Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pete ready to lend himself to the rest of Queens

From the Daily News:

Term limits will force Vallone (D-Astoria) and much of the Council from their seats at the end of 2013. He has publicly mulled a run for the office of Queens Borough President, which will be open when Helen Marshall's term ends that same year.

It's also no secret that Vallone, a former assistant district attorney, is interested in running the Queens DA's office - if current DA Richard Brown ever retires.

"I love public service. It's in my blood," said Vallone, whose father, Peter, was the first Council speaker, and whose grandfather, Charles, was a judge. "I'm definitely considering a Queens-wide run."

Uh oh! Well he has no choice but to be a tweeder, considering that musical talent isn't in the family's blood. Take a listen to this, which BTW, cost developers and lobbyists almost $4000 a head:

Note brother Paul singing and playing tambourine... God help us all.


Anonymous said...

LOL, QC needs a like button!

Anonymous said...

So THATS what Peter Vallone looks like lately.

Haven't seen him since the rezoning.


georgetheatheist said...

Where's my ear plugs?

A true C-A-C-O-P-H-O-N-Y.

Anonymous said...

Um..the literature that went out basically said "Hi I'm Peter Vallone and I just turned 50. I am having a fund raiser and the top tier is more than $3000."

No mention on how the money is to be spent or why you should give it to him.

Any ideas?

Joe said...

OMG LOL...."The Jerry Lewis telethon Band" Thats some rather interesting Bass-kick pocket playing.
Woo-hoo !!

For George: C-A-C-O-P-H-O-N-Y.."The Children of A Lesser Chord"

Anonymous said...

At least Pete has some brains.

That dimwit developers' house servant Marshal hasn't enough spark to light up even a tiny service closet.

"Yazzir, (shuffle), yazzir, I approve your building plans".

Dumb and obedient....that's what a Chinese based outfit i.e. like TDC wants in a burro president!

Anonymous said...

And I'd vote for Don Paulo Vallone.

It beats having Dan Halloran "representing" me.

Paul won't shit in the same district he's lived in for 10 years.

He'll crap somewhere.

As long as it's NIMBY!

Anonymous said...

"I love public service. It's in my blood," said Vallone"

What he meant was he likes the public to serve him.

Anonymous said...

No mention on how the money is to be spent or why you should give it to him.

Any ideas


Thank you Peter for starting the fund for the Steinway Mansion.

Next ask your friends from Albany, Washington and borough hall (all sneakily quiet - notice?, and ask every developer and finally, all the names in daddy's consulting list.

Enough there to buy 5 Steinway Mansions.

Lets see what Peter does - went on record that he wants to save it - now lets see if he steps up to the plate

(come on guy, Bloomberg - pretty brave with other people's money but the mayor ain't gonna help - you already turned the community over to NYC2030 so there is no incentive for the mayor to even listen to you.

Welcome to Queens.)

Anonymous said...

And I'd vote for Don Paulo Vallone.

It beats having Dan Halloran "representing" me.

Paul won't shit in the same district he's lived in for 10 years.

He'll crap somewhere.

As long as it's NIMBY!


Problem with that is both Daddy Vallone , and Little boy Petey along with Paul (Law partner and former Astoria resident) destroyed LIC/Astoria during their reign. You really think Paul wont do the same? Check out who is developing in the area and then find out their connection to the Vallones.

So now do we go with Halloran? Hell no, he is in bed with all the developers and especially the Vallones.

The lesser of the two evils? I guess would be Paulie and see what he does, then remove him after one year. Unless someone with morals and integrity steps up and comes out of the woodwork. Till then we are doomed.

Anonymous said...

So now do we go with Halloran? Hell no, he is in bed with all the developers and especially the Vallones.


Forgot stuttering idiot.

Anonymous said...

Problem with that is both Daddy Vallone , and Little boy Petey along with Paul (Law partner and former Astoria resident) destroyed LIC/Astoria during their reign. You really think Paul wont do the same? Check out who is developing in the area and then find out their connection to the Vallones.

So now do we go with Halloran? Hell no, he is in bed with all the developers and especially the Vallones.

The lesser of the two evils? I guess would be Paulie and see what he does, then remove him after one TERM. Unless someone with morals and integrity steps up and comes out of the woodwork. Till then we are doomed.

Anonymous said...

" He has publicly mulled a run for the office of Queens Borough President, which will be open when Helen Marshall's term ends that same year."
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Doesn't he know that this is now reserved for Grodenchick?

Anonymous said...

who was on drums?

Anonymous said...

Who was the singer?

Anonymous said...

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly.

But Paul plays the drums usually. And sometimes Peter.

Anonymous said...

Singer was Paul, and his daughter sung backup

Anonymous said...


PFVJR birthday party

Also find it amusing they played Brown Sugar and Play That Funky Music White Boy

Anonymous said...

And what elections has Peter Jr actually won ? Who has he run against and beat ?

Anonymous said...

State offices - assembly - state senate - and district attorneys - need term limits too.

georgetheatheist said...

As the Titanic sinks, the band plays on.

PFV,Jr. = the Wallace Hartley of Queens?

Anonymous said...

They're all tone deaf!!! Send them to American Idol and let them try out....can't be any worse then some of the jerks they've had on that show!!!

Anonymous said...

And if Peter ran for office for a third term Astoria would give him 805 of the vote.


Queens Crapper said...

He did run for a third term in Astoria and they did give him 80% of the vote.

Anonymous said...

the scary thing is the audience is filled with a bunch of young people who think this is just the coolest thing since sliced bread.

so much for revitalizing your community with hipsters.

Anonymous said...

Oh look, how typical, this website making personal attacks on the Vallone. What a surprise. Why don't you guys report something more intelligent and less personal?? You want to talk about bad legislation, go ahead, but making personal attacks.... This site is nothing better than fox news.

Queens Crapper said...

Funny, Vallone appears on Fox News regularly.

Anonymous said...

h look, how typical, this website making personal attacks on the Vallone. What a surprise. Why don't you guys report something more intelligent and less personal?? You want to talk about bad legislation, go ahead, but making personal attacks.... This site is nothing better than fox news.

So what did this sorry assed performance by the Partrage Family have to do with legislation?

Just WHAT was the point of that evening? Fundraising for the Steinway Mansion?

If the family wants to get up on stage and put on a show, don't be surprised if it gets panned by the critics. Look what they did to Charlie Sheen and he has not only more talent, but a hell of a lot cheaper than $3000 a pop.

Anonymous said...

So what did this sorry assed performance by the Partrage Family have to do with legislation?

Just WHAT was the point of that evening? Fundraising for the Steinway Mansion?

If the family wants to get up on stage and put on a show, don't be surprised if it gets panned by the critics. Look what they did to Charlie Sheen and he has not only more talent, but a hell of a lot cheaper than $3000 a pop.

Is this your first day reading about politics?? Do you not know ANYTHING about the fundraising world? To actually continue winning elections, you need a war chest full of money. Without this "war chest" you will be unemployed like 20% of the country. Stop making personal attack against the Vallone's, if you want this site to have any credibility whatsoever. Report issues with a bill that Vallone is trying to pass, not his musical talents. The Vallone's have not ONCE been accused of doing anything illegal, unlike half the state senate and city council.

Queens Crapper said...

Is this your first day reading the blog. Everything about public officials is fair game. You want to strut your stuff like you're a big shot musician, then guess what? You run the risk of getting panned.

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