Sunday, June 5, 2011

Halloran's snow job

From the NY Times:

...on Friday, a report by the city’s Department of Investigation said that investigators, after interviewing more than 150 witnesses and reviewing video from surveillance cameras and from angry residents, had found no evidence of an organized slowdown. In fact, the report found, Mr. Halloran had no evidence for his accusation, and his account of conversations with two workers differed sharply from what the workers told investigators.

“In toto,” the report said, “Mr. Halloran’s information about city employee statements contributed no actual evidence about a possible slowdown.”

The report did find fault with elements of the city’s response to the Dec. 26 snowstorm, which left 20 inches of snow in Central Park and paralyzed the city for days. A half-dozen trucks, among hundreds reviewed, were inexplicably idle, or moving through snowbound streets with their plows raised for no apparent reason. Some workers remained with stuck vehicles for as long as 12 hours, investigators found. About 44 percent of the snow chains on trucks broke during the cleanup.

And a few workers were photographed buying beer or coffee when they were supposed to be cleaning the streets. The investigators said those workers were doing so only while stuck with broken-down equipment, and not as part of a labor slowdown, but the workers caught drinking now face disciplinary charges.

The city also made choices that might have slowed the cleanup. A decision to stop salting roads as the snowfall warnings increased was controversial within the Sanitation Department. And because the city elected not to declare a snow emergency, many drivers became stuck in roadways, and their cars impeded the cleanup.

From the Daily News:

City Councilman Dan Halloran of Queens faces a contempt of court charge for refusing to cooperate with a federal grand jury investigation of his claim that the city's sanitation workers engaged in an organized slowdown during the post-Christmas blizzard of 2010.

Actually, he deserves the contempt of all New Yorkers, particularly New York's Strongest.

This guy is unfit for office.


Evan Stashitsky said...

Snow job? I thought you said blow job. I'm outta here!!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, this "report" is all over the local news.

Dandy-Dan never did produce those D.o.S. employees.... But he did fulfill his duty are a good republican union-basher.

The sad 'n sick thing is, a lot of these workers probably live in his district and the dumb mooks also probably voted for him.

Any chance they'll live and learn?


Anonymous said...

Six months ago, Dan Halloran was sending out press releases attacking Parkside and telling everyone he was running against Tony Avella.

Today, his career is over, he is facing indictments in one grand jury for perjury and DOI has recommended their report be reviewed by the Queens DA and the US Attorney. COIB charges are to follow against him and Steve Stites as are other charges.

Anonymous blog attacks make losers feel better about themselves, but those guys really know how to take care of business.

Anonymous said...

Poor Dan let idiots like Padavan and Tabone use him. He had a promising career if he just moderated himself. Instead he starts talking trash about Tony Avella, the guy that beat Padavan by ten points. Its just plain dumb. He has 3 years to rehabilitate himself and run for reelection. I hope he works it out.

Anonymous said...

the "so-called investigation " is a snow job .the d.o.i. is wrong.

snowed in for thee days, and lived on street with the plow raised,last xmas.

Anonymous said...

I think Halloran is taking press advise from Anthony Weiner. Bottom line is this strategy of trying to make this about the snow storm is insane.

1) Trying to win over the voters is hilarious. Halloran will get killed in the weeklies, he has a major daily newspaper editorializing for him removal from office, this was on every TV channel, even CNN. the guys political carrer is over.

2) He has serious, serious legal problems. We know he was forced to testofy in a gran jury. The DOI report says he tried to force 2 City employees, while sitting in his office, to lie about the actions of the city agency they work for. It is likely he will get indicted for that.

3) He is claiming client privelege with another 3 city employees, who met him in his office. So if he met with them as his lawyer, them he will get indicted for using his office for personal business.

4) His crazy press secretary said in the papers today that the City Hall news reporter made up 3 seperate things: that Stites read emails that proved a slowdown, that Stites was in the meeting and was a WITNESS to the 2 supervisors claiming there was a slowdown and that they were not coerced. Cgarges are likely to be filed against Sties now.

Anonymous said...

wow. this guy is really stupid. and btw, once the DA and Feds open their investigations, every other rumour about things he does will be out there. especially the stuff about his legal practice. and the supposed stuff on his banckruptcy and the cash he has to buy a house. and the staff turnover. wow. halloran better hope that the pagans have a place for him in germany to hide out.

