Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pick up your dog's crap!

From the NY Post:

Department of Sanitation officials are going easy on New Yorkers who neglect to scoop up after their dogs, according to new figures obtained by The Post.

The agency has slacked off in the number of tickets issued to dog-walkers who fail to clean up after their pets, prompting one city lawmaker to bark in protest.

City Councilman James Vacca (D-Bronx) -- usually a critic of Mayor Bloomberg's zealous ticket agents -- fired off a letter to Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty yesterday demanding he put his staff on a shorter leash when it comes to enforcing the law.

"This issue has absolutely hit the fan," Vacca wrote. "I get complaints on a regular basis about sidewalks and park areas that have become completely impassable because of dog waste."

During fiscal year 2011, which ends June 30, Sanitation Department enforcement agents have issued only 250 violations of the law that requires dog owners to clean up after their pets -- that's a little more than half of the 510 tickets written in fiscal year 2010.

But the enforcement record has really gone into a tailspin compared with 2008, when 909 tickets were issued. City officials claim that the drop is due to better compliance with the law that followed a hike in the fine from $100 to $250 in November 2008.


Anonymous said...

Manhattan is the worst especially in the 70-90 on the UES and UWS - NO DISTICTION.

Anonymous said...

Another unfortunate consequence of this is that since people are not picking up after their dog on the grass strips in front of peoples homes, the homeowner is bcomming fustrated and just paving the grass over, so they dont have to keep picking up dog poop. A few selfish idiots are ruining it for everyone.

Anonymous said...

"Manhattan is the worst especially in the 70-90 on the UES and UWS - NO DISTICTION."

Forest Hills is the worst!

Anonymous said...

Manhattanites get tickets because that's the only borough Mayor Mike recognizes. The outer boroughs are awash with crap, but no tickets are given out. Where is the Health Department when you need them? People should get tickets on a regular basis. It's revenue for the city.

Anonymous said...

"the homeowner is bcomming fustrated and just paving the grass over, so they dont have to keep picking up dog poop. "
Dogs don't crap on concrete???

Anonymous said...

Dog run's for all Parks.

Anonymous said...

Let the dogs crap in the street, then it will be the cyclists problem.

Anonymous said...

Dogs don't crap on concrete???

They might, but more often the owner has them pee where they can scratch and throw grass and dirt all over the sidewalk and then they poop as well.

Andy Cahn said...

In a related question, mounted police in the parks should be required to clean up after their horses.

Anonymous said...

And drop it off on "granny" Shulman's doorstep!

Or "Tubby" Stavisky's...or whoever needs needs its fragrance to remind them where they came from!

Anonymous said...

How bladderly! Worse, Gizardly!

Evan Stashitsky said...

And drop it off on "granny" Shulman's doorstep!

Or "Tubby" Stavisky's...or whoever needs needs its fragrance to remind them where they came from!


I don't smell anything. At least I live in a clean area...or do I? Is it upstate? Manhattan? Queens? Actually dog poop is an improvement over my mom's Depends. True that!

Elisa said...

there's a lot of problems here to discuss:

1. When growing up in LIC, I never ever remembered a dog pooping in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk like these dogs do. People, please learn what curbing your dog means. Make them poop in the gutter.

2. Once your dog poops (be it gutter or sidewalk) do NOT SCRAPE UP THE POOP. How stupid can you be. PICK UP THE POOP. Leaving poop skidmarks is just as bad as leaving a giant turd. I have to tell my kids "Watch the poop" at least a dozen times in the 2 block radius from their home to school. Here's a thought, when you see your dog about to drop a log, drop a piece of newspaper under it and then drop it in the PUBLIC trash. Not my trash cans, that I have to hose down.

3. the beautiful landscaping that encircles your very expensive apartment buildings are not for dogs to shit and piss in. How can you pay so much money to live in a tiny apartment and have no regard for the building? I don't get it. You are throwing away expensive landscaping when you let your dogs pee on the plants. I don't get it.

4. Lastly, please don't let your dog's pee on people's stoops. Some of us have children who actually like to hang out in front of their homes and for you to walk by, pre-occupied with whoever your texting, and let your little rat-on-a-rope pee on my stoop pisses me off. So if you choose to be so inconsiderate, be prepared for me to be just as inconsiderate when I curse you out to your face.

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