Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What a joke: crooks investigating other crooks

From the Daily News:

The City Council's ethics committee has launched an inquiry into two criminal cases filed against Councilman Ruben Wills first exposed by the Daily News.

"The Committee on Standards and Ethics met this week and opened a matter regarding the pending misdemeanor charges" against Wills, said Jamie McShane, spokesman for Speaker Christine Quinn.

McShane said Quinn's review was ongoing and noted that the ethics committee's inquiry into Wills' misdemeanors would be held "in abeyance" until the charges are resolved in court.

The chairwoman of the ethics committee is Inez Dickens, who was featured in The News' series for housing and building code citations against apartment buildings she owns.


Anonymous said...

How is this different from the State's Ethics Committee? even bigger crooks investigating bigger crooks.

Anonymous said...

You mean like Joe Kenedy running the SEC?

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