Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mysterious supermarket closing

From the Times Ledger:

The steel gates outside the Douglaston Market have been shuttered for about a week now, and the mysterious departure of one of the area’s few fresh food markets has members of the community scratching their heads and speculating.

Neighboring businesses said the storefront, at 40-39 235th St., has been closed since June 1 with no word from owner Diego von Schmeling.

On April 19, the city Department of Health closed the market after an inspection yielded 78 violation points. Some of the critical violations included failure to store cold food items at the proper temperature, evidence of mice and inadequate hand-washing facilities, according to the DOH website.

Seven days later, the DOH reopened the store after the major violations were remedied. As of April 26, the establishment had six violation points with its inspection grade pending, says the department’s website.

The website also shows the market had a sanitary violation for improper plumbing. According to the city Department of Building’s website, the department received a complaint Saturday about after-hours construction taking place at the market, which has no work permits.

DOB has placed a stop-work order on the property, and the community has been left to speculate over what plans von Schmeling has for the establishment.


Gary the Agnostic said...

Diego von Schmeling????

From Argentina, one supposes, What a name!

Anonymous said...

It's going to be turned into a Chinese supermarket.

carmen mosca said...

Diego von Scheling??????LOL. You'r Right! Let The H-Marts Begin! And Guess WHAT! They won't be hiring any of the people that just lost thir jobs at that Market! Now that's Illigal! And what do we do? NOTHING! Cause when someone Yelled in the middle of the night "The Chinese are comming, The Chinese"!,ELEVEN YEARS AGO, everyone took the little money in their cases and fled. Selling out our neighborhoods for 30 pieces of silver.

Anonymous said...

Douglaston Market - this place was closed due to owner failure, failure to maintain proper equipment upgrading, failure to pay rent, failure to pay con edison, failure to pay suppliers, failure to pay taxes, failure to properly operate a business. too bad, after being open for 75 years, the market was closed due to one person, the owner, no one elses fault.

Anonymous said...

Turns out, Diego Vion Schmeling real last name is Perez, why would someone start using a different last name only when inside this country And now many years later is legally considered am illegal alien for never renewing any type of documentation to stay in the USA legally. What else is he hiding? What lies has he been telling everyone? I guess with him, you need to see the proof when he speaks.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, i worked there, that guy totally didn't care about anything except talking trash, he wears fake dog tags and tells people he was in the army. only good guy was carlos.

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