Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trespassing to build condo

From The Brooklyn Paper:

Residents of N. Seventh Street in Williamsburg are fuming over a new condo being built so close to its neighbors that its scaffolding juts into their terraces and bits of building debris fall onto their property.

“The scaffolding needs to be higher but the workers can’t fix it unless they trespass — and they’re already trespassing,” said one resident who declined to give her name.

And another neighbor asserts that his apartment shakes like an earthquake anytime there is heavy construction.

The four-story concrete structure developed by Greenpoint contractor Michael Siwiec is sandwiched between a Karl Fischer-designed luxury condo and a four-story stone building constructed before World War II.

The city has slapped Siwiec his contractors with 29 violations, and more than $10,000 in fines, for failing to maintain a secure work site and improperly storing chemicals on the site.

Twenty-six of the violations are open, and more fines could be coming.


Anonymous said...

Looking at that stonework all one can say is "So they have Greeks too?"

WilliamsburgBrooklynDOBcrimes said...

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