Anonymous said...

Feds open their investigation ? What are you talking about ? He ALREADY was forced to testify at a grand jury. What do you think that was about ? I give Halloran a month before he resigns.

Anonymous said...

does anyone REALLY expect n.y.c. residents and union workers to speak out truthfully about the slow down on xmas week ?

this gangster government, political(democrat) public union, complex will always cover up.

Anonymous said...

This guy was recruited by Padavan.

Everyone knows about the weird rumours about him and Frank and the Boy Scout thing.

Everyone who has met Dan knows he is probably more of a victim than anything else. Padavan took him under his wing when the guy was 14 years old and he had no male figure in his life ?

Right around the time Padavan became a widower ?

What was that about ? If you look at Dan with the strange dyed red hair, and his mannerisms, and the bent up anger, and the religion where they dress up in gowns, and the constant incidents that involve lying or losing his temper.

Its textbook Oprah story about a guy that was abused.

Unfortunately, Padavan couldnt leave the guy in the shadows and forced him to come out. To come out and expose himself.

I hope im wrong and I hope God gives this man some peace in his life but he certainly has no place in public life.

Anonymous said...

The more Halloran tries to make this about the snow storm, the worse it will get. Anonymous is 100percent right. Calling DOI liars, and reporters liars, is COMPLTELY INSANE !!!!!!!!!

This guy really needs advice.

Anonymous said...

this report is not about halloran ,the cm only. the demonizing of halloran is already on the media and Q.C.

read pg. 24 of the "a relatively small number of vehicles were seen stationary or with plows upright. a half dozen(6) are being referred to D.S.N.Y.,for further review." the "CITY CAMERA'S were watching .

there are no cameras on residential side streets in Bayside/Auburndale to record the upright plows during the snow storm .

this report is insignificant and useless. a statistician would show how bogus it is.

the report continues to claim that GPS is used at the Queens ,East 8 district. but only if D.S.N.Y supervisors are watching the data ?????

Anonymous said...

When are they going to hire again from the DSNY 6063 list? Sources say that there might be 300 new hires by the start of night plow...they have only reached to #644 on the list since it was established on 2/08.

Drunken Doherty=Epic FAIL
Mayor Reubens=Epic FAIL
Goldsmith=Epic FAIL

Anonymous said...

I have known Dan Halloran for a very long time, and those Parkside driven statements are not only hurtful, but just not true. Frank and Dan's father worked together in City Government, Dan's father passed away when he was 18, not 14. His mother raised the 5 kids after that. He has a strong close knit family in and around the Flushing area. If there had been a contempt charge stemming from the grand jury testimony, he would have been detained at the time and place of occurrence, until he complied. The grand jury is closed. I live in Queens, and for several days I watched the trucks roll up and down my street with the plows raised, salt spreaders driving back and forth but not spreading any salt, pay loaders dumping snow on top of already buried cars, and another friend of mine in Astoria, died because the ambulances/fire department couldn't get to his block. This more of a case of saying "you can't sue us because we said it didn't happen the way it seems to have happened" As for those nice comments were someone refers to the union members as "MOOKS" he should someday need the assistance of these very same people, and find that they didn't like what he said, and ignore his cries for help.

Dan stood up for his community, and protected the city workers from the city while they tried to right a major wrong that we suffered through, like we are now suffering from The Parkside Group, Toby Avella, and his patron MOBY Stavisky.

Anonymous said...

Dan is than man, ever since getting elected he has worked hard to truly represent his community, yes people died in the snowstorm, and yes people were stuck in there homes without medication etc.. anyone of those people and there families would thank Halloran for sticking up for them! these liberal flame throwers are just jealous, because parkside is just trying to figure out what do when the senate republicans draw the lines and split Avella and Tuby Stavisky's district up and Halloran can and will knock out Avella in a hearbeat, Halloran (even as a republican) has brought more money into our district in 1 year then Avella has over 8 years combined! fact! Avella is a little boy in the state senate with nothing to say!

Anonymous said...

He committed perjury and ought to be disbarred from practicing law!

Anonymous said...

split avella and staviskys districts up how ?

avella will beat halloran in the council district and outside of that, surrounded on all four corners, is democrats ?

i guess this is pinky the rapist and mcllenon and all the rest of the mopes hoping Dan runs so they could make money.

Anonymous said...

