Friday, April 1, 2011

Unfortunate headline-photo combo


That first female leader on the left could use a shave...

From the Times Newsweekly


georgetheatheist said...

A few others could use a shave as well.

Anonymous said...

He is like a roach when he sees the camera flash. He just has to be there.

Anonymous said...

While we're on the subject, Moby Stavisky could also use a shave (or a harpoon).

Last Words said...

"Roach Bud"!

Anonymous said...

This hair raising event was paid for by pubic funds.

Anonymous said...

Hey...where's "doofy" Dan Halloran wearing his pagan Theod princess mini skirt?

I think that a "Matel" toy company action figure of our "favorite" councilman wooing Barbie would be a real hoot!

Beats hitting on his aides.

Anonymous said...

What were they honored for? who did the honoring?

Anonymous said...

A trans-gender perhaps - respect it.

Anonymous said...

The last one just changed gender

Snake Plissskin said...

What were they honored for? who did the honoring?

It doesn't matter. There are pols in that select group. Entire catering halls are kept in business from events that go long into the night where they give each other plaques and trophies for doing little more than exchange public pleasantries about each other.

These people determine what is important and what should be ignored and the course of discussion on everything.

Our role? Stand and applaud when told to, gratefully accept an ice cream cone for our troubles (and to remain brain dead) and to dutifully vote them again and again by large margins because they are doing such a wonderful job!

There, that was easy. Next question.

Anonymous said...

are these ladies and ? slated as the next 2012 candidates for "DANCING WITH THE STARS" ?

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