on the other hand, the racism against Koreans and Chinese in downtown Flushing is long standing and started when Korean signs were put up on stores over 20 years ago (I have been away from Queens for 16 years now, living and working in ASIA and I am Caucasian and used to enjoy going to Flushing to art galleries, restaurants, etc.) I am sad to see such blatant racism on this website coming from non-Asians. You are missing a lot through your hateful attitude - cultural things that add to what makes New York a fascinating place to live in and to visit - shopping for inexpensive items, interesting foods.... Sorry to see such ignorance displayed on this website by non-Asians and no, I am not a white male whoring around - I am a white woman with an education!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're including serving live, writhing octopus as food, pouring grease down the sewers, spitting and shooting snot out of their noses onto the sidewalk and piling rotting garbage up in the street so that it stinks, because this is the "culture" of Main Street these days. I don't find these things to be "cultural things that add to what makes New York a fascinating place to live in", I find them to be absolutely disgusting.

Anonymous said...


Anony2 said...

Walked through the "mall" yesterday. Bunch of tiny Asian stalls selling cheap crap. Several $20 stores in there (as opposed to 99 cents), several hair shops, the front is divided into into doorway stalls selling phone cases or cigarettes. A stand between the escalators selling electronic bikes so the restaurant owners can buy them.

I thought they promised national retailers? Well maybe some of the stores are, but from a different nation...

Anonymous said...

I hope you're including serving live, writhing octopus as food, pouring grease down the sewers, spitting and shooting snot out of their noses onto the sidewalk and piling rotting garbage up in the street so that it stinks, because this is the "culture" of Main Street these days.

You forgot to mention public urination and defecation!!! Us "round eyes" are offended by such behaviors.

Anonymous said...

Whew....Sam Chang's trolls are busy!

Anonymous said...

If Flushing were inhabited by a higher class of Asians....say like from Shanghai....there would be no objections.

But it's ignorant "coolies" that occupy the doer class Chinese like them!

These low class Taiwanese drove out the higher class Japanese and Koreans years ago.

Who wants to be in the midst of a low class Asian ghetto?

Not even the Asians.

Their second generation has moved to places like Great Neck or Scarsdale.

Can you blame them?

Anonymous said...

It certainly is the lower class Asians that occupy the downtown Flushing hub and the higher class Chinese don't like them.

Anonymous said...

Flushing is not high class, but it is safe and food/housing is cheap. Other than the newcomer Asians there are also many long time residents who retire in the area. I do wish Barnes and Noble will return some day. Until then, I can appreciate it for what it is. The fact is, the shops and restaurants provide vital services to NYC immigrants which very much define that Queens has always been.

Anonymous said...

The difference is that in the past Queens was home to immigrants that wished to assimilate and become Americans. The newcomers these days want to recreate their homelands here and isolate themselves from the rest of society.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"The difference is that in the past Queens was home to immigrants that wished to assimilate and become Americans. The newcomers these days want to recreate their homelands here and isolate themselves from the rest of society."

That's why all the Greeks lived in Astoria, all the Jews in Forest Hills, all the Irish in Woodside/Sunnyside and so on. Yeah, lots of assimilation going on through your rose-colored glasses.

From what I see, many of these new immigrants lead pretty isolated lives, but their children are becoming doctors, investment bankers and lawyers. Don't believe me? See which group is overrepresented in the specialized high schools and ivy league colleges. The #s don't lie. They're assimilating just fine.

Queens Crapper said...

Not sure what society you live in, but every community has one or more synagogues, there are Greek churches in a lot of communities as well and Irish came here speaking English so they were not isolated either. My grandmother worked with all three ethnicities in the 1940s in a garment factory.

Anonymous said...

I always wanted chinese food in flushing thank god for the option now!

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something? When did octopus become a substitute word for dogs? You know, I'm Chinese, I have NEVER heard of anyone using the word octopus as a derogatory word before. It's usually the typical dogs and cats..errrrr wait there was a comment about cats. If the people who want us out of Flushing, Fresh Measdows, Bayside, Manhasset, Port Washington, Syosset, etc. PLEASE DO THIS IN PROTEST IN PERSON! VOICE YOUR RACISM FOR THE PUBLIC TO SEE! I would like to come face to face with you. Like Da Saliva! I mean Silva ;D Hatred is pure evil. I can't begin to fathom what you ppl look like or act like to even harbor such racism. For that I feel sorry for you. If your anger is this great, then I would suggest you to force all the Chinese out of the US in protest. If you are that comfortable voicing your opinion behind a computer then do it in person too! Or what? too chicken? You are served!!....served live octopus? ;) btw live octopus goes with sushi which is japanese. I prefer you to say fried octopus because that is more accurate LMAO Crappy let's see if you'll allow me to post this rant. said...

It doesd not matter how you slice the pie, there is no equation. How do the chinese, Koreans,etc., come up with the idea that Flushing is theirs?. Flushing is MYYY town., PS20 where I went o school, the streets where I learned to ride my bike. Sunday stroll to main street to go to Jans Ice cream parlor or Woolworth lunch counter, or meet my parents at the 5 & 10 (which was Woolworth). I understand how our older residents feel (although, I dont agree to hate) most have hate in their hearts. Us American have compassion in our hearts. When the Asians moved in we open our hearts and stocked our supermakets with their products to welcome them but this is not so with them.They are adamant to us and our needs. They easily get out of a question with ( I dont speak english). They grabbed our neighborhoods geographycally as strategically planned, saw it with my own eyes, maps of our neighborhood takeover, this was done by the "meng Dynasty". OUr state funded money for neighborhood education programs for everyone and they denied these opportunities to us by siting ( its only for Cinese Or Korean". I know this for a fact as I am a witness to this. As I said, I am not a hater, I follow Gods law to love thy neighbor. What kind of God do they worship, does their God teach to hate?. When God dispersed everyone with their own language due to the Tower of Babel, he only confused communication, not the goodness of man. On our Kissena Blv. strip there are already 5 chinese restaurants and we want no more Chinese restaurants. Enough is enough. I am asking everyone of any denomination to join me to stop any more Chinese restaurants from openning between Beech Ave down to Elder Ave on Kissena Blvd. Lets find oud out where is our neighborhood merchant association and fight if we must (not with weapons) but with the Law, to keep what ever remains of our neighbood diversed, clean, uncluttered, with equal distribution of merchants. Please join me on this quest. If you have better resources please share them with us. What are you afraid of, lets not talk about, lets do something about it !

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