Dan's the man all right...
a beer guzzling, cross dressing Theod chieftan.

He didn't do squat for his district!

Good Lord,
look at the trash that's runninng our country these days.

If Ackerman's stooge, Kevin Kim wasn't running against Halloran..."doofy" Dan would have never made it to office!

He certainly won't again.

He'll be lucky if he survives his remaining term!

Anonymous said...

halloran barely beat kevin kim.

he is gonna beat avella, who knocked out padavan by ten points ?

thats just bizarre. someone must be hoping for a payday.

the question is it it pinky (the rapist), steve stites (soon to be convicted), mclelland (complaints to be filed with COIB) or padavan (bitter old man) who will convince Daffy Dan to strap on the bombs.

Anonymous said...

How much extra did you pay Chrissy to kiss your ass on this site Dan?

Anonymous said...

Lets all be real. Halloran is facing contempt of court charges in a grand jury. The DOI investigation is being refered to BOTH the Queens DA AND the US Attorney.

Dan Halloran is the only wrongdoer (and Steven Stites) mentioned in the report.

The guy si getting indicted. And my guess is loads of people are sending over info like all the legal work he does in his office.

He is done. Over.

Anonymous said...

"Avella and Tuby Stavisky's district up and Halloran can and will knock out Avella in a hearbeat, Halloran (even as a republican) has brought more money into our district in 1 year then Avella has over 8 years combined! fact! Avella is a little boy in the state senate with nothing to say!"

Again with the references to little boys. Why does that seem to be some weird theme the Halloran people always focus on. Look at the photo of this poor guy. The weird religion, the anger, the lying, the wife (who everyone in Bayside knows the truth about), the make believe marriage (divorce).

He should be getting help, not being public life where the pressures will really do him damage.

Anonymous said...

Chrissy, Dan's chief of staff, is connected with the 109th precinct community council.

And Dan (LOL) is a former police officer, or was he just a cadet?

Better watch out...
they'll bring the local police state down upon your ass.

That is...
unless the FBI doesn't grab him for questioning about his connections with Whitestone Gambino crime family associates first!

Anonymous said...

where is that investigation at in regards to James McClelland and the phony college credits he got at cuny to finish his degree ?

i hear that one is perculating next.

Anonymous said...

Dan's puttin' on enough weight to bust a gut before he even faces a grand jury.

Can he still fit into his Theod mini skirt?

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit that Queens Tribune's expose on Halloran was right on the money concerning his abberant character.

Anonymous said...

The Gambino boys were pushing Halloran against Kim.

The Republican Party can sure get desperate at times.

Now Dan owes them a favor regarding the Whitehouse Restaurant expansion.

Did anyone see those wiseguy looking types at Poppenhusen Institute and Bowne Park that turned out for Dan before the election?


Bayside Babe said...

Oh Dan. You've disappointed so many in District 19. You're such a smart guy and you're impulsive behavior along with your desire to conquer the political world has and always will get you into trouble.

All you had to do was work hard, I mean really work hard, for your constituents(not wise guys), stop spewing crap about the founding fathers(most people don't care), stop pushing overdevelopment, on a personal note stop drinking and stop womanizing. You're too old to act like that anymore!!!

Anonymous said...

I like Dan Halloran.

But if you read this blog, it will tell you the whole story about what his problem is.

What does Toby Stavisky have to do with Halloran ? Kevin Kim wasn't her candidate. Parkside didn't work on his campaign.

But the nitwit Republican youth, and Padavan, and rapist Gallagher, try to get Dan to fixate on people who have nothing to do with his district, let alone his political career.

You would think the guy would be smart enough to do what Padavan himself did for 40 years. Play nice with the opposition party. Now that Frank doesn't have to worry about getting reelected, he encourages Halloran to go start fights with people that took him out, and he was the most popular guy around.

Forget about the whole idiocy of
running against Avella. Dan knows he would be beat by the guy by 20 points yesterday, and I could only imagine how Parkside is salivating over these editorials and all the press coverage today. Now its a 30 point race. You think every piece of lit would have the Daily News saying he unfit for office ?

But it seems like guys around Halloran, who hope the Senate Republicans will spend money (which they won't) so they could make some money themselves (Gallagher, Tabone, McCllenon,etc). You think Marty Golden is gonna come around when he is the #1 target of the UFT and the gay community ?

