The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) will begin a detailed environmental study at 21-03 44th Ave. in Long Island City. NYSDEC will also be implementing an interim remedy for a known problem in the groundwater beneath the location without having to wait for the results of the entire investigation.
The study to be done is called a Remedial Investigation, and will be performed under the New York State Superfund Program. The Remedial Investigation Work Plan Executive Summary is available for public review at www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/8439.html.
The DEC will define the nature and extent of contamination in soil, surface water, groundwater; identify the source(s) of the contamination; assess the impact of the contamination on public health and the environment and provide information to support the development of a remedy.
The NYSDEC has already identified contamination in the groundwater beneath the location and will be taking steps to treat the groundwater to remove the contaminants in late April. The decontamination process is expected to take only one week.
Considering some of the taxis we've all been in over the years, the DEC should include the interior of the taxis in their environmental study as well.
That's where the real environmental disasters are!
Inevitable stab at "humor."
Now, how about a piece on how over 30,000 full time cabbies--a great number of them Queens residents--have seen their income decline over the past 7 months by $250-$300 a month, because of the rise in gas prices? The TLC and Mayor McChee$e go on and on with press conferences about a futuristic taxi that will do your taxes and make your latte for you, but when it comes to tens of thousands of hard-working New Yorkers seeing their income eroded to the point of insolvency, nary a peep.
This, on top of the outer-borough cab plan which would diminish yellow cab drivers' income further.
This, on top of the 5% stolen from drivers on every credit card transaction.
This, on top of the $$ lost being toll collectors for the MTA.
Where's the story?
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