Sunday, June 5, 2011


Why dispose of mattresses properly when you can just toss them on an LIRR bridge for someone else to garbage pick? Any doubt these are full of critters?


Unknown said...

They paid more in gas to haul it there than the bag would have cost!

Anonymous said...

Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Moby S. said...

Damn! I just went to Target's earlier and bought a new mattress.

Anonymous said...

Queens is full of mutts..

Anonymous said...

Chinese Cum Stains...

Anonymous said...

Where was this?

Moby S. said...

Anonymous said...
Where was this?


My lips are sealed. I'm getting another mattress for Evan later!

Anonymous said...

There's a Korean thrift shop located on west side of 162nd Street south of Sanford Avenue that's selling USED mattresses.

I contacted the NYC Department of Health and they said it was OK as long as they were properly "sanitized".

Were they?

They looked dirty and smelled funny to me.

I got the hell out of that store PDQ because I didn't want to risk carrying any bed bugs home.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to 3rd world status

carmen mosca said...

I was under the impression that Matresses are non recycable. Wasnt a laww passed not so long ago. I will reseache this and get back to you.

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