Friday, April 1, 2011

Judge questions Willets Point eminent domain

From Crains:

The city's bid to redevelop Willets Point, Queens, hit a pothole Tuesday when a judge ordered the Bloomberg administration to show why she shouldn't revoke the go-ahead she granted last summer.

State Supreme Court Judge Joan Madden had ruled that the project could proceed because the city promised not to condemn any land until it had approval for new Van Wyck Expressway ramps, which it had deemed essential to the project. But when state and federal approval of the ramps proved elusive, the city split the project into two phases and moved ahead with condemnations, arguing that the ramps were not required for Phase I.

But the administration failed to make that argument to the judge.

According to Michael Gerrard, the attorney for Willets Point property owners who object to the city's plan, the judge signed an order directing the city to explain why her order dismissing his lawsuit should not be vacated.


Anonymous said...

I wouldnt be surprised if that judge ended up dead tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt be surprised if that judge ended up dead tomorrow.

What a horrible and insensitive thing to say! ASSWIPE TROLL!

Anonymous said...

I hope Bloomberg has to back off. Eminent domain is wrong. This is America, and no government should be allowed to grab your land away from you.

Anonymous said...

"This is America, and no government should be allowed to grab your land away from you."

No? try not paying your taxes..for starters.

"Property rights" -is a myth in civil society.

Anonymous said...

Ooops...methinks that TDC's ass hole buddy Wellington Chen just lost his lunch and his partner "granny" Shulman just soiled her "Depends"!

Anonymous said...

Well a link in the money chain from Taiwan to the USA is momentarily broken.


Are thes the Democratic machine's main players in the daisy chain of corruption?

Anonymous said...

Boy, is Evan angry now!

The gravy train just passed him by.


Hanging onto mother Moby's skirt can't be so great.


Does that "woman" ever take a bath?

And please keep your legs closed madam!

Anonymous said...

The judge made his decision w/o consulting with Apelian/Kelty? How dare he!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. The judge will come to his senses when Bloomberg pays him off. He'll have a change of heart. Wait for it.

Evan said...

Boy, is Evan angry now!

You are SO right! I'm going home and I'm telling mommy on all of you!!! But where do I go? Upstate? Manhattan? Queens? I buried my GPS so far up my butt that up is now officially down! Speaking of down, did someone say "feather"bedding?

Anonymous said...

Shulman was fined $59,000 for illegal far. Did she ever stop this practice?

Anonymous said...

I forgive Bloomtard for all of his past indiscretions.

Who are we kidding?

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cant wait for the swampland to be razed & made way for beautiful new development!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Cant wait for the swampland to be razed & made way for beautiful new development!!!

Are you an April fool? I doubt it. Why limit yourself only to April?

Moby said...

Cant wait for the swampland to be razed & made way for beautiful new development!!!

Evan! I'm not going to warn you again. STAY AWAY FROM QUEENS CRAP!!!

Your lovin' Mom

Anonymous said...

Queens Crap has, indeed, proven to be quite a large thorn in the sides of political pond scum like the Stavisky dynasty and the remaining Manes clan..."granny" Shulman being its current leader.

"Up yer butts with a knoby dildo"

Isn't that what the judge really meant with this ruling?

Anonymous said...

Cant wait for the swampland to be razed & made way for beautiful new development!!!
who the hell is Evan???
cant wait to move outta this lousy city, its gone to the dogs!

Anonymous said...

cant wait to move outta this lousy city, its gone to the dogs!

Buh bye!!!

Nobody's evan (even) gonna miss ya, troll!

Anonymous said...

Cant wait for the swampland to be razed & made way for beautiful new development!!!

Yeah but ya didn't have to burn it down!!!

Anonymous said...

who the hell is Evan???

First he can't figure out where he lives. Then he feigns amnesia!!?!!?! What a sick pup.

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