Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This sure ain't Suffolk County!

"I thought the Crapper's readers might want to see the deplorable conditions at the Main Street Flushing LIRR Manhattan bound entrance. You are met with black hefty bags filled with lord knows what, mud, piled up cardboard boxes from the market on the corner, and discarded clothes. The site is actually cleaner that it's been. Since Smellovision hasn't been invented yet, you are spared the Chinese food stench.
Since Flushing is the hotspur of the mayor's 9 million by 2030 or bust program, the LIRR to Manhattan gateway should be a flagship type station. I imagine the MTA has been reluctant to rebuild it because a month after any improvements are made, the station would revert to its old condition. The people have what they want there." - Kevin


Anonymous said...

I always take a piss there. There's a liquor store right across the street and I buy a pint of Jack Daniels and drink it in public. I'll do as I please when roaming through Flushing.

Anonymous said...

The city loves to use eminent domain... why not raze all those stores around the "station" that is there now and just start from the ground up... handicap accessibility would be nice since Flushing is such a major hub. I shouldn't hold my breath tho should I

Anonymous said...

"why not raze all those stores around the "station""

Are you crazy? we can't tear down these vibrant and diverse pillars of the community that produce the sweet aroma of rotten chinese food and garbage.

Anonymous said...

Exactly-- the "people" have what they want. So when a place is covered in graffitti, the people have what they want, too. Hmmm. Sounds like a familiar situation.

Anonymous said...

The low class Taiwanese/Chinese
who walk the streets of downtown Flushing are not known, particularly, for their sanitary habits.

I'm finding it novel, as an occidental, to be now able to join my Oriental brothers and sisters in the much more convenient practice of spitting up my phlegm clams onto our public sidewalks.

No more fetching for Kleenex to blow my nose, when I can aim a snot rocket to hit a nearby wall.

Soon, I might even feel at home enough to pee in secluded corner rather than seek a rest room.

Hey, when Rome we must do as the Romans do.

So therefore, when in Little Taiwan shouldn't we do as the Taiwanese do?

Anonymous said...

Raze it

Hell no!

Let's run some "slumming" tours
through here for amusement (with nose clips provided)!

I thought this was supposed to be an improvement over that phony "blight" that Myra Baird Herce (DFDC) and her friends claimed to have existed in Flushing during the 1970s.

What a bunch of baloney they served us!

Anonymous said...

you should see the view from the Main Street LIRR westbound platform of the backs of these stores and residences.

It's absolutely nauseating!

Rusting air conditioning ducts on roof tops, strewn with graffiti....some hanging laundry....some broken windows and lighting fixtures, etc.

Welcome to Floo-shing, a 3rd world destination of filth and various forms of unchecked illegal activity.

Brought to you with the blessings of the 109th precinct and community board 7.

Roger said...

I see a couple of garbage bags and some bikes. BIG DEAL.

Anonymous said...

There's something called the 7 Train that goes to Manhattan, you self-righteous whore!

Anonymous said...

There are still some trash cans in the downtown Flushing area with the signs "brought to you by Councilman John Liu."

Anonymous said...

"The people have what they want there."

Those disgusting half-humans sure do.

Anonymous said...

I'm finding it novel, as an occidental, to be now able to join my Oriental brothers and sisters in the much more convenient practice of spitting up my phlegm clams onto our public sidewalks.

Try the Chinese guy i saw yesterday blow a snot rocket into his bare hand, then proceed to wipe it off on a light pole and fire hydrant.

These creatures arent people.

Klem Kadiddlehopper said...

There are still some trash cans in the downtown Flushing area with the signs "brought to you by Councilman John Liu."

I tried using one of dem cans and John Liu wouldn't fit!

Anonymous said...

The idea of there being 10000 sq ft of open, sanitary, and uncluttered public space around LIRR Flushing is some kind of joke. Reply 2 has the right idea. Tear everything down around that blighted area and create a useful station.


haha losers on this board. Just jealous that Flushing's economy is vibrant and booming. Take a look at the Duane Reade on Main St.
Looks like its about to close down as every other US store. While the Chinese supermarkets all have booming business.

Wouldn't be surprised that another supermarket opens in its place because it has a large parking lot =)

Anonymous said...

Nuke Flushing, period. It's like a festering wound.

Anonymous said...

There's something called the 7 Train that goes to Manhattan, you self-righteous whore!

The Orient Express

Anonymous said...

John Rocker would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a back alley in a 3rd world country.

Where are the rats?
The only thing missing are the rodents.

maybe they're being served to the "ghost people/round eyes" (non-Asiatics).

Don't eat mystery stir-fried least not in Floo-shing.

Anonymous said...

You've obviously never have been there to see the actual conditions for yourself Roger.

Just a couple of garbage bags and bikes?

Like it was mentioned earlier, you doofus, the post lacks "smellovision".

Go and inhale the "fragrance" for yourself and you'll add some puke to the entrance!

You don't see this kind of shit around any of the other LIRR stations along the Port Washington line.

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