Everyone is trying to use Dan and I feel sorry for him cause I like Dan Halloran.

Anonymous said...

The last comment is so true.

Padavan lost after all those years once Tabone and Gallagher and these other guys came to the scene.

Look at the first comment on this blog. An attack on Stavisky. What do they have to do with Dan ? How does that help Dan ? Why would they want to make people Dan's enemies ? Didn't Padavan build a career by getting along with the Democrats he shared neighborhoods with.

These guys are just fixated on "politics" and "campaigns" cause they make money and want to show they can beat Parkside. Its all about the money.

They ruined Padavan. They single handily convinced that guy to go to war with Democrats and run guys like Freidrich which ruined Padavans relationship with the Weprin family.

My sense is they have now spent the last year whipping Dan into a war that he doesn't benefit from. The whole thing is about consulting fees for Gallagher etal. If Dan isn't smart enough to see what is in front of his face, then he deserves the headaches he is getting.

Laura Petrie said...

Look at the first comment on this blog. An attack on Stavisky. What do they have to do with Dan ?

Uh oh! Looks like you lost your sense of humor. Now check to see if you still have your thumbs! Would you like a walnut?

Anonymous said...


Forget about it. That's the commenter that puts the ass in assinine!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I guess all the pain and financial burden, legal bills and the real fear of either going to jail or getting disbarred or thrown out of office, is really funny to Dan. I would think not. And his staff are still making peepy cocky jokes.

Anonymous said...

Well said. When Dan became a elected official and passed guys like Tabone by, he should have realized they weren't just a bunch of guys in a bar anymore. Does Dan realize they chased Tabone out of astoria ten years ago. Candidates who lose, never forget. Hence all these posts. Hence Tabone getting Halloran to fight. Isn't Dan the elected official and Tabone work for him ?

Anonymous said...

Six months ago, Dan Halloran was sending out press releases attacking Parkside and telling everyone he was running against Tony Avella.

Today, his career is over, he is facing indictments in one grand jury for perjury and DOI has recommended their report be reviewed by the Queens DA and the US Attorney. COIB charges are to follow against him and Steve Stites as are other charges.

Anonymous blog attacks make losers feel better about themselves, but those guys really know how to take care of business.


What is that stupid silly post about. Is someone from the Parkiside implying they are behind the feds contempt mption. WOW. r they saying People in north queens if they speak out and challenge a candidate or oficeholder and dare to have a two party system that doesnt exist anywhere in queens the republican candidates " will be the victims of some group taking care of business"

we all know parkside does not have that kind of clout (although they have clout in and ruined queens)
but do you think the us attorneys offfice would like the idea that that a someone (possibly from parkisde )is blogging stateing that a consulting group is in a corrupt relationship with the feds. and imply that they will prosecute people who dare to partcipate in public debate. terrible terrible teriible
that is just as bad

1. corrupt contracts with state senate
2. nepotism cash payments in higher education
3. illegal residency issues
4. lieing to public about frank padavan
5.illegal slush funds in senior centers
etc etc etc
With that being said Tony avella , toby and all connected with the parkside should be stopped thay are an evil entity and Thank God they dont have the clout with feds. people that post was only some jerkoff showboating on queenscrap last night

Anonymous said...

is anyone reading the D.O.I. report,before demonizing Halloran ?

The N.Y.Times and Daily News is only giving us their pro-union,anti - conservative slant to this report.

the misinformation and slander coming from the hate mongers is very telling.

i still do not know why my block in n.e.queens was left snowbound for three days ?
when the D.S.N.Y. arrived at 10 P.M.,the city employee ran the plow with the shovel raised. why,why ,why?

i want to see a copy of the testimony of local residents in n.e.queens,who were interrogated by the d.o.i.

was my anon phone information to the d.o.i. on my snowbound block ever investigated ? did they interview residents on my block ? the had the allegations .

any one coming forward would have to be put in a witness protection group.

Halloran was trying to get the facts and look what the local political dictators are trying to do to him.

read the nypost for a more even opinion of the city union failure .

Anonymous said...

Dan, they keep on trying to get you to do the WRONG thing. Wake up !!! Look out for yourself, not Tabone and the rapist !

Anonymous said...

