Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fido theft to become a felony

From the Daily News:

State lawmakers want to make it a felony punishable by up to four years in prison to steal a family dog or cat.

"Pets are family members, and we want to make sure they are protected like anybody else," said state Sen. Carl Marcellino (R-Nassau), who sponsored the measure.

Marcellino said the bill - which easily passed in the Senate Wednesday - is a response to a spate of dognappings on Long Island.

The family pets, he said, are sometimes taken by the operators of dogfighting rings to be used as "bait" in the training of fighting dogs.

It's currently a misdemeanor to steal family pets.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice weiner dog...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I envision all kinds of new trouble and complications coming out of this when this passes. Let's hope this law isn't abused as a weapon for or against the common people.

Anonymous said...

We need simple laws that everyone can understand not thousands of elaborations.

Anonymous said...

What kind of "trouble" could possibly come out of this new law if passed . . .?

Anonymous said...

Stupid little turd machines - we need protection from them!

Anonymous said...

File under "grandstanding"

Anonymous said...

"I envision all kinds of new trouble and complications coming out of this when this passes. Let's hope this law isn't abused as a weapon for or against the common people."

You object to someone getting into "trouble" for stealing a family pet and the possible "complication" of jail time for doing so?

"Abuse" against the "common people"?? The common person doesn't partake in this heinous act.

Anonymous said...

>>Stupid little turd machines - we need protection from them!

Like babies and the parents that can't control them or their dicks/kooch?

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