Saturday, June 11, 2011

Did Anthony tweet his meat to underaged girl?

From the NY Times:

Representative Anthony D. Weiner said on Friday that he exchanged at least five private messages on Twitter this spring with a 17-year-old Delaware girl who became an admirer of his after hearing him speak during a high school trip to Washington.

Mr. Weiner’s spokeswoman, Risa Heller, did not provide copies of the messages, but said they were not inappropriate.

“According to Congressman Weiner, his communications with this person were neither explicit nor indecent,” Ms. Heller said.

A member of the girl’s family who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect her identity characterized the messages as “harmless” but expressed concern that Mr. Weiner had communicated privately with the teenager, a high school junior.

The family was aware that there had been exchanges between Mr. Weiner and the girl but assumed that all of their conversations had taken place on a public Twitter feed. Then a scandal erupted last month over a photo Mr. Weiner sent of himself in his underwear to a college student.

Here's more...


Anonymous said...

Jail time...............

Anonymous said...

Ah...just put his dick on a stick and start the weenie roast!

Anonymous said...

Tony just flashed his "junk".

Ackerman, Nusbaum and Shenckler keep promoting the sex trade through the Trib's whore ads.

Go after them with more zeal>

Or are they protected sacred cows?

Anonymous said...

"Or are they protected sacred cows?"

Yes, they are dems. Just look at Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters.

I suspect Roman Polanski is a dem too.

Anonymous said...

17. Old enough to have sex with in NY, but illegal to show them a naked picture. Something seem odd about that?

Queens Crapper said...

Too bad she doesn't live in NY. Then your comment might make sense.

Anonymous said...

OK, who know age of consent in del. was 18. It's not like I keep track.

Anonymous said...

Weiner says he's going into therapy. Now he can play the victim role. We should feel sorry for his illness.

Anonymous said...

if the sex therapist is a Geoffrey Lindenauer, the D.Manes bagman,pal from the 1986 P.V.B. scandal?

will he be manipulated by the doctor ,for the Real Thing" ?

Anonymous said...

Let's give Weiner credit: he's never been caught on Chris Hansen's MSNBC "to catch a Predator" show.

Anonymous said...

trolling the facebook web to seduce young politically friendly girls and porn stars, is despicable and is sick .

he should be dismissed from the U.S.Congress immediately.

the transcripts seem to prove that he and the 17 year old were texting sexual practices e.g.( the # 69) .

Anonymous said...

If he broke the law, Weiner should have the book thrown at him (and a few other things), Gramps. But let's first make a formal accusation, ok?

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