Political Payback for the corrupt lies about Frank Padavan are comeing in 2012

Evan stavisky and michael sais will get a primary in 2012 as will toby stavisky FROM ooh lala SASSON. and yes the republicans will take back TONYS seat

when that robo call " Frank padavan killed my sister came out "
it was apparent that tony avella is

Anonymous said...

"read the nypost for a more even opinion of the city union failure ."

The Post -now there's an unbiased source, especially when it comes to unions and working people.

Go back to napping old man.

Dee Truth said...

Anonymous blog attacks make losers feel better about themselves, but those guys really know how to take care of business.


Some people just don't get it. When an elected official shows respect for the constituency, they get a pass. However, some of the comments appear to be aimed at the perpetrators of corruption and I personally enjoy the humorous approach to serious issues! And imagine the ego-deflating results of some of the comments. The truth hurts, no matter how it is presented.

Evan Stashitsky said...

I wish I was smart enough to know what this is all about! The Parkside Group would NEVER be involved with anything corrupt!


Anonymous said...

What about Dennis Ring , his director and point man at the time. Who by the way is his lawyer at the DOI , and Grand Jury hearings? Conflict of interest? Ring is as guilty.

Anonymous said...

What about Dennis Ring , his director and point man at the time. Who by the way is his lawyer at the DOI , and Grand Jury hearings? Conflict of interest? Ring is as guilty.

Anonymous said...

if you can not digest page 24 of the report, read the Wall Street Journal ( ,michael h. saul for a summary.

only the facts stated in the report are related.

BTW, i was one of the "wiseguys" at the cm candidates night in College Point .i recall that the men on the dais would not let the audience question candidate KIM. we never knew what he represented ,after. until all his money came from Asia and the Nation.

Halloran conducted a rational question and answer period. his few campaign dollars all came from his district in N.E.Queens.

at the Bowne Park ,Tea Party meeting, the mostly elderly American patriots listened to all speakers, even me. it was all grass roots and Halloran did speak for those of us who had enough of the high property taxes and out of control spending by the gangster government in n.y.c.

Anonymous said...

as a republican i realize The Dems will have to take care of this parkide north queens corruption problem themselves.

their are some good people left in the north queens dem party who dont take their marching orders from the parkside

of the district leaders in 26 ad
I would like to see Steve Behar run against Michael sais for district leader on the south part
Elio Forcina against Evan stavisky for district leader on the north part
mimi burnham against toby stavisky for district leader
and issac sasson against toby for state senate

The Stashitsky Clan said...

Elio Forcina against Evan stavisky for district leader on the north part
mimi burnham against toby stavisky for district leader
and issac sasson against toby for state senate


Details about a campaign event at the North Flushing Senior Center will be forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

That's quite a ticket. Sasson, Behar and Forcina. They have lost about 2 dozen races but if they join forces they could ...... Lose another 12 races !

Anonymous said...

thats the stage of death we are in ? where are all the losers gather together (or should we say the top loser steve behar TRYS to gather everyone together) and they all lose.

Steve Behar should just go ahead and try and run for office aagin. as for Issac Sasson, i think he is going to be having a heapload of his own problems pretty soon. just a feeling.

Anonymous said...

Sun Tzu in the art of war said "you should know yourself as well as your enemy"




Anonymous said...

Steve behar has been a one man brigade

with a little money he can beat anyone

Anonymous said...

The people who are defended the fat boy is really Halloran's staff, how pathetic! WOW 50 Comments!

Anonymous said...

Check this link:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sure. Maybe they will all just step down. Geez, get out of the bunk bed, tell Mommy to stop touching the weanie, and go out and get some fresh air.

Anonymous said...

where have all the democrat politicians gone...... like Alan Hevesi, Mc Glaughlin , John Edwards, Seminerio, and the Bklyn democrat jailbirds.

and let us not forget Anthony "Ginger Lee XXXX" Weiner and his teeny weeny weiner!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that Forcina has just been offered a position on the Advisory board of dr. pepper corp. I hear that it’s a hiGh paying position plus he Gets unlimited dr. pepper beverages. I dOn’t think That we have to worry about this major power player in queens politics for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Behar is a great guy he blew my whole sidewalk. Then he blew me too. What a community orientated guy....

Anonymous said...

I saw forcina at the whitestone parade he lost 80 punds in six months. He looked great. I guess On the diet dr pepper diet. I guess his days of hitting the pizza parlors with rob speranza are over.

Anonymous said...

