Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scarano building gets scalped

From The Brooklyn Paper:

Carroll Gardens is getting a tumor removed.

Work began this week to excise the illegal 40-foot steel structure atop a 19th-century Carroll Street building — derisively nicknamed “Hell House,” for haunting of the neighborhood for half a decade.

The structure was the handiwork of controversial architect Robert Scarano who was hired by builder Isaac Fischman in 2005, but axed in 2008 after the city halted work at the site between Hoyt and Bond streets on the grounds that Scarano falsely claimed that the building was zoned to allow two additional stories.

Work at the site stalled, and outraged residents mobilized, succeeding to sway the city to rezone area to prevent out-of-scale structures.

The addition, dubbed “the tumor” in the local blogosphere, subsequently received a negative prognosis from the city, which ruled that Fischman did not build enough of the structure to make legalize the building under the prior zoning.


Anonymous said...

Now they should "scalp" Scarano himself.

An easy job....just yank off Bobby's hairpiece!

Anonymous said...

Now that he didn't get his way how long before the building gets torched or is left with no roof to become a case of "rotten timbers" ?

Anonymous said...

Why did this take so long?

Anonymous said...

Because it looks like he works with the "wiseguys" and they've been fending off (maybe paying off) the authorities from fucking with Bobby "the hairpiece".

Snake Plissskin said...

You are all missing the point.

This has happened before ... in Manhattan buildings have had to remove floors once they are in place.

Why is it when this happens in Queens, the electeds tell you nothing can be done?


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