Thursday, June 9, 2011

Main Street is top 10 busiest station

From the NY Times:

The Main Street station on the No. 7 line, in Flushing, Queens, made a rare appearance last year in the coveted New York City Subway Top 10: the 10 most heavily trafficked stations in the underground, according to ridership data released by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

More than 18.6 million passengers streamed through the station’s turnstiles in 2010, in a uptick of nearly 2 percent from 2009. That was enough to bump last year’s No. 10 station, the Fulton Street complex in Lower Manhattan, down a notch to No. 11.

And we're planning to put hundreds of thousands more people along the line?


Gary the Agnostic said...

And those 18.6 million people all seem to be there at the same time.

Mayor Mike said...

And we're planning to put hundreds of thousands more people along the line?


What? Don't you believe there's strength in numbers? Sheesh! What's next? Quality of life improvements?


georgetheatheist said...

"Attention #7 passengers. Change at Queens Plaza for the N Train."

Jerry Rotondi said...

The "TDC Rockefeller Group" has plans for burdening this overburdened terminus with even more people when their "Flushing Commons" project gets built upon Municipal Parking Lot #1.

And what is Community Board #7's position on overcrowding?

They continue to approve adding more crowds to the Main Street #7 platform (beyond all safety standards) by rubber stamping most of the mega-development projects that come before them.

Development before infrastructure improvement seems to be their credo.

Maybe the time has come to rethink the purpose of community boards throughout our city.

Right now they appear to be a community's first line of betrayal rather than being their representative body.

Anonymous said...

you just screwed yourself Jerry.

Gene & Chuck are gonna be out after your scalp now!

Anonymous said...

The #7 line used to be called "The International Express".

They even made a documentary film about it.

But once communist China (with the help of Wellington Zhou Chen) secures its colony on both banks of the Flushing'll be renamed "The Orient(al) Express".

Just what we need....teaming hordes of humanity pouring into the bloated stations along the line.

Hey, how about using eminent domain to rebuild the #7 line.

Widen the system to a 6 track service.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Poster #5,
if Gene Kelty and Chuck Apelian get angry at me for speaking my mind that's their issue---not mine.

I'm used to solving my own problems and have no great need to cry to the community board every time I need assistance on some small matter.

They're busy enough with bigger stuff to attend to.

After all is said and done---
they are both fair minded gentlemen whom I respect---and I have no fear of them cutting me off CB#7's help line when I really need it.

Thanks Gene and Chuck for your patience and long service to your community.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gene and Chuck for your patience and long service to your community.

Someone bring me a barf bag...STAT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Only the most beautiful ride the # 7...I've never seen a more ghastly collection of humans...the hordes have arrived, WE ARE FINISHED!

Anonymous said...

Is Jerry getting soft?

Anonymous said...

"Hey, how about using eminent domain to rebuild the #7 line."

Sorry eminent domain is only used in this city to take away property from people in order to build massive housing. We don't use it anymore for needed transportation projects.

Flaccido Domingo said...

Anonymous said...
Is Jerry getting soft?


Anonymous said...

There's always the bus you bimbos!

Anonymous said...

There's always the bus you bimbos!
Sniff! Sniff! Asshole troll...again!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Some "X rated" and very timely comic relief:

Are you suggesting that I'm getting "soft" in my Weiner or just "soft" in my head---pal?


How come You're not signing your name----RU a coward?

Jerry Rotondi said...

and "Flaccido Domingo" isn't your real name.

The Flushing Phantom said...

Give them some credit.

Chuck & Gene might have served their community many, many years ago but they've since sold us out for power and money!

Anonymous said...

That guy with the petition from Malba to replace CB#7 has a good idea.

Too bad it won't happen.

If it ever should....CB#7 will only be replaced by fresh hacks that bend over for TDC Rockefeller Group types a lot quicker than the old members.

"As of right"....the perennial CB#7 submission cry will continue to be used to squelch its critics and give permission to developers to BUILD, BUILD, BUILD!

Well, most projects that come before the board are AS OF WRONG!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Isn't the Main Street locale one of NYC's 4th largest transportation hubs?

Anonymous said...

There's "busy" and then there's "dangerously beyond capacity"

Anonymous said...

Filthy and overcrowded........

Mr. Softee said...

Are you suggesting that I'm getting "soft" in my Weiner or just "soft" in my head---pal?



I scream at your puzzlement.

Anonymous said...

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door

Uncle Sam said...

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door"

Been there, done that! Now I'M tired!!!

Uncle Sam said...

Oh yeah...and poor too.

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