Obviously a cover up by Bloomie and Co.

Anonymous said...

Al Centola for Northeast Queens!!!

Anonymous said...

Al centola is the hero we all have been waiting for in north queens

he has the honor, integrity, smarts and love for public service

please al run we need u more then ever

Anonymous said...

Angry Frustrated Old Man said: "where have all the democrat politicians gone...... like Alan Hevesi, Mc Glaughlin , John Edwards, Seminerio, and the Bklyn democrat jailbirds.
and let us not forget Anthony "Ginger Lee XXXX" Weiner and his teeny weeny weiner!!!!!

Edwards and Weiner are not in jail, nor are they likely to be.

For those that are, they'll soon have the company of Joe Bruno...and Halloran better not make any long-term plans either.....Do you want a National list?

Oh, that's right, you won't look at any "leftie" links.

For entertainment:

Perfect tea party idiot.

Anonymous said...

is it true that Barney Frank (dem) is eager to HEAD UP the investigation into Anthony Weiner(dem) personally ?

is it true that Eliot Spitzer (dem) wants Anthony , (dem)with socks on to be his ANCHOR PAL ?

Anonymous said...

IO don't know if any of that is "true" :-)

But, I do know that you are out of argument and senile.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Is it over or what? Let me see if I can clear this all up. Who is good old kindly Frank Padavan's next victim or is he just passing the time in retirement like Crappy says!

Anonymous said...

Halloran needs a good dose of "Haldol" to calm him down.

He's turning blue in the face every time he speaks lately.

His persistent pathological lying and God complex is really getting out of hand.

He needs to resign immediately for the good of his district before he gets indicted.

We seem to be filling city hall with more mentally ill councilman as the years go by.

Dan's fellow Republican council member Peter Koo has that mental case...former city council member/convicted rapist Dennis P. Gallagher working for him.

Anonymous said...

Did someone mention Steve Behar...'ol chipmunk cheeks?

What a joke.
I think I just peed on my shoes.

Go back home to mamma Steve.
You don't have the balls or money to win in politics.

Anonymous said...

Halloran should be tea totaling instead of tea partying!

He should have left his sopho-moronic behavior in high school where it belongs.

There's a lot of criticism of Frank Padavan here.

But nobody can deny the fact that Frank delivered for his district.

And I don't think that Padavan really thought much of Halloran.

Anonymous said...

I hear the new lions club leadership is mergeing with the jefferson club and Paul vallone and gerry iannece ed braunstein are meeting in bourbon street with evan stavisky via telephone conferance for the formation of the newest political insider group

'the we are afraid of steve behar club"
the club is was formed for counseling for all insiders who are affected by steves candor with the public on issues of lobbying and hackism

Anonymous said...

Al Centola needs to run, if not I say we start a write in campaign.. Someone who is not tied in to all the roaches entrenching themselves.

Al Centola for North East Queens. I AGREE

Anonymous said...

Forcina, what a Joke. He couldnt win in a planet full of fat, Italian Marines who drink Dr. Pepper. if it wasnt for Zuccarelli, Ring, Mainone & D'Elio he would of gotten two votes in hishis primary. Give up already!

Anonymous said...

just a reminder to the brainwashed commenters. the date JUNE 6 is the anniversary of the Normandy Invasion of Hitler Nazi Socialist occupied Europe,by the bravest men and women of the 1935-1945 era.

also remember that Hitler and Stalin ,Communist ,UNION OF
SOVIET SOCIALIST RUSSIA. were initially pacted together to occupy all of Europe. Until Hitler did his sneak attack on COMMUNIST RUSSIA.

if you believe communists are not our enemies, read the "VENONA TRANSCRIPTS". their siblings are here today.

Anonymous said...

All credit to the brave people who fought to liberate Europe from Nazi Germany.

You're running out of material, Gramps. The Cold War is over. We (and I'm saying WE) won.

Alfredo Centola said...

While I appreciate the vote of confidence, let us remember that whomever we elect to represent us needs to put PARTY politics aside and do what is best for the RESIDENTS of the community. After all, it's the residents that vote! Listen to the constituents and "REPRESENT" us,

Anonymous said...

state senate 2012 is gonna be fun

dan is a much better public servant then avella

Anonymous said...

did the U.E.S.,slightly to the left, bike delivery jockey commander just lose "HIS WEINER" SOCIALIST ?

