Thursday, June 2, 2011

New candidate on deck

From the Daily News:

The scramble to fill the seat of former Assemblywoman Audrey Pheffer has taken another turn, with her longtime aide [Joann Shapiro] announcing she will not run for the post.

That clears the deck for Phillip Goldfeder, an aide to U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer. Goldfeder is being touted as the Queens Democratic Party's pick to replace Pheffer, who recently stepped down from her legislative post to become the Queens County Clerk.

The district includes parts of Ozone Park, Howard Beach and the Rockaways.

Shapiro said she made the decision not to run after having discussions with her family.

Goldfeder, a Far Rockaway native, has worked for both Republicans and Democrats, including a stint on Mayor Bloomberg's 2005 campaign and City Councilman Simcha Felder's unsuccessful campaign for state Senate.


Anonymous said...

The only thing Joanne Shapiro has ever run for is a Big Mac.

What was once a jewel of NYC has been destroyed by people like her.

What are her qualifications ? Sitting on her ass and gossiping for 30 years ?

Anonymous said...

Isnt it funny how these petty people like Shapiro who try and boss around everyone end up never running for office. Of course, she knows no one would ever vote for her. Thats why she isnt putting her name up to the voters. I remember seeing her at event once speaking and I thought she was the disabled person who had a token job in the politicians office.

Anonymous said...

We would be better off picking up a drunk bum from the beach to represent us over that whale.

Ned said...

Please no more leftie ZOG, I hope NYC has learned its lesson ?


Anonymous said...

It sounds like this kid boxed her out.

Lets hope he doesnt turn out to be a complete stooge of the Bosses.

It also sounds like they found her a job so they could put the old mule out to pasture.

She even seems to be bragging about it.

I guess when your life is getting over on the taxpayers, its all about the pension.

Frank said...

Frontrunner ? Joanne Shapiro ran for School Board many years ago and came in dead last. It seems appropiate that in the newspaper story announcing her retirement, there is a picture of Audrey Pheffer. Its like Shapiro only existed as a shadow. A large shadow, but still a shadow.

Anonymous said...

Shapiro Named Democratic District Leader

May 5, 2011

Last week, the Queens Democratic County Committee voted unanimously elect JoAnn Shapiro as the Democratic District Leader for the 23rd District. The election further paved the way for her to seek the State Assembly seat left vacant after Assemblywoman Audrey Pheffer (D-Ozone Park)announced she will resign on May 11 to become County Clerk.

Shapiro has worked with Pheffer—most recently as her chief of staff—for more than two decades. At the meeting on April 28, Pheffer said Shapiro had been a vital coworker and a friend. “Twenty-four years ago today, on April 28, 1987, JoAnn was out campaigning for my election,” said Pheffer, who was elected to the Assembly that day. “It is her time as the district leader.”

Pheffer was recently appointed as the Queens County Clerk by A. Gail Prudenti, the presiding judge of the Appellate Division Second Judicial Department, an office left empty since Gloria D’Amico passed away in December. Shortly after accepting the appointment, Pheffer announced her resignation from the assembly.

There was no opposition to giving Shapiro the nod at the Committee meeting, held at Carosello on Crossbay Boulevard. With a mock circus-rotunda reading “FUN” in bold red lettering overhead, Betty Braton, chair of Communtiy Board 10, nominated Shapiro, noting her community experience; it was quickly seconded by her brother, Ed.

“I believe she would be probably the best person for this job,” he said. When jeered playfully for his use of “probably” he said, “Well, no one nominated me.”

Shapiro thanked everyone for their support, with special consideration to her husband Tony, her brother, and her mother, all seated next to her. “I’m humbled,” she said, “which is something that doesn’t happen very often.”

Governor Andrew Cuomo could announce a special election for Pheffer’s seat, and three other vacancies, after May 11.

“There is no candidate that has the knowledge and experience that I have, I definitely intend to run in the coming special election,” Shapiro said.

She is expected to face likely Republican candidate Jane Deacy, along with any other candidates who successfully petition to be on the ballot for the special election.

by David Harvey

Anonymous said...

Pheffers big compliment to her was “Twenty-four years ago today, on April 28, 1987, JoAnn was out campaigning for my election,” said Pheffer, who was elected to the Assembly that day. “It is her time as the district leader.”

Wow. After 24 years of slavery, Joanne Shapiro gets to be District Leader.

Pheffer should have just pulled down her pants and taken a dump in Shapiros face.

Sarah said...

Why even waste the taxpayer money with an election, or for that matter even an Assemblyman. Just give Sheldon Silver two votes and save us all a pile of cash.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Schumer aide Goldfeder has any weiner photos like that ex-Schumer aide who is now a congressman?

Anonymous said...

Both Pheffer and Mayersohn could have saved taxpayer money for this special election, by not running for re-election last year, and allow for multiple candidates to vie for the office. THAT, would have been the honorable thing to do for them.
Is Stavisky the next one to announce she's stepping down, in favor of her son?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 3:

The lesson learned is not to listen to anit-semites like you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Goldfeder already has the job. After all, he's backed by Schumer and has already been chosen. Why waste taxpayer dollars on an election if it's already a done deal? He's a Democrat and since we only have a one-party government, he's it.

Anonymous said...

I’m humbled,” she said, “which is something that doesn’t happen very often.”

What a blowhard !

She is humbled by what ? Sitting around for 28 years and then getting an honorary position ?

"It doesn't happen very often" ?

Does anything happened very often in that hacks existence ? She is not humble often ? What does she have to be not humble about ? Sitting in the Rockaways waiting for Pheffer to another job for 28 years.

Sad. Really sad.

Anonymous said...



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