Thursday, June 9, 2011

Eric vs. Eric?

From the Daily News:

A powerful Democrat says Weiner's behavior "could make it easy for everyone" to chop his Queens-Brooklyn district.

"The guy was already not likable, and now he's in the middle of a sex scandal," the source said. "If you have no [political] friends to begin with, it becomes very easy to eliminate your district."

"With [possibly] having to eliminate a district from the city ... this could be a self-sacrifice," a top legislative aide echoed.

"There are areas in the district that can be split up to support other members like [Gary] Ackerman or [Joseph] Crowley, who have clean records and good names," he added.

Clean records and good names? I suppose everything's relative.

The Daily News also has another take:

Politicians in Brooklyn and Queens have been buzzing this week over the prospect of an open congressional seat if Weiner resigns – or the possibility that he could be vulnerable to primary challenge if he decides to run again.

Among pols whose names were being discussed as possible contenders were Queens Councilman Mark Weprin, Queens Assemblyman Rory Lancman and former Queens Councilwoman Melinda Katz.

None of the above were willing to openly admit they have their eyes on the seat.

But what if they don't eliminate the district? From the NY Times:

Some New York Democrats have approached former Councilman Eric N. Gioia of Queens about running for Mr. Weiner’s seat, according to two people briefed on the conversations. Mr. Gioia, these people said, is open to the possibility. He declined to comment.

And from Politicker:

On Monday, just before Mr. Weiner’s tearful, 27-minute long press conference in midtown, Mr. Ulrich stepped outside of his Ozone Park office to discuss the possibility.

Mr. Ulrich said he had been fielding questions “from both sides of the aisle” about the possibility of challenging for the seat, which would pit Mr. Weiner against something like a right-leaning version of his former self.


Blabs said...

"There are areas in the district that can be split up to support other members like [Gary] Ackerman or [Joseph] Crowley, who have clean records and good names," he added.


Oops. I think I just peed myself!

Anonymous said...

The more things change the more things stay the same.

Anonymous said...

I'm introducing my new
"Weiner's Weiner" brand.

No need for cookin' for they
plump when you stroke 'em!

Anonymous said...

Ackerman, Crowley?

I'd rather have a Weiner in my bun!

Anonymous said...

Katz is done. She'd love to get revenge from their last election together but the ghost of Hevasi looms too large.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have a Weiner in my bun!

And yet there's a bun in a Weiner!

Missing Foundation said...

Can someone explain something to me?

How is Weiner 'bad' because he exposed his weiner and Ackerman is 'good' because his paper has 'those' ads?

Anonymous said...

Weiner should resign and so should his seat. The same recycled crap, i.e. Katz, Goia etc. have their eye on his seat. Why can't all these criminals just disappear? Weiner didn't do much in his position anyway.

Anonymous said...

Keep him,Everyone jikes dick Jokes

Anonymous said...

All this talk of resignation...You might want to check out this poll:

Lead story:

A lot of out-of-touch republicans here.

Anthony said...

All this talk of resignation...You might want to check out this poll:


Oh yeah!!! Check out this pole!

Queens Crapper said...

Weiner's unspeakable behavior has made it impossible for him to represent the people properly

georgetheatheist said...

America has the Democats.
The South had the Dixiecrats.
Queens has the Dickocrats.


Joe Crowley, why is this asshole still in office?

Joe said...

New drink Queens at the bar @ Zumm Stamisch "Weiner Spitzer"

ew-3 said...

Joe said...
New drink Queens at the bar @ Zumm Stamisch "Weiner Spitzer"

That would be more appropriate at a gay bar.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Weiner is gay and wife Huma is his beard.

He always looked a little light on his feet.

Anonymous said...

Jack, Bobby and probably Joe Kennedy himself probably "did" Marilyn Monroe.

"Bubba" Clinton got a "bravo Juliet" from Monica Lewd-insky in the Oval office.

ALL pols screw their constituents.

At least Wein too.

He has nothing left to hide!

I'll take him over that Stavisky mob anyday!

Anonymous said...

Error in previous transmission:


At least Weiner has bared his chest and his "chestnuts" too
He has nothing left to hide.

Anonymous said...

What makes Weiner unfit to hold office is that HE LIED and acted like he was a horny high school adolescent.

A liar will lie about anything.
He betrayed the public trust.

Anonymous said...

i viewed two online polls that voted 9 to 1 ,FOR THE WEINER TO RESIGN.

his constituents are sadly incompetent if they want a rep. who could be extorted and bribed for his vote in Congress .

was their a recent Russian Spy connection to ANNA CHAPMAN and the 11 communist spys quickly sent back to Moscow by Obama ?
was not one spy infiltrating H. Clinton/Huma, State dept.?

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