Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No lulus for Tony

From the Daily News:

Avella's office says he's going to pass up the $9,500 committee-leadership stipend (known in AlbanySpeak as a "lulu") he's entitled to receive (at our expense) as ranker on the Senate's Cities and Environmental Conservation Committees.

"The distribution of lulus is just another anti-good government practice in desperate need of reform," said Avella, who joins Manhattan Senate colleague Liz Krueger in turning down the dough.


Anonymous said...

Avella will be ignored and treated like a parriah by his Senate peers, just like he was in the City Council.

Anonymous said...

It's unbelievable how this gut set an example for being in office, bravo & get paid - it's a job!.

Anonymous said...

Let him get some good legislation passed instead of passing up lulus!

He wont!
He wasn't able to in the city council.

Grandstanding Tony...the prince of press conferences.

I wonder if he beat John Liu's record of holding press events.

georgetheatheist said...

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Anonymous said...

Great job Tony, set the standard for these scrubs.

Anonymous said...

How many things does Tony have to do like this to have people just give credit where credit is due? It's not grandstanding if he's trying to lead by example.

Little Lulu said...

I'm so disappointed!

Anonymous said...

How many things does Tony have to do like this to have people just give credit where credit is due?


For starters - As a property owner I would have liked it if he voted for capping porperty taxes...

This lulu crap is the same BS he pulled on the City Council. It's just another Parkside PR stunt.

I agree with the poster who said "Grandstanding Tony...the prince of press conferences." How true!

Anonymous said...

Turn term limts into law and ban outside activities and he'll be my idol forever. Until that happens he's just a tool.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella - Queens Crap's Quixotic Mascot

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Yeah Tony! Thanks to the anonymous QCrapper who used the term “Amanda the people’s Burden” I used it in a letter I got published slamming Bloomberg published in The Chief! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y49FBW0j4cA Thanks to QC and all. Tony for mayor. Impeach Bloomberg and Quinn.

Anonymous said...

why are the K-3 pupils who live across the street from p.s.130 Q. still being bused to schools 1 mile away ?

why did tony Avella do nothing to correct this disgrace,while he was cm.?

BTW,he did vote against the property tax increases,which the city council and bloomberg levied to 22.5%.

but the homeowners are still paying..paying .paying

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella ALWAYS does the right thing. Hear that Bloomturd?

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella ALWAYS does the right thing.


Really? What about the College Point fields.

Anonymous said...

Huh...LOL...Tony "lead by example"?

Tony is just a political sheep following the lead of the Parkside Group and Evan's Mamma Toby!

"Jump...Tony...jump...whatta nice little boy!"

Pull your head out of your ass so you can see the light!

Years from now Avella's legacy will be leaving his district worse off than it was when he was first elected.

Anonymous said...

He already looks like Lulu, or was that Louise?

Anonymous said...

Sing out Louise!

Anonymous said...

Another episode of the "phony" Tony "baloney" variety hour...brought to you by "Ex-Lax"!

Please stay tuned for a word from his sponsor "The Parkside Group".

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