Anonymous said...

Gee, Gramps. What an original joke. Did you just think that up?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Al centola is the hero we all have been waiting for in north queens he has the honor, integrity, smarts and love for public service please al run we need u more then ever"

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 74 - Is that in your opinion or is that of the "Three Sanitation Workers"?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (Gramps again) said...
state senate 2012 is gonna be fun
dan is a much better public servant then avella

But I doubt you be the one laughing. "dan" -is dead meat even that ossified whitelandia.

Oh, and in two or three cycles that district will go Democratic. Bet on it.

You can't fight demographics.

Anonymous said...

anuyone actually ever met "Al Centola" ? is he a real person and if he is, how insane is he ?

Anonymous said...

is he a real person and if he is, how insane is he ?

I don't know if he is insane, after all he has not decided to run for office and prefers to work for his community on a continuous basis. Not just before elections, or during a period when setting up to run.

Anonymous said...

re: the U.E.S.,slightly to the left, bike delivery jockey commander :

you must be in panic mode. you are targeting the wron g commenter?

patriots with age and wisdom will never lack ammunition to refute leftwing/socialist/progessive/ misinformation,that you text.

the readers have common sense,that you lack.

Anonymous said...

And Progressive commentators will never lack the information to refute your programmed and illiterate bleatings, Gramps.

Anonymous said...

you made a typo. it should read MIS-information.

DID YOU KNOW : that George Soros has reportedly spent $48,000,000.00 to fund thirty left wing media groups to
undermine FOX NEWS. eg. Media Matters,the new editor in charge of THE N.Y.Times.

your puppeteers can not stand the competition for the U.S. citizen's source of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

And your puppeteers tell you how to think, Gramps. When was the last time that you had an independent thought?

And if I have George Soros (do I?), you have the Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scalfe.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, Gramps - you criticizing someone else for a grammatical error or a typo is sort of like Sarah Palin criticizing someone else for their knowledge of American History or Donald Trump yelling about how another person eats pizza.

Alfredo Centola said...

people I have never, nor am I currently, running for any office. Please leave my name out of discourse , and respect the fact that I am a private citizen at this time with no political agenda.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Wow the residents of Northern Queens are doomed!! Man is the bottom of the barrel being scraped right through with names like Halloran, Forcina, and Centola. These guys are all products of the "Wise Guy" Queens North Group. Who knows what their real plans are or who they are looking out for. However, I do have to praise Elio Forcina for his tireless work for Gay Rights in our community. As an openly gay man and father he has worked very hard for his fellow gays. Mr. Centola is nothing more then a rabblerouser and apparently has become the new Puppet of the "Wise Guys". Anthony Weiner...oh i mean Dan Halloran looks to continue his promising political career, thanks again to all his "wise Guy" funds.

Anonymous said...

Whos Afraid of Elio Forcina lol

Spreading lies about him being gay!!!Whos afraid Of Dan Halloran constantly mocking him and Whos afraid of AL Centola and whos afraid of the mass mobilization in whitestone aparently someone or some group

Anonymous said...

Have to love the ignorant racist commentator about forcina beiing Gay, Halloran in Bed with "wiseguys", and Centola being the new "puppet for the Wiseguys". Why because of the Surnames? You ignorant racist fool. Yes North East Queens is doomed with uneducated morons loke yourself moving in at an alarming rate! Forcing is not Gay, Centola is anything but a Wiseguy puppet, and well Halloran I can't say, but come on get an education, pass the G E D before you spew your racism.

Anonymous said...

By the way , ever hear of slander? IP addresses are traceable no?

Anonymous said...

Another FYI , Greater Whitestone Taxpayers reached out to Centola and asked him to support Franco and the Whitestone rezone. He refused because he hadn't had all the information at the time, and wasn't going to put his name behind something without having all the details. I was there when Pat stoped him to ask for his backing.

He has my write in!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that for everyone who actually knows Alfredo Centola it's not necessary for me to say this, but for everyone else in Northeast Queens rest assured that he is not in the pockets of any Land Deveopers, Wiseguys, or Party Hacks. He could however throw the next election into turmoil for the other bozos if he does decide to run!

Anonymous said...

The Zuccarellos (of "Queens Garden Center") were pushing for Halloran's election.

Anonymous said...

Al Centola for Northeast Queens

If he doesn't run, let's write his name in.

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